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Parenthood Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 13#13 bala's post

Amber was a bit over the top in asking her mother to lie about what happened at Halloween and Sarah offering herself to be one of the Severn was nice


Reply 15#15 bala's post

I'm sure most people would hit someone for saying that about their child and what was Sarah thinking by staying out until sunrise the next morning without letting anyone know but trying to sneak in was funny


Reply 17#17 bala's post

It was a shame that Max wasn't invited to the birthday party but as the girls mother said her daughter deserves to have the party she wants, Kristina frantically attempting to obtain a birthday invite i think was wrong


Reply 19#19 bala's post

Once the girl explained why Max wasn't invited it shouldn't of been pursued any more


2x10 Happy Thanksgiving

That was unfortunate timing for Gordon's news about selling the company and Hattie and Alex look like they are getting closer but the crazy family dance at the end was funny


2x11 Damage Control

That was nice when Kristina and Adam were getting to know Alex at dinner with Haddie and Max and some Max's questions was amusing but he handled it great it's just a shame they don't want Haddie to see him. Crosby having trouble teaching Jabbar to clean his room was terrible parenting but he got there in the end


2x12 Meet the New Boss

Amber's graveyard song was nice Alex / Chloe's first date was nice because he remembered what she liked


Reply 27#27 bala's post

His new boss is strange but he must have a vision of where he wants the company to go


Reply 36#36 bala's post

Taking the bedroom door away was a bit extreme especially on a teenager girls room, the play was enjoyable and I'm glad Jabbar's was able to get over his stage fright but Haddie going to her grans house was amusing


Reply 46#46 studiojek's post

Kristina and Adam arguing about Haddie's relationship with Alex and about loosing her did seem pointless considering they had already lost her to her grandmother and Adam getting high was amusing but if that was for real you would be annoyed


Reply 51#51 bala's post

Poor Crosby and his ten year vision after Jasmine was treating him like a second class citizen and changing the date of the wedding was over the top, asking Max to keep a secret was strange but turned out to be a good thing with Hatty moving back home and allowed to see Alex


Reply 57#57 bala's post

Kristina and Adam not realising that Amazing Andy also suffers with Aspergers was interesting and Julia and Joel working on adding to the family was amusing but Crosby cheating with Gaby was a surprise


2x17 Do Not Sleep With Your Autistic Nephew's Therapist

I'm not surprised Crosby paying the price for his mistake and Gaby admitting why see quit was good but Adam and Kristina are now forced to deal with a huge problem that will affect Max's progress


Reply 69#69 bala's post

Explaining to him what he's got should be interesting


Reply 73#73 bala's post

It was always going to be hard to explain to Max about his Asperger's Syndrome but that was unfortunate about the ride at the fair but not knowing about Max's problem he looked like a spoiled child having a temper tantrum


2x19 Taking The Leap

Good episode with Crosby trying his hardest to win Jasmine back by telling the school the nostalgia for their past and when Julia and Joel receive troubling news after a series of medical check ups which was sad


Reply 80#80 bala's post

Yes the swimmers was funny


2x20 New Plan

Crosby buying the house without asking for advice was risky but Adam coming around and saying we can fix it was nice


Reply 89#89 bala's post

Off all the timing for Haddie to accidentally dial her parents and Amber fighting her mother was bad but the accident was terrible


Reply 93#93 bala's post

Max 's behavior in the hospital was incredible and most of them controlling their frustration was brilliant but Grace and Julia was amusing, Adam finding the pregnancy test and getting the wrong idea was great

