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The girly`s ......giggle box

Sounds like fun!  

It ended up we weren't actually on ATVs, but Tomcars.  Still fun though!  and the sites were beautiful!  We ended up going right through the valley that my hostel is located on so we really got to see where we are living.  Take a look:
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Reply 1761#1761 imarielle626's post

It's a very beautiful area.  Thanks for sharing the pic.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


If any of you haven't been to the bachelorette thread, pictures of the wedding are up there!

I was looking for a picture to say it's been pretty quiet around here. But I found this instead....

How precious!


Reply 1763#1763 themegababe's post

Ahhh now I want a baby animal.


I want a real baby animal too!  Like a precious little puppy!  Or a kitten!  But I think I need to focus on just a husband first.  Then a baby animal. Then a real baby! haha


Reply 1765#1765 themegababe's post

Trust me get the real baby 1st as it is heartbreaking to give up a real animal because you are either pregnant or the baby ends up being allergic  My cat lives at my moms.


Okay got it... real baby first! haha


Reply 1766#1766 gabsimom's post

I agree with Tina, my parents had a dog when I was born that they had to give up because it bit me in the butt


Was that supposed to be funny? Because I kinda giggled... only because you said bit  my butt.  and that seems like something from a movie.  i guess in real life, that's pretty sad.  I'm done giggling.  sorry the dog bit you.  not fun


Reply 1769#1769 themegababe's post

I don't actually remember it (I was only a couple months old), so when my parents first told me I laughed.  I still laugh now.  It was probably not a laughing matter at the time, but I was too young to be traumatized by the experience so now its just something funny that happen to me when I was a baby


Just dropping in to say "hey", HEY!   Life's kinda crazy right now, but I love those pics of the baby animals.  My critters are grown now, but they were SO cute when they were kittens.  I get a yen for another every once in a while, then I remember how much fur I already clean off the furniture, my clothes, my guests...every day, and think better of it.   Plus, I don't want to be the crazy cat lady.  I'll leave that for someone else.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1771#1771 waterlilybarb's post

Hey all, I'm not getting much time on here, which is fair enough considering where I am, lol !! We went outlet shopping today and with the Euro being so strong against the Aussie Dollar, we got some great bargains. Tomorrow we are off Go Kart racing which I am looking forward to.

I'm missy my little kitty, well he's a fully grown cat now !! He'll be 6 next month. Got him a little pressie too !!


Reply 1772#1772 shinny's post

ooh Go Kart racing is so much fun!  We used to take my brothers baseball team out when they got knocked out of the tournament in Cooperstown.  you'll have a great time.

as for the little ones my dog is old now too.  He'll be 8 or 9 in June.  t'll be sad when his time comes, but id like to have a puppy again


Reply 1763#1763 themegababe's post

Just been to look at your wedding photos and it all looks lovely. Your dress is beautiful, I really like the colours you had for the bridesmaids and it just looks like you had such a great day!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


OK, this is weird.   I could have sworn I posted in here yesterday, yet there's no sign of it.  Anyway, hi all!  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi Barb, and all the other girls.

I have just got back from my holiday, which was very nice and relaxing until coming home yesterday. The plane was due to leave at 7.40pm so we got to the airport at about 5.30, quite looking forward to the flight (4 hours with a film and a meal, not too long but long enough to show a film which I always enjoy.) Our plane finally took off at 2.45am, 9 hours after we arrived at the airport! It meant we got back to the UK at 6.30 this morning and eventually got back home at 9am. I have real trouble sleeping on planes and the airport seating was uncomfortable and had armrests to stop you laying down so all I managed was a couple of half hour naps where I was only kind of half asleep. When we finally arrived home, the heating was broken and we've had snow here so the house is really cold - that coupled with the fact it was daytime by then meant that I still haven't managed to sleep despite trying! Am off to bed now and hoping to sleep soundly until the morning.

So goodnight all - here's hoping anyway!!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-7-2008 19:51 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Oh man, Mel.  Hope you get some sleep!


Reply 1776#1776 meljones_83's post

What a rotten way to end your holiday!  I hope you're sleeping as I type, and awaken refreshed.  When you're all rested up, you'll have to tell us about your trip.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Still haven't slept much but am off work this week as well so it could be worse! I used to suffer from insomnia and found out it was because I didn't stick to a routine at night, now once it's disrupted it takes me a couple of days to get myself back on track.

The holiday was great, very relaxing and didn't do much! We went to a couple af animal parks which I loved but always feel a bit guilty about - I'm not always sure that keeping animals in captivity like that is fair. We also spent a day just driving round and enjoying the scenery. Other than that we just enjoyed the good weather - a nice change from the snow we've had at home. I managed to catch up with some reading and finished 2 books I'd been wanting to read for a while plus getting a good way though a third.

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 4-8-2008 09:48 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Here are some of my favourite animal pictures from the trip - the monkey park we went to let us walk through the enclosures and feed and hold a lot of the monkeys which I enjoyed as I love animals and monkeys are one of my favourite animals. I always wanted a monkey as a pet when I was younger!
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"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

