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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1800#1800 meljones_83's post

True, I am very lucky - but I went through a lot to get here. Almost 15 jobs in the 10 years I've been out of college!
Good luck with getting back on schedule mel!


Well that is good news for the rest of us! My job is pretty good but I wouldn't say I love it. I'm not one of these people who has to work. So many people say if they won the lottery they would still want to work as they couldn't find enough to do at home - if I won the lottery I'd quit straight away!

My aim in life is to get married, have children and be a housewife looking after my kids and hubby while he brings in the money! Sad but true.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1802#1802 meljones_83's post

Not sad - to each his own aim! I never really had an aim - never been very ambitious, but never had any big dreams about having kids either, though lately I find myself thinking a lot about that. Must be my age catching up with me

Mind if I ask what you do Mel (for a living I mean!)?


I am a teacher, unqualified at the moment and doing my training year. Actually I'm currently looking for a new job for September when I am qualified. Couple that with trying to acually become qualified by July and planning a wedding and I don't know how I manage to find time to sit on here as long as I do!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-13-2008 11:25 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1804#1804 meljones_83's post

Ha! Yes, I know what you mean, I have a lot less time than I'd like to hang out on here, chat and watch tv shows. I was almost relieved for the writer's strike because it gave me a chance to catch up!  Well good luck with getting qualified! And, I'm sure you've already said this a thousand times, but when's the wedding? Congratulations


25th October, the idea was that it would give me plenty of time after qualifying to plan wedding details, although we are doing quite a bit of planning already. We have plenty of people to help us though so we are very lucky.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Just dropped in to say hey.  I'm pretending to have long hair today - so my Meez can wear a ponytail.   Can you tell I'm a little punch-drunk from lack of sleep and a migraine hangover?   

I'm just amusing myself, so pay me no mind.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Saw this and it amused me because I had a friend who always used to say that a stranger was a friend you hadn't met yet - wish I'd had this response to her back then!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1808#1808 meljones_83's post

ROFL!  That is stinkin' funny!   I'll definitely have to remember that one and use it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1808#1808 meljones_83's post

LOL That's a good one Mel !! And unfortunately sometimes true


haha yup it's true.  oh shinny i love your new avatar!

ps we got a comforter from someone for the wedding and it was extra / not needed. so we put it under the mattress cover like a foam top, and it's better already!  Now i'm just sore from playing frisbee on saturday! haha


Reply 1808#1808 meljones_83's post

Ha ha good one! And, yes, sometimes true!


Originally posted by themegababe at 4-15-2008 15:36  
oh shinny i love your new avatar!
Haha thanks. I thought it was a good one alright. I'm know to be a bit sarcastic


Reply 1813#1813 shinny's post

I like the new avatar too.  I saw it on facebook yesterday.

Anyway, I've been a bit MIA for a while.  I just been really busy because it is midterms time for me now.  I have my last exam tomorrow then I go on break for 10 days which I will be spending at music festivals in the desert so I won't be around much for a while.

It seems like everyone is doing well.  Congrats on the SM status Gypsie!

Hopefully I'll be able to check back in a couple more times before my break, but if not I'll be back in 2 weeks.  I'm going to have so many shows to watch!  I am already five episodes behind because my realplayer is currently not working!  I can watch the first 30 seconds then it times out and I just don't have the time to fix it now.  Oh well It'll just be more to watch when I actually have the time and less of a distraction during my exams now.


Reply 1814#1814 imarielle626's post

If we don't see you around before you go, have a nice time at the music festivals.

I'm only here briefly now, but HI! to all the girls.   I love to see what everyone's been up to and what they're planning to be up to.  Nice to see you all, and I'll catch you all at the coffee klatch another time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Gypsie got SM wow . Congrats girlie.


helloooo ladies!!

just poppin in to say hi!

Arielle, have fun at the music festivals!

And just and update, Gyspy has gone on a vacation and it going to be out of the country for awhile (which means she won't have internet).  she says hello!


Reply 1817#1817 themegababe's post

You beat me to it Meg!   I was just going to post about Gypsy.

Hope everyone is well.  I'm alright, and also just wanted to say HOWDY!  (just pretend you heard that in Minnie Pearl's voice & you'll hear how I'm saying it to y'all. )
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone! How's it going over here in the giggle box? How'd it get that name anyway!? (I suppose I can go back and look at the first posts!) Happy Friday everyone, enjoy your weekend!


Yay I have my first avatar!! My idol: WONDERWOMAN!!!!

