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Covert Affairs Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Well, she got caught, luckily for her he wasn't the mole. But I really thought it was her roommate. Though that would have been too obvious. But the privileged guy, I didn't see that coming. And the parachute being cut and then dropping. She was lucky that she could hold on to him.


2x03 Bang and Blame

That was a close call with the flash drive but Auggie is great at quick thinking like the phone call to security and what a time to find out who the mole was just before the jump


Reply 14#14 codebreaker's post

Yeah as soon as they reveal the instructor wasn't the mole i thought it was him because he seem he hated his dad (Who was CIA)  hence why i thought he was the mole.


2x04 All the Right Friends

Interesting episode with Annie and Carlo having to evade arrest and figure out who set them up before the assassin can catch up with them, nice driving from Annie especially through the police road block but dropping the key to the hand cuffs made for an amusing final fight scene and i wonder what Auggie will decide


we already know (or at least strongly suspect cause it was implicated). He took the job to be able to extract Annie. But I think Arthur is setting him up to take the fall for him and I really don't like it. I wonder what Annie will say when she hears it. Cause she knows how badly Auggie wanted to go in the field and now he will never be able to do that anymore and basically it's all because of Annie. But I wonder why they didn't choose Jay. Would they suspect that it's his father who's the leak? And nice shot from the policemen at the end between Annie and Carlo straight killing the assassin.


Around the Sun

Well loook like  Auggie back but new girl look like she will stick around since she#'s in next week promo.


Reply 18#18 bala's post

That was a close call with the surveillance equipment


The Outsiders

Well this was an average episode you just knew somehow they would be some trouble but nice rescue with the motorcycles and guessing leaving an interview mean he didn't get the job


Reply 20#20 bala's post

I loved that we got to see Jay in action. And I like the new girl, I just don't think we'll see her that much because she's not really a great field agent.


Reply 20#20 bala's post

I liked the way they covered up Annie passport problem and convinced her sister everything was OK but the way she wanted to see the passport when she got home was strange


Reply 22#22 codebreaker's post

Well she wanted make sure she's not lying but i can't wait to see if she will ever find out Annie is CIA.


Half a World Away

Fantastic Auggie episode i love how he used an air hostess as a spy


Reply 24#24 bala's post

The air hostess saying cant you see that won't fit was amusing but at leased he made good use of her eyes and Auggie recording the voice of the guy who blinded him was interesting especially with the background to what happened, Auggie saying goodbye for the first time was suspicious but good catch by Annie


Reply 25#25 codebreaker's post

Annie is rather sharp when comes to things.


Reply 26#26 bala's post

I loved the auggie episode!! I think it's great that they showed us a bit more background into all of that and the end with the picture was great!!


Welcome To The Occupation

Another good episode with Joan going into field to rescue her friend but i liked how Annie handlered Ben


Reply 28#28 bala's post

well, first we got to see Jay in action, then Auggie and now Joan. what will it be next episode
But I'm wondering what Jay is going to do now his father threatened him and I'm wondering why Annies sis looked so strange when the doc said that annie worked in a museum.


Reply 29#29 kellemanske's post

It's a lie she told her sister she works Smithsonian but she told that guy she works in the museum. Those two places are different.


Reply 30#30 bala's post

I thought the smithsonian was part museum, part research. And annie needed to find everything for the expositions.


Reply 31#31 kellemanske's post

i am looking forward to the episode where she finds out about annie ideally she gets kidnap by one Annies enemies she had made.

