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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1839#1839 imarielle626's post

Welcome back Arielle!  Glad you had a nice time and were smart about your sunscreen use.  I recently read an article about the Dead Sea regarding the water & the mud.  That must have been nice and I bet your skin felt really soft after that.

I have trouble sleeping when it's not dark too.  Have you tried a sleep mask?  I use them all the time and find it has improved my sleep greatly - accept when I have a bout of insomnia.  Before I actually found one, I rigged one up myself by using a soft washcloth and a fabric headband to hold it in place.  It looks goofy, but it worked great.  Might be worth trying anyway.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1841#1841 waterlilybarb's post

I actually have a sleep mask, but I haven't been sleeping in my room and I had given my key to a friend because he had been up hiking since 2 am because of the heat wave so I couldn't get it from my room.  I did attempt to wrap the sheet over my eyes so I did manage to get some sleep.  I am also less dehydrated now and that also helped.


I was going to say, you can get a cute and fun sleep mask at Target for pretty cheap.  My bridesmaids and I went to the spa for the day, a few days before the wedding, so for their gift I gave them a little bit of a spa day to take home.  It had a face mask and little slippers and nail polish and lotion, etc. But most of it was from the dollar aisle at Target, or the 99cents store, and it was all so cute! haha  And that mud sounds awesome Arielle, I'm totally jealous! haha jk but did you put some into a jar to take home, or is that taboo?

and Barb, my friend is totally like yours.  Unfortunately mine has done some pretty rotten things, which is my Matt does not allow me to see her (for instance she blamed me for taking my husbands friendship away from her and also called the cops on us (because we "took" their cable, which I had been paying for and they weren't paying me back)).  But I feel you on feeling bad for her, I just her for her because I feel like she is going to be old and alone if she doesn't change. People are slowly seeing through this lie that she has created and then they get sick of it.  I pray that she doesn't end up alone with no friends, that she can figure out what is going on and change.

That being said, I'm so excited for the new Office and Grey's tonight!


Reply 1842#1842 imarielle626's post

Welcome back!! Keep hydrated!!


Reply 1843#1843 themegababe's post

That's a really nice idea. I'm trying to think of ideas for bridesmaids gifts at the moment, I want to try and spread out the cost of stuff that I'll be buying myself! I was trying to think of something personal and something like that would work well as I could give them both the same kind of stuff but also make it a bit more personal to them. Then I'd just have to find something for my younger bridesmaid. Thanks Meg!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Hey Girls!  Sorry I've been MIA from the forum this week.  I've had the mother of all migraines, and have been stuck in bed in the dark.  It's not 100% gone, but I feel better than I did.  Just didn't want you to think I fell off the planet.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1846#1846 waterlilybarb's post

I'm sorry you've been feeling sick barb, please take care of yourself! Thanks for checking in.


Reply 1847#1847 studiojek's post

Thanks!  I'm doing the best I can.  At least I was able to shower today.  YAY!  Small victory for me.    I'm still not well enough to actually watch anything...which is frustrating, because I REALLY want to watch the new Battlestar Galactica.  It will still be here when I feel better, and i know it's not worth the risk, but it's still a bummer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I really feel for you Barb. Migraines are no fun and you seem to have more than your fair share. Sending out 'feel better' vibes and hoping you'll be able to watch Battlestar Galactica real soon!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-26-2008 20:55 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1848#1848 waterlilybarb's post

I won't even try to give you any anti-headache advice, you've probably tried it all. Get some rest is all.

I like that image meljones! Looks like it's carved wood?


Reply 1849#1849 meljones_83's post

Thanks Mel!   I'm being good, and have been offline most of the afternoon, and will wait until tomorrow (hopefully) to watch the new BSG.  The "feel better" vibes are being felt all the way across the ocean, and though I still feel a bit rough, I'm at least able to stomach some real food today, and am well enough to stand long enough to make it.   It doesn't sound like much, but after the week I've had, little victories are delightful.

And studio - I'm resting...pretty much about all I can do, apart from the little bit I just mentioned.  I HAVE heard all sorts of remedies, and there a couple I still haven't been able to find to try, but not much works for the really bad ones...especially if I can't catch them before they become full blown.  It's a bit like riding out a storm and just holding on for dear life - thankfully, I always come out the other side - a little worse for wear, but in one piece.

I'm off again to rest some more.  Enjoy your evening girls!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1851#1851 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well again.  You are so young to be going through all of this all the time.  I have nerve damage in my back and I am in constant pain. So, I know what you are going through.  Being sick or in pain every day gets to you emotionally. You know what I love about you. No matter how sick you are, you always are the kindness and sweetest person to everyone. I hope that you start feeling better real soon!  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1852#1852 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny.   I can say the same about you.  You come here with an, albeit virtual, smile on your face and always make me smile.  You're right, it's no fun to live with pain.  I'm fortunate in that mine hasn't become constant - though during those bad times, it seems it.  

I'm finding that I can be a bit abrupt with people when I'm suffering a great deal, which is something I have to be careful of.  In person, people can see my face, and can tell my manner is due to my pain, but online people take every word at face value.  I'm working on that.   

Thank goodness, my head is OK today.  The rest of me is another matter, but when my head isn't pounding it's easier to cope with the rest.   I hope you're having a fairly decent day yourself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1846#1846 waterlilybarb's post

I have been there and you have my sympathy.   

Have you been suffering migraines for a long time?
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."  Adam Savage


Reply 1854#1854 munch's post

Unfortunately I've had them since I was a teen, but they have gotten worse over the years - especially as my general health has declined.  I have the misfortune of having the predisposition to them handed down on both sides of my family tree.  Lucky girl, me!    This time of year & when we change from summer to winter (with a couple weeks of autumn) are usually the worst, as the vast fluctuations in barometric pressure are one of my main triggers.  I avoid the triggers I can control, but can't do much about the weather.  C'est la vie.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Mel, I got a lot of stuff at the Dollar aisle at Michels. It's a craft store over here, but i don't know if there is anything comparable over in the uk. but there is tons of stuff online, especially ebay.  they have super cheap stuff. if you have an ikea near you, a cute idea would be to decopauge a picture frame for each bridesmaid. they come in packs of three for about 2 dollars (i think thats about one pound) here.  Just cut up tissue paper and then use mod podge (watered down glue) to make it stick to the frame all cute.  I love making frames like that.  and you could put their names on them too! haha


Thanks so much Meg, am trying to be creative with a lot of stuff like this to keep costs down and also to add a bit of a personal touch so that kind of thing would be perfect!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Just checking in to say "Hi".  I haven't really been around in a while.  Classes just started back up for me and I already have so much work.  I guess it is because of all the holidays coming up here.  Today is Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Memorial Day so I skipped class to got to Yad VaShem the Holocaust Memorial here in Jerusalem. It was a really nice experience.  Especially after getting back from Poland only two months ago.  I hope everyone is doing well.  Barb, I hope you are feeling better.  Well, I'm off to do some work now before I go away this weekend.


Hi all, I haven't popped in for a while either, hope everyone is doing well.

Arielle, if there was every a good reason to skip class then I think that's it. Glad to hear you went to pay your respects to all of those who lost their lives. It's something we should NEVER forget so it can NEVER happen again.


Arielle, that sounds very sad, I'm glad you went to pay your respects.

Mel, you could maybe look into making an online photo album for them,  sometimes there are good deals on shutterfly?

Barb, how you feeling today?

