What's the point of cutting your nails, they are only going to grow again? What's the point of tidying the house, it's only going to get dirty again. Silly, right?
Most flowers go down in the Autumn and depending on what kind they are they will flower in Spring and/or Summer. The point is that you can get three to six months of a beautiful colourful garden. Why wouldn't you?!
As for not being able to cook for yourself, I think that's really tragic Bala. Ok, so perhaps you marry a woman who believes that's her role. What happens if she gets ill and can't cook or you divorce or god forbid she dies, who's going to cook for you then? I think it's everyone's duty to be self sufficient. Being in a marriage is a partnership but sometimes those tasks cross over. For instance, my sister in law is better at DIY than my brother, so she does all the little jobs around the house. It's about realising what your skills are and doing them because you are good at it not because it's a "male" "female" role. That's just silly.
If you tried to cook Bala you might even find out that you are good ! Maybe better than your future wife even !