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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1900#1900 waterlilybarb's post

Every bloke should be able to cook a Saturday morning Fry up. Bacon, Sausage, Hash Browns, Mushrooms, Beans, Scrambled Eggs, Black Pudding, tomatoes and Toast.
Served with fresh orange juice and a cup of tea. Thats what im making us for breakfast to soak up my hangover!! Dam that demon drink


Reply 1901#1901 casper27's post

That's a British breakfast that can leads to a heart-attack mate

i'm more of cereal guys at breakfast

Casper-i don't drink so i never had a hang-over i taste my first beer was i was 18 and i didn't like taste so give up on alcohol.


Reply 1902#1902 bala's post

I sometimes wish I had give up after that first sip. Especially on mornings like this!!


Reply 1901#1901 casper27's post

That's not bad (minus the black pudding - ICK) every now & again, but Bala's right, that's what I call a heart attack on a plate.   I have the occasional drink - always in moderation, so thankfully I've never been in need of the hangover breakfast, but I like a good fry up once in a while.  I sometimes do it for supper (or tea) rather than breakfast, since I'm more of a fruit and muesli girl for breakfast...with a nice strong cup of tea, of course.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1904#1904 waterlilybarb's post

Exactly Barb everything in moderation. Im a very fit bloke and am usually very health conscious because of my job (You can't wait around the beach with a pot belly). I have to have my little indulgences though    Which I didn't indulge as much last night though!!


Reply 1905#1905 casper27's post

Well I hope your fry up has you feeling better in no time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1901#1901 casper27's post

You've made me really want a fry up now Casper! I very rarely have one but I do like to indulge once in a while. Mine would be minus the black pudding, egg and mushroom but the rest of it sounds great. (I'm a bit of a fussy eater!) I won't be having one though because we don't have any of that in the house at the moment.
We don't have much milk either so cereal is out. Guess it'll be toast and fingers crossed there is enough milk for us all to have a cup of tea!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1907#1907 meljones_83's post

I know, I'm starving now too!!


Me too.....*drools* !!


Reply 1909#1909 shinny's post

Me too, and I haven't even slept yet.   I have eggs, but they give me migraines, so they're out.  I'll probably make a fruit, yogurt & soy milk smoothie.  If I'm not full after that - though I usually am, I'll add a slice of whole grain toast.  I could murder a cuppa tea, but I'm getting desperately afraid of having any caffeine, as this insomnia is just getting worse.  Can't see the doc 'til next week, so I'm just hoping I get some sleep this weekend.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1910#1910 waterlilybarb's post

I love my cuppa tea too, but I actually have the caffeine free variety. You can't tell the difference. My Dad (a massive tea fan) reckoned he could, so I made him tea with the caffeine free bags and he had no clue !!!

Here's some "fairy dust" to send you off to sleep.


Reply 1911#1911 shinny's post

HA!  I CAN tell the difference.  My friend buys caffeine free tea, and she didn't tell me.  It didn't taste right so I asked if she had changed brands.  It might be because I drink my tea black though, and quite strong.  All you taste is tea, and if it doesn't taste right, I can tell.

I have many herbal teas that I do enjoy though, but sometimes you just want the real thing.

I wish that fairy dust would really work.   I feel so crappy because I didn't sleep at all last night, and it's almost noon now.  I'm tired but not sleepy, which is a highly frustrating combination.  By 5am I gave up and got out of bed - after lying there for ages.  I washed the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, dyed my hair and scrubbed the bathroom tub & sink - all by 7:30am...oh yeah, and I watched the new episode of Numb3rs that I taped last night.  I was wondering why it took so long to do those things when I saw it down in writing.  I suppose I could watch this week's ER, since I taped it too and haven't watched it yet.

It's such a nice day, I was hoping to do something.  Feeling like I do (like I could puke) I'll probably stick close to home.  I sure hope I can get a nap in some time today.  If not, I'll be here for sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1912#1912 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, so sorry to hear that. I know i've said this a few times before, but I don't know how you cope with not being able to sleep. My Oz experience (several weeks ago now) still has me shuddering at the thought and that was only a couple of days !

I guess the best thing is just to take it easy and rest even though you are not sleeping. I know there is no substitute for sleep, but at least if you are not physically doing too much, you might feel a little better.

You could always try my "Oz Remedy" tonight.....several glasses of chardonnay. (although I did pay for it the next day, lol)


Reply 1912#1912 waterlilybarb's post

Oh man that just SUCKS Barb.

I may have already asked you this, but have you tried acupuncture? My friend, the one with the awful headaches, started acupuncture and though it's not a panacea she's feeling a lot better.


Reply 1911#1911 shinny's post

Ha that reminds me of when we stayed at the in-laws. I went 3 days drinking brews then actually got off me bum and offered to make one only to discover that they only had decaf tea  bags and coffee. I swear from then on I could taste the difference even though I had not noticed it before I knew.
Sorry to hear that Barb, my wife suffers a bit from that but no were near as bad and it's not nice. She usually has the usual warm milk and honey but I guess thats out of the question. Try watching Episodes of Coronation Street that usually does it for me

Breakfast was amazing people I highly recommend one to kickstart any Saturday hangovers gone now!!

[ Last edited by casper27 at 5-10-2008 17:54 ]


Reply 1915#1915 casper27's post

I actually LIKE Corrie, so that wouldn't do it for me.  It's not on until tomorrow morning anyway, since it's hockey season, and they aren't airing it daily until June.   I have to tape the week's worth Sunday mornings and watch them later.

I've not tried acupuncture, but usually my insomnia isn't so bad.  I've had it off & on now for about a week and a half, but even though I have a hard time falling asleep, once I do, I'm usually out for a decent sleep.  Last night was a bust though.   I don't have any wine in the house, only gin, and that won't make me sleep.  I'll just veg out and rest, and maybe if I'm a good little girl the Sandman will stop by and drift me off to Nod for a few hours.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!



Well, I finally had a decent night's sleep.   I was so tired that I slept right through my alarm this morning.  I was rudely awakened by my downstairs neighbour playing some very loud, very bass heavy music.   Funny thing about it is, I was lying there - feeling the pounding bass through my head - and thinking "why is he playing that so early in the morning?"  When I took off my sleep mask and looked at the clock, I had to do a double-take - it was after 1 in the afternoon.   I'm hoping for a repeat performance tonight, but not of the wake-up call.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1917#1917 waterlilybarb's post

Glad to hear it Barb - here's to a good night's sleep and more to come!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1918#1918 meljones_83's post

Thanks Mel!   I'm ever hopeful for it, but have the doc on speed dial in case I haven't escaped the grips of this latest bout of insomnia.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


yay for sleeping, Barb!  Hope it continues to go well!  I'm sleeping, but it's not very restful.  Kind of a bummer.    haha

