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Breaking Bad says free, but...

Breaking Bad says free, but...

Hi I just recently started watching breaking bad. The first 3-4 episodes were free but then it started wanting 2 creds for each one... is this normal?


Never mind... I just refreshed and and now it says 2 are required... quite under-handed.


Reply 1#1 ericafraser's post

It was free, but has been moved out of the free section. It's not underhanded. All newly added shows are only in the free section for a limited time. You should always doublecheck, especially shows that have been free for a while.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 2#2 ericafraser's post

Shows get moved when new show are added and unfortunately there no timetable when a particular show get moved and it usually depends on when new show get added. The annoying thing about this is that some months there hardly any new show added than all of a sudden new show get added weekly. The best advice is to keep track on when a new show you like get added-don't delay don't tell yourself I will watch it later if it's free and added watch it as fast as you can while it's free . That what i do. if your busy than allocate 3-4 hours on a weekend- hell if you love a show wake up 6am watch it

