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Drop Dead Diva Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

4x08 Road Trip

Jane and Veronica outsmarting her former professor was great and what a scam with the guy in the wheelchair who claimed he was hit by a food truck but it looks like working that case has made them also look like they was apart of the money laundering


4X09 Ashes to Ashes

That initial looking at her fingers and thinking, "i'll just lick my fiancee off my finger" is what had me stumped!  Learning that the guy was poisoned was a great twist.

Jane and Owne!  So glad he came back.  So glad he didn't cheat.  Although, as someone he "loves" I don't know that I could tolerate him not having ANYONE as an emergency contact.  Someone should have known he went into a coma.  He should have called WAYYY earlier than he's healed and walking around.  They Brokeup which was not surprising to me because jane never get's happily ever after.

Perserverance:  Jane goes after owen and doesn't take NO.    YAY!  Happily Ever After
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 36#36 arksongbird80's post

I think you are being a little optimistic since i have feeling her perseverance is not going to work because you can't force someone to be with you it must be their own choice ?


Lady Parts

Well with the title like that i am not going discuss the case but the fact that at end she admitted it was kind of amusing .


Reply 38#38 bala's post

I totally didn't expect her to admit that was what it was and for the town council not to see it for what it was with all the MANY sketches she gave was just dumb on their part.
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 39#39 arksongbird80's post

Same here but her reason was amusing she needed to pay her rent


4x09 Ashes To Ashes

Eating her late boyfriend's ashes was bizarre but no wonder the step mother wanted them back and it's nice to see Owen back but his explanation was a surprise


4x10 Lady Parts

Grayson and Kim helping a former classmate accused of creating an indecent sculpture was interesting considering they excepted the sketches that looked like the statue but what she said after they won was amusing and what the devious lawyer working for the insurance company did was interesting


Family Matters

Well who would thought trying defend a sperm donor would be so tricky . Jane getting too overprotective is getting annoying and he will resent her in time and she will get her heart broken again but she did find out who the threat was.


4x11 Family Matters

Stacy being fooled be Owen and his Field of Dreams storyline about his father was amusing and the sperm donor case was interesting but the scam with the water was incredible


4x12 Picks and Pakes

Jane and her post-it notes to Lawrence were amusing and being one step ahead of the questions was great but his memory lapse were confusing until Jane found out he was ill, that bluff with the blank document was awesome and Stacy's bake off in court was amusing


Jane's Getting Married

OMG just when you think this show can't get any more complicated they do this but it's one thing put in someone body but put into another gender certainly will make next season a little bit more interesting. Who would thought she watching over her for the past 4 years .


Reply 46#46 bala's post

I have to say that was the WORST season finale ever!  Putting jane into owen's body before they can even find happiness was horrible.  Not to mention the whole grayson NONSENSE!  Can't we just get rid of grayson.  I mean really.  It's getting very menotinous!     n    Horrible  
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


Reply 47#47 arksongbird80's post

You really don't get how amusing this will be i am happy you are such a romantic you been watching this series for past 3 season Jane never has a happy ending so i really like it but did you notice that i didn't mention what happens. I didn't ruin it for other members who havn't seen the episode. This way my comment are usually vague.


Reply 48#48 bala's post

they know there are spoilers.  I can't be responsible for others.  Sorry bala.  Not really sensative today.  
I'm not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.


4x13 Jane's Getting Married

Jane getting over friendly with Mark forgetting she's not Deb was awkward and if Jane's soul has been keeping an eye on her body then were is Debs body, Stacy being a big fan of Paige turned out to be a blessing


Drop Dead Diva Season 5 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 5 Premieres June 23, 2013

Discuss Anything About Season 5 Here


5x01 Back from the Dead

Jane's dream of Owen being the real Jane was interesting but Owen moving like a woman was amusing and Kim's client was lucky she took her own photo but flipping the tables on the demand for $5000 was priceless and the new guardian angel, Paul is to vain for my liking


Reply 2#2 codebreaker's post

Well so glad it wasn't Owen and new guardian angel Paul is fantastic i really like him because Jane will have control him because you can imagine the situation he get up to leading to Jane to bail him out. I am not surprise no one wanted to be her guardian angel because how difficult she is Paul might actually make Jane more responsible ?

Copyright infringement law was clever work around considering she took the photo but there a lot site around so i wondering whether could same argument to get pictures down?.


Reply 3#3 bala's post

I thought the new guardian angel Paul was too far up his own ass over his looks

