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The Vampire Diaries Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

2x11 By The Light Of The Moon

Jules putting Damon and Alaric in their place was impressive for a newcomer and it was good job she had figured there was something wrong with her drink and lets hope Elena don't regret her deal with Elijah


Reply 62#62 codebreaker's post

i had feeling more to her than meet the eye.


Reply 63#63 bala's post

I assume you recognised Jules


Reply 64#64 codebreaker's post

Actually i just checked and i do recognise her from One tree hill but i am surprised you recognised her


The Descent

Nice returning episode it shame she had to be killed off but Damon really took it bad .


Reply 67#67 bala's post

Bad Damon is back, but for how long!!?


Reply 68#68 shinny's post

Well he always was bad but tried hide it


Reply 67#67 bala's post

Rose was getting dangerous with her infection and as Jules said it was the only cure, Caroline did risk a lot in helping Tyler but her comment about everyone needs to stop kissing me i thought was amusing


Reply 70#70 codebreaker's post

She (Caroline) is become one of my favourite characters


Reply 70#70 bala's post

Yes Caroline is also one of mine as well ever since she was turned


Reply 71#71 codebreaker's post

I am going miss Rose it does seem writers like to kill the female character off the show i wonder when Caroline  will be killed off


Daddy Issues

Well a face off between Vampire and werewolves look like Taylor has picked a side but Caroline learnt a valuable lesson about trust in this episode. Who would thought He would save them


Reply 73#73 bala's post

Poor Caroline being used as bait but at least Tyler did the right thing in releasing Caroline and how come Tyler wasn't affected like the others


Reply 74#74 codebreaker's post

The witch only target the ones that were attacking  Damon and Stephan


Crying Wolf

Well another good episode but Elena knowing she wasn't going survive was a surprise


I hope Tyler isn't gone for too long. I like his interactions with Caroline.


Reply 76#76 bala's post

That would be some sacrifice from Elena to save her friends but i am looking forward to Jules getting her comeuppance


Reply 78#78 codebreaker's post

Yeah but she had no idea Damon had back up


The Dinner Party

Well nice flashback episode it was great lexie again and knowing how important she was to in helping Stephan become a better vampire and i still can't believe he killed her in season 1 just to protect their identity but i loved the twist at the end after killing Elaza she played him very well


I had a feeling when Katherine was telling Damon not to kill Elijah that she wanted him to actually do it. I was thinking it would break the curse! Next weeks episode looks interesting. The boys keep mixing the girls up!

