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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1819#1819 studiojek's post

I love your avatar...Wonder Woman is a favourite of mine too.  I used to wrap tinfoil around my wrists and pretend I could stop bullets with them.

As for the name of this thread - it was initially called "Get Out".  After months of my badgering Gary (magic4u), he finally relinquished the thread to me, and renamed as a joke.  Personally, I think the title is quite fitting, so I've left it that way.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1820#1820 studiojek's post

Great avatar Studio. I used to love wonder woman. The best bit about Wonder Woman....her rope of truth. Can you imagine if that was real???


Reply 1822#1822 shinny's post

That would be cool, but I'd like her invisible airplane.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1823#1823 waterlilybarb's post

I would take the airplane, too! - though the rope might come in handy! That was the part of Linda Carter's life for sure!

As for this thread name, I like "giggle box" too - and it's pretty much worked at keeping the boys out LOL!


Reply 1824#1824 studiojek's post

It keeps most of them from posting at any length (though they are welcome to), but I know for a fact that many stop by and read what's in here.  I think they like to get a glimpse into a woman's psyche.  Maybe they think we'll reveal all our why, whe we're out, we go to the washroom in pairs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1825#1825 waterlilybarb's post

Lol, that is funny. I always find it funny when men say women are a mystery to them or women say men are a mystery to them. Having 4 brothers and 4 nephew's men are certainly not a mystery to me. Sometimes I wish they were,   !!


Ha! To be honest, most of the time I find the whole "I don't get the opposite sex" comments either - and a part of me thinks that they are an excuse. I'm talking men and women here, not just one or the other. I don't think it's that hard to 'figure' people's motives out, if you think about it for a second. Like, why do women often go to bathrooms in pairs? Well, easy one! Because it's an intimate girls-only thing, a chance to bond with a girlfriend where no boys are allowed, it gives us a private break from whatever we're leaving the table/party/bar from...I don't know, it seems pretty obvious to me!


checked in to let you know that the thrashing has kept the germs away so far and we find out that gypsie is a supermod (excellent!) and that studiojek got the job (shame on you for not posting earlier so we could properly congratulate you and commiserate that we'd be seeing less of you for a while but i knew that was the reason you weren't around much!) i've only had a few short projects lately and they've been keeping me busy enough! glad to hear your talents are being appreciated!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 1828#1828 sddvasquez's post

Nice of you to drop in.    It IS great that Gypsy got promoted & that studiojek got her new job.

The nice thing about this thread, is it shows how women are in general.  We root for each other and are glad when others accomplish their goals or are rewarded for hard work.  I'm not keen on the whole "mean girls" philosophy of life, though I know it's out there, and not just among teens.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1829#1829 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, I totally agree with that. It's nice to see that here. I do not understand women who try to hurt other women, for what? It really annoys me. I have two sisters also and if either of them are successful at something they are more embarrassed about me telling everyone than me be-grudging them! Same with my female friends. I never knock them for trying new things or if they get a promotion at work, tell me they are getting married, have a hunk of a new boyfriend etc !! I am so pleased and genuinely happy for them. Why wouldn't I be? They are my friends and I only want the best for them.


Reply 1828#1828 sddvasquez's post

Oops sorry!!  I thought I had popped back on with the news but I guess that only happened in my head Thanks for the congrats!

Reply 1829#1829 waterlilybarb's post and shinny's post

I completely agree here, supportive women are a powerful force and I'm not sure why we don't utilize that force more often! Obviously it has a lot to do with feeling competitive or envy. I guess if you're content with yourself then you don't feel the need to be competitive or envious of anyone and therefore can be supportive. Just my Psych 101, I will start charging soon LOL!


I don't have time right now to go back and read the posts from the past couple of days, but I just wanted to check in and say my midterms went very well and I am now very glad to be on break.  I am leaving early tomorrow morning for the desert so won't be on for at least a week maybe more.  I just found out it is supposed to be in the mid 40s (celcius) this week where I am going.  I'm going to die of heat!  but it'll be fun.  "See" you all when I return =)


Reply 1831#1831 studiojek's post

I think your Psych 101 is spot on.   Having grown up around strong women who know who they are, I find it easy to be supportive of & happy for the successes of others.  I think having a strong sense of self, as well as healthy self-esteem makes a huge difference.

Arielle, you'll be either in bed or gone by now, but have a great trip.  Quite a change from freezing in your apartment a couple months ago, eh? Try not to get sunburned.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1832#1832 imarielle626's post

In the mid 40's? Not so bad if you are by the sea or at a beach, but in the desert ! Yikes. Hope you have fun and tell us how you got on when you get back !!

Reply  1833#1833 waterlilybarb's post

Spot on Barb. I think that has a lot to do with it. Like you, I grew up with strong women. My Mam had to be, she lost her own mother when she was only 6 years old and had to take care of the family (she had 2 older brothers and one younger)


I have a few girls who share in my joys and they make life wonderful.  I also love celebrating with them and enjoying life together,  not putting each other down.  I do have an old  (I say old because she's now crazy and I'm no longer allowed to speak to her, direction of my husband) friend who used to get so jealous and be mean about things, made me not want to tell her anything good.  Or I would still tell her and make it sound better to piss her off (but see that's mean and just me playing her game and being mean!).  Anyways,  it is always good to know I can come on here and tell you all the wonderful things that are happening and know you are happy and supportive!  yay!


Reply 1835#1835 themegababe's post

LOL! Yes, it is really nice. When I was younger (in highschool and college) I wasn't very good at choosing friends and a lot of them were competitive and hated it when things went well for me - luckily those people aren't in my life anymore. As I got older, I made a lot of truly fabulous friends, all of whom cheer me on through everything, good and bad. I also think if you reap it, you sow it.


Reply 1836#1836 studiojek's post

I think we've all met people like that in our lives. I had the exact same experience with a friend who was jealous of everything good that happened to me. It took me a long while to realise that this person was toxic !


Reply 1835#1835 themegababe's post

It's good to have a man who cares enough about your mental health to keep the loonies away.

I think we've all come across those kind of people at some point in our life.  Thankfully, if we're smart (which we all seem to be ) we learn to spot the signs early and don't get close with people like that anymore.  It causes nothing but stress and grief.  I had a friend, whom I still love dearly and would help her if she needed it, who I just had to tell we couldn't be close anymore.  She could be very negative and it actually made my physical health worse to spend time with her.  She's become quite a lonely person, because most of her other friends have reached the same conclusion, but sometimes self-preservation is more important.

I'm out of here girls!  I have to go out this evening, and I'm going on a few hours of sleep, so am going to try and catch a cat nap.  Have a great evening and I'll see you all soon.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey girlies!  So I'm back a bit early.  It was just too hot in the desert and we were all starting to dehydrate so we came home.  Plus one of the festivals was a lot further away then we expected so we never made it that far.  But I am proud to be the only person who did not come back sun burnt!  I am actually really surprised because I am usually the first one to fry.  I guess I was just more conscious about re-applying.  The Negev sun is one of strongest in the world so I made sure to lather myself up good!  I hiked for about 4 hours the first day through waterfalls and springs and caves.  It is really a beautiful little oasis in the middle of the desert.  Then we hung out on the beach across the street where we ended up sleeping that night (not the best sleep, but free and available).  The next day we stayed on the beach half the day where we floated in the Dead Sea and covered ourselves head to toe in the mud.  The Dead Sea mud is really good for you skin!  Many beauty stores sell it, but it is expensive.  We just had to dig a little to find the good stuff Then we headed down to another beach where the concert was.  It wasn't the best concert, they had a lot of technical difficulties, but it was for a good cause (raising money to help kids in less than well off neighborhoods.  This particular concert was for Sderot, a town just outside of the Gaza boarder that gets hit by missiles daily).

Well I'm off to dinner soon, then can hopefully get some more sleep in now that the sun is going down.  I don't know why but I just can't seem to sleep unless it is pitch black dark no matter how tired I am.


Reply 1839#1839 imarielle626's post

Sounds like you had a good time. Shame about having to come back early but it sounds like it was the best thing to do. And I know exactly what you mean about not being able to sleep unless it's dark - I'm the same! My other half can sleep anytime, anywhere but I can't seem to sleep unless it's night and dark.
Hope you get your rest!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

