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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1880#1880 bala's post

That's good Bala that you are helping your Dad with the gardening. I'm sure he appreciates it.

I heard today that Israel is 60 years old (as an independent country) so happy birthday Israel. You don't look a day over 50


Reply 1880#1880 bala's post

If you're still living at your parents house, the least you can do is help with the yard work.  Cutting the grass was one of my chores when I lived at home.  I'm sure your parents appreciate it, and it won't do you any harm to get outside and get a it of "fresh" air into your lungs..though not knowing what part of England you live in, I'm not so sure just how fresh the air is.   I enjoy gardening, but don't have the energy for it, plus I live in an apartment building, so there's no yard.  I imagine I'll be gardening next summer, since I'll be living up north.  With the prices of everything rising, we'll most likely put in a veggie garden.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1882#1882 waterlilybarb's post

Well my Garden is currently NON existent. It's not the best layout and since there is an upgrade of the house on the cards (aka move to a bigger/better house); I'm not too bothered sorting it out now. I really want a house that has a nice flat back garden so I can mow it easily and have some nice flowers around the border......*Ah dreams*


Reply 1883#1883 shinny's post

Sounds nice.   Where my Mum currently lives we have to use a riding mower since the yard is about 2 acres big.  Then we have to use the regular push mower to do the areas around the house, since it's on a hill.  When I move up there, we'll be living somewhere else.  That's far too much work for either of us anymore...though I used to love it.  I'm hoping for a decent sized yard that's flat so we can have a nice veggie patch.  It would be nice to have a flower bed in the front too, as I do love how flowers brighten up a house and make it look cheerier.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1884#1884 waterlilybarb's post

I love the sound of that. I'd love to have a veggie/herb section in my garden too. My folks place is like your Mum's and my Dad has a ride on mower. You'd have to as it's too much to keep on it's own.

It's nice to have a garden, especially in spring when all of the new flowers open


Reply 1885#1885 shinny's post

Living in an apartment, I don't have one, but I live half a block away from one of the nicest parks in the city.  It has more than 10,000 plants, and from early spring when the crocuses peek out right until late autumn when the snow flies, it's always bursting with colour.  I love taking walks through it, especially in the evening.    The scent is so fragrant, you'd hardly know you were in the most polluted cty in the country.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1882#1882 waterlilybarb's post

I think i need clear something up i don't mind helping out around the house it's just i don't understand concept of gardening what is the point planting flowers in summer they blossom than by August they die and than you do whole thing again next year.

i also want make some else clear since it seem people have gotten the wrong impression of me since i think some people think spoilt brat which is not true i'm just lazy i know everything about maintaining a household except cooking and that my future wife job, if i willing everything else cleaning,ironing and occasional heavy lifting the least she can do cook my meals, right?


Reply 1887#1887 bala's post

What's the point of cutting your nails, they are only going to grow again? What's the point of tidying the house, it's only going to get dirty again. Silly, right?

Most flowers go down in the Autumn and depending on what kind they are they will flower in Spring and/or Summer. The point is that you can get three to six months of a beautiful colourful garden. Why wouldn't you?!

As for not being able to cook for yourself, I think that's really tragic Bala. Ok, so perhaps you marry a woman who believes that's her role. What happens if she gets ill and can't cook or you divorce or god forbid she dies, who's going to cook for you then? I think it's everyone's duty to be self sufficient. Being in a marriage is a partnership but sometimes those tasks cross over. For instance, my sister in law is better at DIY than my brother, so she does all the little jobs around the house. It's about realising what your skills are and doing them because you are good at it not because it's a "male" "female" role. That's just silly.

If you tried to cook Bala you might even find out that you are good ! Maybe better than your future wife even !


What's the point of cutting your nails, they are only going to grow again? What's the point of tidying the house, it's only going to get dirty again. Silly, right?
See that's different that is due personal hygiene-gardening has nothing do with that.  

As to cooking-i just not good at it, it look difficult

if i'm desperate i probably buy ready-made meals


Reply 1889#1889 bala's post

Putting the effort in at one stage and then you see the rewards at the other point. Of course it's worth it. It's like school. Studying at one stage and then passing at the next, what's the point of anything?!

Well you never know. My Mam did all the cooking when we were at home, but once we all left we realised we had a flare for it. My brother, who lives in Australia, does most of the cooking in their house because A) He's good at it and B) He loves it !

You say it's looks difficult, but try it out a few times and see how you get on. Like anything, it's only difficult when you don't know how !


Reply 1890#1890 shinny's post

you really don't know me I'm not a practical person so cooking would rather difficult


Reply 1891#1891 bala's post

Shinny's right.  Cooking is something everyone should know how to do, even if it's just the basics.  No one's saying you should become a chef, but basic kitchen skills are handy.  If you plan on having children someday (which I suspect you do), it would set them a good example to know that their dad can cook.  Even if your future wife does most of the cooking, what a great way to surprise her - or your Mum for that matter - by cooking a simple meal as a treat.  My Mum is the only girl from a family of 6.  All 5 boys could cook.  Some loved it, some didn't, but none of them had to order take-out everyday when their wives were ill or away.  And all of the kids - me & my brother included - are pretty good cooks.  Even my Grandad could cook a meal for him &  my Gran if he needed to.  It wasn't as tasty as hers, but it was edible and it showed how much he cared when he could see she wasn't feeling well.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1892#1892 waterlilybarb's post

What do you consider the basics are?


Reply 1893#1893 bala's post

You should know how to use the stove & oven, and be able to make at least one meal (for supper) properly - you can choose whatever type of food you like.  My Grandad could make a decent homemade soup, and could fry eggs.  Other than that he could open a tin or heat leftovers, but the soup was what made me smile, as it involved a bit of effort.    
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1893#1893 bala's post

I agree with the above stated bala, you should at least learn to make a meal or two. Even if it's just pasta with jarred sauce, or meatloaf, those are both simple meals. Baked chicken legs, or breast with a veggie, is another easy meal. There are no complicated recipes in any of these meals, and they are all good decent meals. So go for it bala, you may surprise yourself!   


I am learning to cook right now, Bala.  Being the wife and all, it's something I really want to do because my husband works hard.  Frozen chicken (or even fresh chicken) is super easy to cook.  Put it in a broiler pan (this will be essential for you, i use it ALL the time) and then cook it at 350 for 10 minutes per side.  20 minutes and you have cooked chicken.  and you can spread BBQ sauce on it before it cooks, or soak it in a marinade for 30 mintues before cooking.  Then just defrost some frozen veggies. Slice up some bread and butter it.  There you go, it's a meal and it's simple.

In my husband's defense. he always asks what he can do to help, and really tries to help me in the kitchen.  He also cooks breakfast almost every morning (I'm not a morning person) and he's on his own for lunch! haha


Reply 1896#1896 themegababe's post

Good for you Meg!  Easy meals are the best, as they're generally cheaper than fast food and faster than takeout and healthier than both.

Bala - I'm sure your Mum must have some simple recipes that you enjoy.  Everyone's taste is different.  Here, I know a lot of men who enjoy barbecuing, but if there's a dish you really like, you're more apt to learn it and make it from time to time, whether it be a traditional dish, or something like the girls mentioned.  It can even be fun, as you have a feeling of accomplishment when you've done it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


All this talk about food, made that Pop-tart I had for dinner, not so satisfying. So I whipped up some pasta, and tossed it in a pan of sauteed fresh garlic & crushed red peppers in olive oil. Topped it with a little pecerino romano cheese, and with the Texas toast I cooked, I had myself a fine meal.  8 mins for the pasta to cook, I sauteed the garlic/olive oil mixtuer and baked the Texas toast, all at the same time. This is one of my favorite (what I call) "quick spaghetti's". I also use the same recipe, adding a can of crushed tomatoes to the sauteed mixture,


Reply #1898 gypsiegirl66's post

Oh jeez Gypsie! No activity has been going on in the forum for the past two hours (other than talking to myself in the 30 Rock thread) so I decided to come here to see what's happening and I find you making us all jealous! I had pizza (as I do every Friday), but now with the mention of Texas toast, my dinner seems to have vanished... I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up tomorrow morning still craving Texas toast...


Reply 1898#1898 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm with Red.  When I read your post, I realized I hadn't eaten yet, so I made myself a very tasty salad.  I was going to make it chicken salad, but as it gotten so late I opted to add almonds to it for protein instead.  It sure was good, but your pasta dish had my mouth watering.  That's something I like to make too, especially in the warmer weather.  It's quick, tasty and nutritious - what could be better.  I'll have to keep it in mind for one of those days when I can't think of what to make - made all the more challenging by my general lack of appetite, but hey, a girl's gotta eat.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

