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Haven Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 37#37 bala's post

I don't think that is it. She would have stayed in Haven if he hadn't come too. So why would he want to push her to go away. Then there would be a small chance that she would still go away...
I think her boss and the chief both have something to do with the troubles. And they know more then are telling.
Maybe they even know what they need to do to stop the troubles.
I am wondering what they were looking at. What does she deserve? Something good or something bad? I think something good because they both care about her and they both need her for the obvious reason, saving Haven, but also to heal them. I think they both have a gift/curse and they both know what is going to happen if she can't save Haven.


this was an interesting episode!!
but I don't know if it really means that she is Lucy, but it is possible. If she can make the guy visible, maybe she can slow time thereby aging very slowly which would explain why she looks the same as so many years ago...
But it looks like we will get all the answers next episode.


I think that Julia isn't the one that is going to kill Duke because she has her tattoo on her shoulder and not on her arm, but she is holding something back or she doesn't know herself...
I wonder what is going ot happen now that the chief isn't holding Haven together anymore...
He said he was waiting for Audrey/Lucy but he didn't tell her anything she needed to know.... Is Nathan going to be able to hold Haven together with Audrey/Lucy's help and what is that with the new Audrey and it was funny that she reacted exactly the same way Audrey/Lucy did when she just got to haven .
Can't wait to see what the new season brings and I am curious to find out how the newspaper brothers are involved...


I agree, they brought in a whole new twist and the new chief voting is going to be interesting when the priest has declared war. And Duke's wife is going to cause throubles, so is the new Audrey. I wonder whats up with that and I also wonder about the different bosses. But the new Audrey saying the old Audrey went to the candian border is not going to hold very long. And I wonder who the other boss is. We know he has something to do with have because of the first or second episode last season when he made the call I don't think it's alternative reality, cause then there would have been some differences in their memory.


Reply 15#15 bala's post

I kind of feel sorry for Nathan because he is just too late. And I like the Chris character. This was a nice twist with needing one of each family to cause the troubles. And Chris is right, it is pretty amazing that Audrey got 2 families who were fighting for 50 years to find eachother again.


Reply 19#19 bala's post

I'm curious if Parker was breaking up with Chris, cause it felt a bit like that. And I think she is realizing that she has a real connection to the town. Because she's immune to the troubles. I'm really excited about this season


Reply 24#24 bala's post

yeah, but his wife working together with his enemy to get him to follow his father's footsteps is going to be interesting, especially since she has a lot of influence on him. I just feel bad for him that he is going to get his heart broken again. It doesn't look like he has had much luck in his life.


Reply 31#31 bala's post

yeah, but I hope that Duke realizes that that wasn't Nathans fault, but the Ref's
and I wonder who's going to be chief now...
But the battered wife standing up to the doc was great!


Reply 36#36 codebreaker's post

I think that this is what they meant a couple of episodes ago about not making the same mistakes as his father.
But was it the knife or the blood that started his ability?


Reply 41#41 bala's post

I don't think it was Duke who kidnapped Audrey. I think it was one of the newspaper brothers or one of the Ref followers;
But I'm wondering if he killed Duke. I hope not. But it was a surprise to find out who the tattood guy was. I still can't believe it. But this episode explained a lot. I just wonder, does Duke really have to kill the guys to take away their gift/curse cause the blood was absorped sooner then the guy dying. And Lucy/Audrey/... killing Dukes ancesters was a surprise.
Now I'm still wondering how much the brothers know and why they kept it too themself and I wonder if he was engaged to her.

