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Warehouse 13 Season 1-5 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Episode 13: Secret Santa

This was a good episode but also a completely stupid episode, I loved what Claudia & Joshua had done with the Warehouse to give it that Christmas feeling, I laughed so hard when Artie kissed Joshua under that Mistletoe, I wasn't all that into the whole Pete & Myka tracking down a bad Santa storyline, It was both mean & sweet of Claudia to trick Izzy Weisfelt into seeing his son Artie, my favourite scenes were of Artie, Izzy & everybody else sharing in the Christmas Spirit at the end, I thought the special effects in this episode were amazing.

Why the hell was this episode made like everything that had happened in Episode 12 never happened which is what makes this episode so stupid in my opinion.


Warehouse 13 Season 4 General Discussion (Spoilers)

Season 4 Premieres July 23, 2012

Discuss Anything About Season 4 Here

[ Last edited by codebreaker at 8-7-2012 14:57 ]


Warehouse 13 Season 3 Bloopers / Gag Reel


A New Hope

Well after the way the last season left off we knew this would good returning episode but the fact Artry did what he did was great but it did come at a price . Will Cludia become the bad guy this season that's the way it's looking?.


Reply 2#2 bala's post

That is what it looks like, though HG seems back on the team.  I like Claudia, and it would be kind of cool to see her as the bad guy, with the mix of technology and steampunk
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


4x01 A New Hope

Claudia making fun of Artie was amusing and Artie being warned not to tell anyone about what he was going to do to save everyone was interesting


An Evil Within

Wow bring him back was interesting i am happy he's back but if he going turn into the Evil i be a bit disappointed they already killed him once shame for that happen twice ?


Reply 5#5 bala's post

I am starting to think that the evil isn't a person really.  I think it is making Artie paranoid and afraid that Claudia is evil, basically a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I am not asking you to dye your hair red and call me Mulder, I would simple ask that you could consider the possibility...


Personal Effects

Wow what a great episode but who would that that pipe would caused so much damage. Jinx finding out who he is linked Claudia was interesting. So glad they reveal Price so soon.

ps: Jim you put the wrong year in post 1


Reply 7#7 bala's post

Well spotted


4x02 An Evil Within

Strange how the wife touched the key and only her husband saw the monster I would of expected it to be the other was around and Steven coming back is bound to have some side effects


4x03 Personal Effects

Typical guy to use the artefact in the ladies changing room and Claudia feeling Steven getting a scratch on the neck was interesting, Jesse dying to save his brothers life was one hell of a sacrifice


There's Always A Downside

Great title for an episode since that's rather obvious with artefact but it nice to see different partnership than the normal duo


4x04 There's Always A Downside

Pete using the last marble to turn off the furnace was quick thinking and the musicians being blind to the barmaids attentions was amusing


No Pain, No Gain

Wow Pete wishing Mika was pregnant was rather amusing twist to the episode and we saw birth of an artefact and things are getting more interesting for Artie how long can he keep it a secret.


4x05 No Pain, No Gain

The woman taking the bullet for the baby was great but why the gunman thought the baby was a threat was bizarre and Mika's quick pregnancy was priceless



Well another good episode and now Claudia knows about the downside but ending makes you wonder if she is working with other man to get artefact from the warehouse ?


Very nice show and i watched all episode.


4x06 Fractures

What a way for Claudia to learn of the connection between her and Steven by stabbing herself through him


Endless Wonder

Wow Pete one night stand becoming a regent was a nice surprise there had too many warehouse agents so it makes sense they would make a regent but the fact no experience of the warehouse is odd would not make her suitable candidate if anyone should be regent it should Myka?.

