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Covert Affairs Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

What's The Frequency, Kenneth?

Annie really should of known better but to actually meet him without telling anyone was risky


Reply 52#52 bala's post

I loved this episode and especially the end when he asked her if she let him lift her wallet.
But I think it was great that he got promoted and I loved that Annie didn't drop him after CIA stopped backing them up.
Poor Auggie. I really feel sorry for him with his girl leaving to a dangerous place to help people.


Reply 52#52 bala's post

Kenneth might of done his homework on Annie and her job at the museum but for the MI6 agent knot knowing her job was a cover and she worked for the CIA i thought was amusing


2x16 Letter Never Sent

What a time for a operation to go pear shape when Annie and Danielle are on vacation in Stockholm especially when Danielle is mistaken for a spy


Reply 55#55 codebreaker's post

Yeah but i liked how her two lives intervened and it's good thing he missed Annie or it would more difficult to get package back


Reply 56#56 bala's post

It was a good thing he missed Annie considering he killed the real courier


Episode 1: Begin The Begin

This was a very good season 2 premier, I like how this episode got straight into the action with gunman trying to kill Annie and an injured Ben at the hospital, I found the comment Auggie made about Joan not being any fun to be around a little funny, I swear Annie sounded paranoid regarding Nadia being in trouble, I liked the twist when it turned out Nadia/Nadia's coach was going to kill Alo Morozov, It might just be me but Danielle has to learn the truth about Annie this season, I'm interested to see where the storylines involving of Ben & Arthur go in this upcoming season.


Episode 2: Good Advices

This was a really good episode, I liked the scene when Annie learned she was being sent to Paris because of her reaction, I loved the reaction by Auggie when Annie told him she spent €6000 on a handbag, I wasn't expecting the asset Salma Devrient to be killed but it did help develop the storyline, my favourite scene was of Annie saving Eyla Levine's life who surprise surprise returned the favour instantly, I thought Auggie did a pretty good job of being in charge, I was unable to stop laughing every time I saw the scenes of Joan on jury duty annoying the hell out of everybody.


Episode 3: Bang And Blame

This was nearly a great episode, I knew straight away when we first met Dr. Scott Weiss that he would be a love interest for Annie, I was real impressed with Annie making it to the Exit door without having to use a gun like all the other recruits, I loved the comment Auggie made to Gideon about him not being an intern, It was quick thinking of Auggie to help Annie out of that sticky situation of being in Roy's room, my favourite scene was of Annie & Corey fighting in mid air, I didn't peg Corey as the traitor so it came as a nice surprise, I hope the whole Arthur storyline is revolved soon as its dragging on a bit now.


Episode 4: All The Right Friends

This was a great episode to watch, I liked the conversation Annie had with Carlo Reni on the plane before the exchange went south, I continued to be intrigued by the conversations Annie & Carlo had while on the run from an assassin, my favourite scene had to be of Annie driving straight through that Police road block, the scene when Annie attacked that cop and then said sorry afterwards was kind of funny, I cant wait to see where the storyline of Auggie taking a promotion to run his own department goes, I can see Jai becoming a problem for everybody later on with his current attitude.


Episode 5: Around The Sun

This was a pretty good episode, I didn't like the Reva character at first but I then started to like Reva because of her outlook on things, I loved the reaction by Arthur when his lawyer came and went in a flash and all he spoke about was Coffee, I thought the NASA case was good but it had room for improvement plus It was missing those action scenes, I did like the 1 action scene we got of Annie fighting that woman near the end, I didn't get the storyline of Auggie taking the promotion and then leaving it in the space of 1 episode, my favourite scene was the ending family time Annie had.


Episode 6: The Outsiders

This was a great episode, I found It really funny how Annie continued to try and pretend she was a Canadian tourist, I would love to know how Joan knew about Jai having a job interview in Germany, my favourite scene was of Annie & Reva making their escape from the bad guys, the scene of Auggie getting some help to stop Danielle digging any further into Annie's cover story was brilliant, I loved the scene of Annie & Reva jumping from that cliff but that must of caused serious pain to Reva with her hurt ankle, I think I might actually miss the Reva character but I guess she could always return at some point.


Episode 7: Half A World Away

This was the best episode of Covert Affairs to date in my honest opinion, I absolutely loved all the flashback scenes we got of Auggie's past life in the Military, the scene of Auggie & Nasir/Khani fighting was good but a little too short for my liking, I really liked the scene when Auggie walked off the plane after handing over the Nasir/Khani to the FBI because of the look on Joan & Annie's faces, my favourite scene was at the end of Auggie & Annie talking about his past, I liked the Franka character and her interaction with Auggie was outstanding to watch.


Episode 8: Welcome To The Occupation

I thought this was another great episode, I do like the Annie & Dr. Scott Weiss relationship storyline but for it to mean anything it needs a bit more screen time, It was great to see Joan do some field work in this episode and hopefully it wont be the last time we see that happen, I liked seeing a different side of Arthur in this episode when it came to him being concerned for Joan, my favourite scene was of Annie & Ben taking down Delgado & George with Joan also fighting,  It was good to see Ben Mercer again but I have lost all interest in his character, I am interested to see where the Henry & Jai Wilcox storyline is going.


Episode 9: Sad Professor

This episode was good, I found it funny how Danielle was trying to follow Annie to work, the scene when Arthur informed everybody that a CIA Agent had been killed was brilliant because of how everybody stood in absolute silence, It was so stupid how Annie was recruited by her professor because that happens in so many spy shows, my favourite scene was near the end when Arthur gave a touching speech before giving Safia a medal, I would say the interaction between Annie & Safia was the reason for me finding this episode boring, I did however love the fact Danielle is growing more suspicious of Annie.


Episode 10: World Leader Pretend

This was in my opinion a great episode to watch, I liked how this episode started with Auggie teaching Annie some hand to hand combat, I thought the scenes of Annie & Shen Yue talking were the best thing about this episode, my favourite scene however had to be of Annie revealing to Danielle that she works for the CIA, I loved the scene of Arthur threatening that state department guy and I also loved the scene of Annie using Auggie's training to stop Xi Pang, I'm really looking forward to seeing where the storyline of Danielle knowing the truth about Annie being a spy goes from here.


Episode 11: The Wake Up Bomb

This was a really good episode, It might just be me but these last few foot chases in Covert Affairs have sucked and the one to start this episode off was no different, the scene when Joan basically told Annie it was OK for her to sleep with the  Latin guy to determine whether he was a threat was brilliant, my favourite scene was of Annie fighting her way free from 3 armed men in a car, I for one think it would be great if Annie ended up moving in with Auggie and making that her new safe house, I have to admit I'm really liking where the Jai storyline has taken us.


Episode 12: Uberlin

This was a very good episode because it was Arthur centred for a change, It was great how this episode started with Annie following Elsa Von Hagen who then made her and asked for a meeting with Arthur, It may just be me but the best thing about this episode was seeing Arthur out in the field, my favourite scene was of Annie talking Arthur into saving Elsa, I loved the sub-plot of Auggie attending a party of sorts to remember one of his fallen friends Billy and meeting his sister Parker in the process, I for one really liked how this episode ended going between 3 different storylines.


Episode 13: A Girl Like You

I have to say this was a very good episode to watch, I liked the reaction by Annie when she found out it was Eyla pretending to be a CIA Agent, I personally thought that the scenes of Annie & Eyla working together was the best thing about this episode, my favourite scene was the hotel shoot-out and fight that took place, I'm actually beginning to like the Jai character again because of his new attitude, I did like the whole Auggie & Parker storyline and it will be interesting to see how it ends, I loved the scene of Auggie informing Joan about his relationship with Parker because of how Joan reacted.


Episode 14: Horse To Water

I really liked this episode but it was also a little boring at times, I liked the intensity shown by Arthur when he called Joan and said that Max Langford was behind the murder of a Russian Asset, I actually found the scene of Auggie & Jai talking over drinks quite interesting, I didn't trust either Grace or Bebe Langford so it was no real surprise that Bebe turned out to be the bad guy, I said in the last episode I started to like Jai's character again well I don't like him now after he stole some of Auggie's operatives, I think we might be getting close to seeing Annie carrying a gun based on how this episode ended.

