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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1960#1960 waterlilybarb's post

Oh men are huuuuge gossips but hate to admit it, they think it makes them seem girlie!


Don't forget to be nice to the kittie.....


Howdy girlies!  How's tricks?  Not much new happening in my little corner of the world.

And for our most recent visitor, I found a little something that should make you smile...

We're more concerned that the kitties should be nice to us than the other way 'round.

Welcome to the giggle box.  Stop by whenever you feel like it.  We keep it for a laugh, and who can't use one of those every once in a while?

Well, I'm back off to the salt mines.   Actually, I'm off to check the boards.  See y'all later!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


The salt mines?  I went in Salt mines once, in Austria.  It was pretty cool! haha


Reply 1964#1964 themegababe's post

It's an old saying that means I'm back off to work.   But there is a salt mine in my city.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey girlies, long time no see!

Just thought I'd pop in to say hi and hope that all is well. I've been neglecting the site recently preparing coursework to be looked at before my final assessment in a couple of weeks. Will probably not be back again until it's all over as the panic is beginning to set in

hugs to all!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hugs back at you Mel and every one

I've been very busy in work, so I've not had much time to be on here. Then I got a chest infection, which is something I haven't had in years. It's pretty bad one, but I'm a good healer so it will just take time. I hate taking antibiotics, so I'm refusing to go to the Dr + not to mention that it costs €50 for a visit now + whatever the antibiotics will cost !

That's about it from me. Hope you are all well !


Reply 1967#1967 shinny's post

Yikes to your chest infection and the cost of visiitng your doc! Hope you get well soon!

Hi Mel, hi everyone!

I've been busy with work and life too, so I've just been popping on and off.

It is super hot here in Italy, though they say temperatures should fall back down starting tomorrow. We shall see...I was just starting to get used to having summer around already!


It's getting warm again in So Cal.  We had that freak rain/tornado storm last week, which threw us all off!  Glad to be back in the heat again... for a few days. I know it will hit 110 soon and I will hate it all over again!

On the flip side, I've been thinking about baby girl clothes a lot.  I have a few friends having babies soon and I went to their showers.  Oh my gosh, baby clothes are just too cute!  I'm not ready for a baby, but i just love the little girl outfits.  Thoughts?


Reply 1969#1969 themegababe's post

I know what you mean about the baby clothes, though the outfits for little boys are getting better now.  Do our friends know what sex there babies are?  Generally I try to stay practical for baby showers, as all the little things add up.  If I can afford it and find an outfit that's really adorable, I sometimes get one dress.  Most people dress newborns in sleepers for around the house.  Onesies are great, you can never have too many of those, and unless you know your friends will be taking the baby anywhere (like if they are regular church goers) those really cute dresses often don't get worn since babies grow so fast.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I definitely think baby shower gifts should be PRACTICAL - a lot of my friends/family are pregnant or new parents and I know they appreciate diapers and basic stuff the most. Of course, some colored toys to stimulate the baby's intelligence can't hurt either!


Hey girlie's, I too haven't been able to come around as much as I'd like. My youngest daughter is here on her break from college, and she's helping me get healthy.

Oh, how I remember all the cute clothes both my daughters had. I remember having many outfits in their closets, from their showers. Friends bought outfits for as they grew, 6 mos, 12 mos, 18 mos...etc. I would look at them, and think how cute it would be when they grew into them. Now, I wish they never grew up, I miss those cute little girlie's. However, they are wonderful young women too, and there is so much joy & pride, I get out of being with them & knowing I raised them to be great women.

Hope everyone is doing well, and hope your chest cold is getting better shinny!!

Hugs and kisses to all!!   


Reply 1972#1972 gypsiegirl66's post

Hey Gypsy, thanks. I'm getting there. It's been a long one, but I decided to do it on my own and that's probably why it's taking longer !

Yep, girly clothing is gorgeous. But, having had 4 nephew's first before my little niece was born I agree with Barb; boys clothes are so much better than they used to be. We've such a varied choice here and they are very reasonable priced in a lot of the high street stores. But I do love buying little dresses for my niece and sending them over. My sis in law loves the clothes here, she reckons we have a better choice for children unless you are willing to pay a lot of dollars there (Australia)

Traditionally here in Ireland it's considered bad luck to buy things for the baby before they are born. But that's changing these days. People do kinda of stick to not buying clothes etc for the baby, but practical things like the buggie, car seats, a cot etc would be bought.

My sister found out the sex of her baby, she specifically asked. That's kinda rare here too. People generally don't want to know. Another superstition. Gosh, those Pagans have a lot to answer for !!  I would, I'd want to know !! lol.


Reply 1973#1973 shinny's post

LOL yes indeed! When and if I ever have kids I absolutely would want to know the sex! I don't  think you need to paint a room all pink or blue or anything like that, but I think it would just drive me nuts not knowing!


Reply 1974#1974 studiojek's post

Well I'm sure some parent love surprise not knowing -if you know in advance you impression change during last 6 months. if you knows it's a girl treat it differently to if it's a boy.


Reply 1975#1975 bala's post

I see you caved in and got a busy little signature line down there Bala!!

I definitely respect people not wanting to know and waiting for a surprise, but I just think for myself that the "surprise" of a birth is meeting this new child - seems surprise enough for me!


Reply 1976#1976 studiojek's post

at least it's small


Reply 1977#1977 bala's post

LOL well that's true, though there is movement in it!!


Reply 1978#1978 studiojek's post

yep i just like that scene in gossip girl


Reply 1976#1976 studiojek's post

I agree. I totally understand people who want to wait, but as you say, the little lady/gentleman being born is going to be surprise enough ! That's my practical side talking. It means you can be better prepared too !

