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RealPlayer Troubleshooting Guide (Solutions & Tips)

Regarding Users with Vista having issues with realplayer.

I personally have windows vista home premium, I use realplayer V11 and firefoxV2. When I first had them both installed the shows I tried to watch made firefox crash and ultimately also realplayer. I will tell you I was not a happy bunny, but i have found something out that no one on this site have mentioned yet, and that is the fact that with vista, whatever doesnt work properly, uninstall and reinstall making sure you are instaling it as administrators. i do not know why that should make any difference, but it has for me on many many things. And realplayer 11 is great, never have any problems...well not any that arent caused by the server being full anyways. Well I thiught I should add this here anyway. If you have problems when you are on vista just try reinstalling it as adminstrator. Cheers!! Hope someone gets some use out of my tip.
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  • Milks26 Points +2 Thanks for providing info that can be us 1-13-2008 15:09

