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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1780#1780 meljones_83's post

Mel, I sooooo know your pain !!! The holiday sounds great, love the pictures. I must post some of my holiday snaps.
We went on puffing billy ( yesterday and it was fantastic. Great fun !!


Hey girlies!  Wow I realize I haven't been on lately.  With the short hiatus from the hunt I just carried away with other things.  I'm back for now, but I have a feeling I'll be around a bit less as time goes on because my program is sadly ending and I spend most of my time not in my room, but rather hanging out in my friends' room (they have a back porch...lucky!)

Mel, I hope you get some sleep!  I definately know how that feels!

Well I have to go now.  I have pottery painting in 3 minutes =) I haven't painted pottery in years so i'm excited!  Maybe I'll take a photo and show u guys the final product


Reply 1780#1780 meljones_83's post

I'm glad you have this week off Mel.  Hopefully you'll get back into your normal routine and be able to sleep.  I love the snaps, but I know what you mean about being conflicted re: animal parks.  I'm the same, but how cool that you got to hold a monkey!

Reply 1781#1781 shinny's post
I checked out the link you provided, and that sounds like a cool outing.  I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so much and doing as many things as you can as to seeing more of the country.  I know you've been there before, but there's never enough time time to see & do everything you want.  As much as you're enjoying yourself, I understand the feeling of wanting to be back home.  I have kitties too, and I miss them when I go away.  And of course you have to bring a prezzie home for your feline friend.  Mine always love the things I bring back for them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb, Do you get migraines?  for some reason I think you said you do.  I think I had my first last night (it felt like my brain was going to explode out of my head and forehead / my brain in labor).  Any good ideas on how to prevent them and what eases the pain?  haha thanka


Reply 1784#1784 themegababe's post

I do get migraines, and I feel for you girlie.  That first one (and I hope for your sake, last) just knocks your legs out from under you.  I sent you a PM.  If the info in there isn't helpful, it could be you're body is just coming down from all the stress (happy stress counts) from the wedding preparations, the wedding, honeymoon and setting up house.  I really hope that's the case for you, because you'll be less likely to have a repeat performance.  

Does anyone in your family get migraines?  I have a friend, in her early 20's and married now for almost 2 years - she had one about 6 months after her wedding, when she was having a difficult time at work and wasn't sleeping well for a few days.  She hasn't had anymore since then, thank goodness, so I know they don't always stick around.

I've been getting them since my teens, and they've just gotten worse as I've gotten older, but my health is also very poor, which doesn't help.  I also have the misfortune to inherit the predisposition for them from both sides of my family.  Just lucky I guess.

Ice packs are helpful to alleviate some of the pain, though they don't take it away.  They are best placed on the back of the neck and wherever the pain is.  For some people meds work.  I have a friend who uses one of the drugs you can get at a pharmacy...possibly Excedrin Migraine formula.  Caffeine can help a little, so if you can stomach it, have a small cup of coffee (tea is OK too, though I find coffee is better for me) with any pain med you take, as it can help the drug work better.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


well, we think the hunt sent us here but we've read a million posts and aren't sure what to do. the common themes seem to be germs (keep them to yourself) and insomnia (have my own problems, thank you)

couldn't find any better way to kill those germs (that thrashing is actually supposed to be "stop drop and roll", hahahhahahahah. the long animation is just as hilarious!)

oh yes, and we are the eggman!

[ Last edited by sddvasquez at 4-10-2008 11:22 ]
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Gyspie66 now a super-mod

Congrats you lucky mod


Reply 1787#1787 bala's post

Thanks bala, I just found out myself a few mins ago.

Meg, I hope this is the only one you get too, I've been fighting the same migraine for over two weeks, not fun!!    


Congratulations Gypsie - you deserve it!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Yay Gypsy!  Soo excited for you, you super mod, you! haha

Also, I haven't had a migraine since.  So I think I am doing good.  A few minor headaches and some back pain (which may have caused it in the first place), but no migraines.  We got a really nice temperpedic mattress, but it is not soft enough. So we are looking for a pillowtop memory foam type thing! haha  My dad used to make fun of me because I have always had back pain, because he said I was an old lady at 16. (I was also a hypochondriac and tried to convince my parents that I had scoliosis) haha  Anyways, things are getting better, slowly!


Reply 1790#1790 themegababe's post

Glad to hear you are feeling better Meg.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1790#1790 themegababe's post

Have you always slept on the temperpedic mattress?  Having a softer topper will probably help.  Does anyone call you princess - as in The Princess  the Pea.   

I'm really glad you haven't had any more migraines, and I hope it stays that way.

Anyway - HOWDY to all you gals!  I'm off to get some more rest, so I can get rid of this stupid bug.  Take care everyone, and remember to turn the lights out when you leave.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Ok, hope you feel better soon too Barb.

Goodnight girlies.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1793#1793 meljones_83's post

I love the image Mel!  That's too cute.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1788#1788 gypsiegirl66's post

Congratulations!   With all the hard word you have done for this site, you deserve to be a Super Moderator!

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply #1788 gypsiegirl66's post

I don't really post here, but I just figured out gypsie is a SM!! Congratulations...


Hey all, well I am back on the Emerald isle so just thought I'd pop in and say hello.

First off, Gypsy, well done girl on becoming a Super Mod, you definitely deserve it !!

Mel, are you settled back in yet?

Barb, how are you feeling now?

How is everyone else?

We arrived home from Australia yesterday after over 30 hours of travelling. We arrived back in Ireland around 12pm and eventually after visiting all my family we got back home around 4.30pm. It was a battle to stay awake until our new bed time, but managed it. Went to bed around 9pm and I woke up about 6am. So I feel fresh as a daisy !!! Back to work tomorrow, so making the most of today. I've to sort out all of the pressies we brought home too.

It was very hard leaving my brother, sister in law and niece at the airport. There were a lot of tears   and then we had to walk through passport control. I'm sure they are used to seeing that alot, they are also one of the nicest passport control people we have ever met !!

What we learned on this flight is NEVER to fly through Paris Charles De Gaul Airport ever again. It was the worst experience of the whole trip. Rude people, terrible airport with no signs of how to transfer to the next flight etc. So, never again. Previously we have flown via Amsterdam (a dream) and London (a nightmare because it's Heathrow, but nice people) and Frankfurt (very efficient, well they are Germans !!) We always fly with Singapore Airlines via Singapore and I cannot speak highly enough about this airline nor Changi airport. The airport in Singapore has to be the best I have ever flown through and I've flown through a lot !!!


Reply 1797#1797 shinny's post


I'm glad to hear you arrived home safe & sound, and that you were able to get a good night's sleep.    Also, good to know the info about the various airports.  Though I doubt I'll be travelling very soon, I do hope to travel eventually.

I finished my antibiotics (strep throat this time ) - though the meds stay in my system for 5 more days, making a total of 10.  My voice is more audible and my throat isn't as sore, so I'm guessing I'm on the mend.  This better be the last bug I get for a very long time, because I'm just fed up with being sick.

I'm heading to bed now, but it's nice to see you back.    BTW, what happened to your avatar?  Are you just changing it or did it go walkabout?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi everyone! I've been MIA lately - so busy with my new job, which I love but is totally time-consuming and I can't quite seem to keep up with myself! How's everyone doing?

Shinny, welcome back!! Sorry you were so sad about leaving...that's the thing about visiting people isn't it? Always so bittersweet at the end. Thanks for the advice on the airports - I've never been through Amsterdam on my way back to the States, I may have togive that a dry.

Gypsy, CONGRATS on your super status!! You absolutely totally deserve it!

Meg, sorry about your migraine but I agree with Barb  - it could just be post-stress letdown, your body letting of some final steam. Maybe go for a massage if you can, or get your new hubby to rub your feet for you!

Barb, Penny, Marielle, sddvasquez and all the other girlies (and boysies!) I know: Hi!!!!


Reply 1797#1797 shinny's post

Glad you got back OK, Shinny, it's always hard coming back from a holiday and even worse when you have to leave people behind so I feel for you.

I'm settled back now, thanks for asking, but have had to be very strict with myself this week with my routine when I go to bed.

Useful information about airports, I may have had trouble getting back last week but am very glad it wasn't heathrow I was going back into or I could have been waiting a lot longer!!

Barb - glad to hear you are feeling a bit better and hope it continues

Studio - glad that you are doing a job that you love, not many people I know can say that!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

