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The girly`s ......giggle box

welcome back-glad your all loved up


Hey all, well I finally slept thank god !! I've had two good nights of sleep now and I'm finally feeling normal again.


You guys are too funny!  I love the Hook and Peter Pan pictures Mel The food scene is a great scene, probably my favorite scene in the movie!

Shinny, glad to hear you are sleeping better!  I have a feeling I am going to be hitting a bit of insomnia soon because this holiday is going to majorly throw off my internal clock!  It is almost 2:30 AM and I am just getting back to my room and into bed!  Although it was a fun night.  More about that later though, now I need some sleep because I am getting up early tomorrow to travel across the country for a parade (funny to think across the country is only a 50 minute drive by bus huh? )

Nighty Night Girlies!


Reply 1742#1742 shinny's post

Way to go Shinny!  You must feel so much better.    I hope the rest of your trip continues with good nights of rest.

Good night Arielle!  That is strange, especially considering it would take about a couple weeks to bus across Canada.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all, thanks. I'm so back to normal now, it's great.

We've been here a week already, I can't believe that. I read that it can take up to 11 days to "get over' the jet lag when you fly from Ireland to Australia. They also say flying west to east is worse because you are 'losing' time. It makes sense because when I get home I never have any trouble sleeping. I also never have any trouble when I fly to the states.

I've been so pre-occupied by sleep that I haven't even mentioned anything about what we've been doing ! The day after we arrived we went to the Melbourne Grand Prix which is a fantastic specticle. I went the last time we were here too. Unfortunately it was just too warm. It was 40c (104f) in the park. At the best of times that would be a lot for us Irish to cope with, but couple that with the fact that we had only just arrived and were dehydrated from flght etc, didn't make for a good picture. It's a pity becuse this weekend was so much cooler and would have been ideal.

I'm flying up to Brisbane on Wednesday to meet up with some of the others who went to Cairns, so I'm looking forward to that.


Reply 1745#1745 shinny's post

I'm so glad you are sleeping better makes for a much more enjoyable trip.

Sounds like you've been busy...and having fun.  Nice that you're not just staying in one area.  Stay hydrated, try to keep cool, and don't forget to wear plenty of sunscreen.  Nothing can spoil a good time like a bad sunburn - I speak from experience (as a very white redhead ).

Thanks for stopping in and letting us "share" your vacation.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hey all.

Glad everything is good now Shinny, I am still jealous! Although have arranged a last minute trip myself and am off to Tenerife on Saturday for a week. Very much looking forward to leaving behind the cold, wet weather here in the UK and getting some sunshine. (Although we have had some snow here too the last couple of days and I do like the snow!) I will be taking plenty of sunscreen as I burn very easily and have not been out in the sun for months so it'll be even worse if I don't cover myself with a high factor!

Hope everyone else is well!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1747#1747 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!

Nice to see you.   Tenerife sounds pretty good from where I sit.  You're wise to protect your skin.  Nothing ages you faster than sun, it hurts.  It's still pretty cold here.  We had snow on Saturday.  My Mum said they are expecting a blizzard up where she is!  I'm a little jealous.  If I have to be stuck inside anyway, I wouldn't mind being snowed in and having the beautiful view that she'll have - out in the country, with snow covered trees, and icicles hanging.  Here, it's chilly, but getting quite muddy.  Nothing pretty about it at all.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I think you've won.  But don't you wonder where magic4u is now?
"I reject your reality and substitute my own."  Adam Savage


Reply 1749#1749 munch's post

He's still around.  He moved down to New Zealand, so he's online at different times than I am now.  I always enjoy seeing his cheery face though.   (Laughing at the cheery part...he's still a bit of a grouch. lol)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Here it's been unusually hot these past couple of days.  We went from wearing pants and sweatshirts one day to shorts and tanktops hanging out at the springs the next.  Its been one of the coldest and hottest years for Jerusalem.  It's great weather here now, but I think the sudden change of environment has gotten me sick =(  So far it is only a small cold and I'm hoping it stays that way!


Reply 1751#1751 imarielle626's post

Sorry to hear it.  Take all your remedies (that we know you have in stock ) and hopefully it won't get any worse.  It's wicked cold here today, and the wind is blowing something fierce.  The one good thing is that it will dry some of the mud, but I hope we don't get any trees or power lines knocked down.

BTW, I spoke to my Mum this morning and the blizzard has arrived.  They already had at least 10 cm of snow on the ground, and it was still falling - plus it's quite windy there too, so the snow drifts will be huge.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Blizzards, colds?  What is this?  It's 80 degrees at 8 pm here! haha  

Glad to see you are all doing well tho, and Arielle I am sure you will get better soon!

I am FINALLY catching up on Men in Trees!  Yay! I saw one episode before I got married. But my bridesmaids were over and being loud, so I had to rewatch it.  Yay!  i'm going to get back to watching it now!


Hi everyone!

Sorry to hear you're not well Arielle, hope it doesn't get any worse. I'm off to the doctor myself tomorrow, I wouldn't normally go for what I think is a cold - especially as I don't feel particularly ill - but have had the symptoms for 3 weeks and no signs of it getting any better!

It's my birthday today so here's some birthday cake for you all! Now we just need someone to invent a way of sending cake via the internet!!
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"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1754#1754 meljones_83's post

Funny you should say that because my sister and I were saying the same thing today.  I told her when we watch Chocolat together, we'll have to make sure to have some good chocolate in the house, or it will just be torture (I always check before watching that movie ).  We were SO wishing we could press a button and have all the delectable dishes in the movie pop out of the DVD player.    It's probably good that we can't...I'd be as big as a house.

p.s. Wishing for some advanced technology to get me some of that cake.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1754#1754 meljones_83's post

Mmmmmmm that cake looks good


Reply 1756#1756 imarielle626's post

lol, that's a great picture!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


haha yeah that is a really cute picture!


Still not over my cold.  I feel like , but I'm not letting this lapse in my immune system stop me from having fun while I can (we are anticipating for the worst right now because there is a meeting of the Arab League in Damascus this weekend.  There have been rumors that Iran may be planning some kind of attack either directly or indirectly.  Fingers crossed it is only a rumor!)

Anyway this is what I will be doing tomorrow to celebrate my friends birthday. We will be celebrating all weekend!


Oooh have fun!  That is what my husband paints for a living!  We rode them (well, rhinos to be exact, not exactly ATVs) in Mexico.  Fun times!

