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Grey's Anatomy Season 5-8 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 160#160 Teachergirl's post

haha yeah that was a priceless scene!  my friend and I could not stop laughing.  But seriously...she's having sex with a dead guy?  I mean what is grey's up to?  I guess they are keeping their audience interested though because we all want to know whats up with Izzy!  This just isn't the right way to keep your audience!  I'm getting kinda tired of this story line now though.  I just want them to tell us whats wrong with Izzy and move on.  I feel like Grey's feels like they are losing viewers so they are trying to get more creative, but it's just not working for them.  The IzzyDenny thing is just way to dragged on and so badly placed because we were just starting to get back to the whole Izzy/Alex relationship, but for real this time!


Reply 161#161 imarielle626's post

Mer asking where's Derrick was funny and there are still some funny bits and some good scenes.  Mark with the young girl and that whole story was good.  The fecal transplant and the hypochondriac wife was also a good story and amusing and there should be more of those types of stories but they just have an overwhelming compulsion to add these crazy twists to the character's lives.  Izzy getting sick might have been a good plot but a physical relationship with a dead guy!  I don't know why they think this is what we want in order to stay interested.  Crazy for crazy's sake isn't creative in my books.  I want to know what is up with Izzy but I also cringe at what stupid thing they will come up with.  Medically, schizophrenia is the only thing that really makes sense, but with Grey's you never know what they will come up with.


Reply 160#160 Teachergirl's post

Haha!! That really was the only great part of this episode in my opinion too!


Grey´s Anatomy 5x10

Well this was another crazy episode of grey's anatomy the solo surgery episode and Christina had to choose who to do it and i think she made the right decision with Alex because he was the only that explain the procedure to Yang. Still Izzy story-line is driving me mad . i think Yang was right about Meredith she is way too emotional to be a good doctor. speaking of emotion that new doctor was very tactless i mean she has no people skills how the hell did she became a doctor is beyond my understanding. i suppose you have to be mix between a emotional reck and her.  

The girls story-line was good i hope this make people realise that you should say i hope you die to siblings you never know it may come true. The woman with new voice-box was good story-line also at least something good came out of it. i felt bad for the husband can you imagine no hearing your wife speak for 5 years?.

So much little grey and Sloane  didn't take the warning but he should said no-what is with woman taking their clothes off on this show. it just seem all a woman has to do take off their clothes to seduce any male character on grey's. Callie and Sadie   


Airing January 8th


yeah everything did seem to happen way too fast.  hahn just vanished!

And I agree about Izzy / Denny. I loved that storyline back in the day, but he's dead now. And she's making progress with Alex. Although I was kinda glad that he just assumed she was alone, he didn't freak out and htink she was with someone else, shows his trusting side.

And Sloane and Lexie. I think he really is a sweet heart underneath. Just really hurt by Addy.  But let's be honest, how many guys out there would be able to say no to a girl who stripped down in front of you... one that you were already intrested in?


And thanks for the preview Bala!


Reply 166#166 themegababe's post

Lol, I was thinking that same. It was funny when she asked "Am I really that bad" and he said "No, I am" - Derek is going to be pissed at him !!!

I think at this stage they need to come clean with what is going on with Izzy. Even one more episode of this will drive fans crazy. It's time they explained why she is seeing him. I hope they don't do a "Dallas" style thing and it ends up that Izzy was in a Coma or something all the time !!! But, it better be good too !!


let's be honest, how many guys out there would be able to say no to a girl who stripped down in front of you... one that you were already intrested in?
AHHHHH, you have point there i suppose but some guys can say no it's just she made the first move instead of him so technically he could say she seduce him . She was not given same warning as Mark so how was she suppose to know?.


Reply 169#169 bala's post

I'm just glad that it's not Lexie and George! I really hope they kill that storyline !


Reply 170#170 shinny's post

i doubt they kill they saving it later date

who would thought George & Meredith but they did that?


Reply 171#171 bala's post

Yeh, but that lasted all of 2 minutes so I was ok with that !!


Reply 172#172 shinny's post

so as long lexie and george only last 2 minutes you will be fine?


Reply 173#173 bala's post

I don't mind if they have a "fling" but not a full on relationship. I couldn't handle that. I don't think they are suited. I honestly think Lexie and Sloan would make a better couple!! Maybe she's the one who will make him a better person, who knows?


Auugghh!!  Does the crazy never stop.  Is this new cardiovascular surgeon joining the cast?  There aren't enough crazy people in that hospital already?  It just never seems to stop.   Sure there are tactless doctors, but once again Grey's just has to go into crazy land to get this one.  Another intern sleeping with an attending, something that almost never happens in real hospitals and when it does always ends with both people fired.  On GA it's a regular occurrence that never has any real consequences and is just jolly good fun.  It seems with the the writers that there is never enough crazy.  Why do we need another crazy doctor.  Isn't there enough strange stuff going on yet.  I liked the story with the voice box reconstruction and the two sisters.  I also liked the first solo surgery story.  We need more of that and less of the crazy.  It's just out of hand.


Reply 175#175 cshapiro's post

Well that tv show for you it's all about the ratings


Reply 176#176 bala's post

Of course it's all about ratings and I, for one am about fed up with GA.  As things are going it is just getting too dumb for me and if it doesn't settle down a bit in the next couple of eps, then I am finished with the show.  Also if that new heart surgeon crazy lady becomes a regular then I'm gone as well.  Writers try to make shows exciting to entice viewers but GA is trying so hard to top itself it has just crossed a line and exciting and dramatic has become dumb and silly.  They traded all the realism and drama that the show had created for some wacky story lines.  I just can't believe they don't have enough going on with there own main characters that they feel a need to add even more.


Reply 177#177 cshapiro's post

I agree, there needs to be balance between realism and fiction. The scales are definitely tipping more towards fiction, at the moment!


Can someone tell me where there going with Izzie seeing, talking and having sex with a dead man?  Are the writers making her have a breakdown or is he there waiting for her to die.  He keeps saying he's there for her.  Has anyone heard that she is leaving the shoe?


Reply 177#177 cshapiro's post

I agree, they do really tend to go overboard -- this season more than ever. There are so many ways to make the show dramatic without always having to go to "crazy land" (just look at ER!) but I guess that's just it, they don't want it to be just another ER....

