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Modern Family Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

1x24 Family Portrait

Phil hanging up the phone on Claire while she was watching him on TV was priceless but then kissing Gloria and confessing when they were about to have the family portrait taken was stupid


Modern Family Season 2 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 2 Premiered September 22, 2010

Discuss Anything Season 2 Here


2x01 The Old Wagon

Letting the old station wagon roll over the cliff when it was going so slow was ridiculous and Mitchell with the jigsaw was crazy


2x02 The Kiss

What a shame for Alex when she asked Jeremy for a kiss with his friends behind the door and the boys running away from the printer was funny


2x03 Earthquake

Mitchell worried about dieing in his costume and Luke walking in to the wall after the wall unit missed him i thought was funny but since when did doubling 4 weeks being grounded equal 10 weeks


2x04 Strangers on a Treadmill

Haley giving Alex sisterly advice on how to be cool was amusing but Cameron and his unfortunate wardrobe choice didn't go down well with Mitchell


2x05 Unplugged

Claire and Phil declare a family challenge to see who can stay unplugged the longest but being conned by a fake phone and Gloria being referred to a parrot by the neighbor with the barking dog was funny


2x06 Halloween

All Haley costumes where short but Alex's comment after her mother offered money to Haley was funny and Mitchell had a disastrous day at work with his spiderman costume


2x07 Chirp

Manny's surprise visit to Jay's work leads to Jay having to fire Jack for allowing Manny to drive the forklift but Phil being taunted by the chirping smoke detector and Cameron picking up the wrong baby after the disastrous advert was funny


2x08 Manny Get Your Gun

Phil and Claire deciding to engage in a not-so-friendly car race to the restaurant and Mitch and Cam getting sidetracked when they stop at the mall was amusing


2x09 Mother Tucker

Cameron's mother being all over Mitchell was funny but i think dropping her bracelet in his bath was going to far


Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post

The old wagon was amusing but to think there going give to Hailey was amusing.


Reply 3#3 codebreaker's post

I was happy to see Alex actually act like a girl fall for a guy i mean she made a mistake but boy did come back they decided to take it easy .


Reply 4#4 codebreaker's post

Claire being trapped in bathroom was amusing and fact no one want help her get out was funny but when she break out the kids protect him.


Reply 5#5 codebreaker's post

The sisterly advice was great but Hailey saying  i love you to that girl was funny


Reply 6#6 codebreaker's post

The fake phone was great why didn't they check whether it was a real phone and fact that when she asked for the soap and she didn't ask what it is for fantastic.


Reply 7#7 codebreaker's post

Hailey costume were rather provocative i can't believe she pull all those outfits off very well. She did look rather adult in those outfit which makes you wonder what kind shop sell those type of outfits to teenage girl. The spider man situation was best part who would thought Mitchell pulling it off so amusing.


Reply 8#8 codebreaker's post

How can you pick up the wrong baby which is rather disturbing that they difference between a boy and girl i would understand both of them were girls.


Reply 9#9 codebreaker's post

Well the son misunderstand the parents about split up was rather amusing but when Claire find out she annoyed thinking he would like to be his dad instead of her because he's more fun but 4 cars all about hit each other was great timing since they all got there at the same time.


Reply 10#10 codebreaker's post

Yes it was going too far but Haley breaking up with her boyfriend than thinking he had found another girlfriend because Phil was wearing ladies top was amusing and than Haley confront him and dial the number was priceless.

