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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1860#1860 studiojek's post

With my fingers, as my Gran used to say.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1861#1861 waterlilybarb's post

Lol, I like that one. I'm going to have to start using it!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1861#1861 waterlilybarb's post

Haha!!! FUnny one!


Hey girlie's, wow it seems like a lifetime since I've been here, and so much has happened both here and in my own life. I'm not even sure what my last post was, but I'll bring you up to date to where I've been. You all know I was taking it easy after the awards (thank you to all that participated), for my Lupus, after that things went all wonky. My daughter had a stalker, so I was dealing with that for hours a day for a long while. We got that resolved, the stalker was expelled from school, and moved back to his home state.  Then, my hubby surprised me and we went to Costa Rica for 10 days. Where we own a condo, but ended up renting an amazing beach house on a private beach, where we just relaxed and watched the some of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. Oh, we also had several hot stone massages, a manicure and pedicure, I also had facial treatments. The homeowners have a service that comes right at the house. Something I'm going to be looking into for myself, here in the States. Then a day or so after we got back, we both were admitted to hospitals, we had contracted a virulent flu of unknown origin. I spent four days in ICU, my hubby spent two, we both came through and are doing well. I won't know if this has effected my Lupus, I was coming out of the worst of the flare-up, before this happened. I'm just grateful that we are both ok, it could have and almost did end up a lot worse. Well, I guess you're pretty much caught up, you'll be seeing me around the forum more and more as I get stronger. Can't wait to see, more of what has been going on here.

Barb and Penny, I hope you both get to feeling better soon, I know how taxing pain can be on the mind, spirit and body. Please take care of yourselves, and get the rest you you need to get through this trying time. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

A belated: Welcome back to Arielle!!
            Congratulations Kim!!

Boy it's good to be back!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 5-3-2008 18:28 ]


Reply 1864#1864 gypsiegirl66's post

Nice to have you back home!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1864#1864 gypsiegirl66's post

Wow, that is a LOT of stuff to deal with Gypsy. I hope you are feeling ok...I guess at least you got a nice vacation out of all that, as well as some nice time with your husband, and the knowledge that your daughter's not being stalked anymore.

Take care, I'm glad to have you back, safe and sound!


Reply 1866#1866 studiojek's post

Yes all of the above, thank you! By the way I love your new avatar, Wonder Woman was one of my favorite shows as a kid. My friends and I, loved playing WW too. Oh those were the days, such a simpler time. When all you had to worry about, was making sure your room was clean. Growing up has it's perks too, but way too many worries!


Reply 1867#1867 gypsiegirl66's post

I was (obviously!) a big fan too and loved climbing on the jungle gyms near my house pretending I was fighting criminals!

I think the payoff for growing up and getting older is that you lose that innocence, but you learn so much along the way - oh that and you can eat that piece of chocolate cake if you darn well please


Reply 1868#1868 studiojek's post

You can even eat it for breakfast if you want.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1868#1868 studiojek's post

and have an extra scoop of ice cream!! I could only have one, that was the rule in my house.

Hi Barb, hope you're feeling better, and was able to sleep some last night.
Scratch that, I see you've got you're sunglasses on.


Reply 1870#1870 gypsiegirl66's post

I DID sleep.  YAY!  I'm just fighting off an oncoming migraine, but what's new?

Other than that, I'm not too bad today.  The sleep did me a world of good, even though it took extra meds to knock me out.  I slept through my alarm and didn't get up until after 1pm, and I fell asleep around 3am, so that's pretty good.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1871#1871 waterlilybarb's post

That's great news, I will keep my that is an ongoing theme for you. You're due for some relief, and good rest!!

Are you having as much trouble with the pages loading on "this" site as I am? I'm getting a twinge in my head, just from the frustration, of waiting for the pages to load.


Reply 1872#1872 gypsiegirl66's post

Yes, the pages are loading quite slow today.  Maybe the techs are doing some behind the scenes maintenance.  It's a pain in the bum though.  If that twinge lingers - well, you know what I'm going to say.

I got the Babylon 5 About & Guides posted though, in spite of the slow loading.  Another thing crossed off my to-do list.  YAY!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1873#1873 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, that's great!! I think I'm off for a bit, I'll be back though, probably fashioning my sunglasses too! Stupid head!   


Reply 1874#1874 gypsiegirl66's post

I hear ya' sister!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1875#1875 waterlilybarb's post

Well, the break didn't help me one bit, I've got a full blown migraine now. Looks like it was the equator, that made the difference. I see we have the same mugs, they are actually quite similar to the ones I have. I've moved to our veranda off our master BR, we don't have a view this astonishing, but it ain't too shabby either. I think I'm off to bed though, after a quick look around the forum.


Reply 1876#1876 gypsiegirl66's post

Agh, I hope you feel better soon Gypsy! Same to you Barb, glad you slept


Reply 1877#1877 studiojek's post

Thanks studio.  This time of year is always a challenge.  Everything changes so quickly that my body doesn't have time to catch up, and gets thrown into a tizzy.   I'm fighting another migraine - nothing new there - and am really hoping it will rain.  I think we're in for a thunderstorm (YAY!) which would be great, since I often feel much better after one.   Plus, I love them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks from me too studio....
I've been out for a couple of days seeing Dr's and having tests, nothing fun that's for sure. Hopefully I'll get news that the flare-up is still on it's way out!

I hear ya on the thunderstorm front Barb, they always help the thumpin' in my head, and they're fun to sit and watch/listen to too boot. that one is headed in your direction, and that it relieves you from the banging in your head, right quick!!

I'm off to fetch another ice pack, hoping it's frozen already.  


I hate Summer particular Start of summer because i have to do all garden work like today i spend 2 hours cleaning out the 160 litre Fish pond trust me it stinks like hell. Last week i hate cut the Grass usually i would get my dad to all of this since it's his house but because of what happen in November his health hasn't been good.

