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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1919#1919 waterlilybarb's post

Glad to hear it Barb. Don't be setting that alarm let your body sleep all it wants while you can, all the jobs can wait you need to start getting your strength up for the big move.
Im at totally the opposite end I can't seem to stay awake I think the big weekend caught up with me!!


Reply 1921#1921 casper27's post

I don't usually set the alarm when I've had trouble sleeping, but I did have a previous commitment.  Thankfully it's OK.  I slept last night too, so I'm hoping I'm on a roll.  **fingers crossed**

I get like you are sometimes too - where all I can do is sleep.  In fact I'll probably go from one extreme to the other - but if it means I'll get rested, I don't mind
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I'm out of my meds.  Anyone feel like driving me to the pharmacy to get them?  Shinny, how about you?  Ireland's not THAT far from here.   I'm actually off to get them right now.  If I wait any longer I'll have a sort of seizure, and nobody wants that...especially me!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1923#1923 waterlilybarb's post

Well I know an airline I won't be flying on to get over to you, hehe. Actually, watching programs like that don't really bother me !! Three nights before we flew to Oz I was watching another one of the "Seconds From Disaster" program. They are really interesting because they look at what caused the crash and that's the interesting bit !


Reply 1924#1924 shinny's post

I don't know that I'd want to watch a show like that before having to fly.  

I got to the drugstore and back again, but it's been a little too long between doses.   I feel pretty crappy, so I'm off for a rest.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


i'm speechless
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal are reportedly on the brink of getting engaged.

A friend of the actress said the couple could make an official announcement at any time.

The source told OK!: "They've been talking marriage for a while. They'll be formally engaged any day now. They want to spend the rest of their lives together."

Witherspoon reportedly wants to take the relationship further for the sake of her children. She has daughter Ava, eight, and four-year-old son Deacon from her marriage to ex Ryan Phillippe.

The pal said: "This is a very serious relationship. But Reese is very conservative and traditional. I'm sure she doesn't want her kids to see her 'living in sin'."

The couple previously denied rumours of an engagement in January.


haha thanks for the gossip Bala!  

Why does it make you speechless?


Reply 1927#1927 themegababe's post

it's fact she can move on so easily i mean no offence to jake but if Ryan Phillippe.couldn't handle her does he think he will?-get involved with some who has kids from previous marriage-seriously i don't think he's ready step-father to her kids-man he still a young adult i just feel she is using him as her toyboy.

she capable women who really doesn't need a man  

i liked Ryan Phillippe. but jake i don't


Reply 1928#1928 bala's post

Well, nothing has been confirmed yet.  As you say, Reese is a capable woman, and a smart one.  I highly doubt she would risk causing her children more heartache by marrying someone she didn't feel could be a good step-parent to them.  We only know their public persona's, not what they're really like in everyday life.  I'm sure if the rumours turn out to be true, they will work hard to make their marriage work.

And who said that Ryan Phillippe couldn't handle her?  We don't know all the details as to why their marriage failed.  It could have been that he was jealous of her success.  That's something that a lot of men find difficult to cope with.  Whatever the case, I'm sure everyone is keeping the children in mind, and making sure that they are OK.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1929#1929 waterlilybarb's post

we know reason why the marriage failed he couldn't handle her success


Reply 1930#1930 bala's post

If that's truly the case, then Reese would be smart enough to talk about that with any potential partner before remarrying.  If she & Jake do get married, I'm sure that it would be after all the serious issues are addressed.  She is quite a traditional woman, and I really don't think she'd be foolish enough to marry someone who had the same issues as her first husband.  

When it comes to second marriages, people go in with their eyes much more open than their first.  They know what problems can arise and look for someone who can be a real partner in the relationship.  Of course, it's nicer if that happens with the first marriage, but unfortunately, it doesn't always happen.  

If they do get married I wish them much happiness and luck.  Celebrity marriages must have some of the highest divorce rates out there.  Hopefully they share the same values and really love and respect one another.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1931#1931 waterlilybarb's post

yeah your right she's older than him right?

i would never marry second time around -if my first marriage doesn't work I'm just going get on with my life.


Reply 1932#1932 bala's post

Yes, she's 4 years older than him, which isn't a lot.  Everyone's different, and I think it depends on what broke up their first marriage when they are deciding whether or not to marry again.  Some people really like being married, so they take what they learned from the first breakup and use it to not make the same mistakes the second time around.  

Of course, some marriages break up because one mate is a cheater or abusive.  In that case, oftentimes the innocent party didn't do anything wrong.  Hopefully, if they choose to remarry, they would just be wiser in their choice of mate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


guess who finally got a meez??  haha  how do i make it smaller tho, mine seems HUGE! haha


Reply 1934#1934 themegababe's post

Aren't you looking cute today?   To make it smaller choose the option 175x233 (animated) in select a size for export.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1932#1932 bala's post

We never really know how we'll deal with things, the people we'll meet, what the future holds, so never say never bala!!


Reply 1936#1936 studiojek's post

your right about the future but I'm type of person that if thing works out first time i give up


Reply 1937#1937 bala's post

And you are only 24/25. What you think at 25 can be very different to what you think at 35, 45, 55 etc. As you mature and your "ideals" change somewhat. I know mine have.


thanks Barb!  Today I'm dancing in my dancing with the stars outfit. haha


Reply 1939#1939 themegababe's post

I noticed.   Lookin' good there girlie!   I'm vegging out on the couch and will be watching Lost later...if I'm up for it.  I set the VCR just in case.  Well, actually, I always tape Lost, even when I watch it because it often needs a second viewing to get everything that happened in the episode straight in my head.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

