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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1720#1720 waterlilybarb's post

Oh no!  I agree he should have waited for the warm weather.  It must be cheaper or something to do it in the winter so he makes you all suffer.  Landlords are always so inconsiderate of their tennants (well I haven't actually had to deal with a landlord yet, but it just seems that way)!  Hope the stench goes away soon!


Hi all!

I always feel like I'm missing out when I've been away from the giggle box for a couple of days!

Arielle - Am glad you've been enjoying your classes so far and am sure that it'll just get better from here on in. It's always good to be doing things that you really love.

Barb - sorry to hear of your inconsiderate landlord, unfortunately some people just do things without thinking how it might affect others, am sure I've probably been guilty of that at some time in my life but hope I didn't make anyone suffer like you are with this!

Have been thinking of Meg this weekend and her wedding day, which I'm sure was great, as I've been making plans for my own! Still got a way to go yet though, part of me wishes we'd planned it sooner as I don't want to wait!

Well, hope all the girlies are doing ok! Never know when I'm going to get the chance to pop in again these days.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1722#1722 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel!  Good to see you whenever you're able to drop by.   I'm sure the months will fly by as you wait for your wedding, what with work and planning and everything else.   I was thinking about Meg too.  I bet she was a beautiful bride.

It's slightly milder today, so I've opened a bunch of windows and have several layers of clothes on as I cuddle under the duvet.  I'm burning candles and still have dishes of raw onions around (a suggestion made last night in the thread I put up in free chatting).  My head is still pounding though, and I've taken the strongest pain meds I have.  I can't take anything else for another couple hours at least.  I highly doubt you've ever done anything this inconsiderate Mel.  Most people aren't complete fools.   Too bad for me, I get to pay for the privilege of living near one.

Other than that, everything is fine.  Always nice to see you gals in here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1723#1723 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, I'm loving your Meez!  I hope you are finding some suggestions that work.  Isn't there anything you can say/do to your landlord to make him aware of this inconvenience and inconsideration for his tenets so that this does not happen again.  Or at least make him aware that he should notify you in advance if he is going to be spreading chemicals throughout the building so you can make arrangements to stay with a friend to escape the poison.  He needs to know what he is doing is wrong, but be told politely so he doesn't take offense and just continue on in spite.  

If it were me, I would write him a letter or confront him face to face and just explain to him my concerns with his actions and suggest that next time he wishes to do something in the building that creates strong fumes to notify the tenets in advance so you don't have to sit painfully through the smell.  Then I would go to the gym and convert my anger and frustration with him into something productive and overcome the urge to suckerpunch him in the face


Reply 1724#1724 imarielle626's post

I hear ya' on doing something to redirect the aggression.   I wish I was well enough to go do anything.  It takes all my energy to go and get the mail, and that's just downstairs.

As for telling him, I have.  He doesn't care.  I'm giving my notice at the end of the month...but won't be able to move until the end of May.  At this point, it's not worth the aggravation to try and get him to understand how toxic it is.  Maybe he'll get sick one day, and get a clue...not that I wish bad on him.  I sometimes wish though, that people who are so insensitive could get really sick for a month or two, just so they could develop some empathy.  Not gonna happen though.  Those kind of people are always healthy as a horse.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well, Shinny's on her way to Australia, as we speak.  I hope they are having a nice, uneventful flight.  She's going to try and log in when she can to let us know she arrived safely.

Things are a little better here on the home front, since I've been leaving the windows open for the past 2 and 1/2 days.  It's quite mild today, so it isn't so cold in the apartment.  The smell isn't as bad, and I'm feeling a tad bit better.  My cats have been great company and have been glued to my side for days.  They're such intuitive creatures...and are always on good behaviour when I'm really sick.  I'll know I'm a lot better when they go wild again.

Anyway, hope all you girls are doing well and keeping busy.  I'm off for a nap, but I'll catch you all later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Glad things are a little better for you Barb.

Am very envious of Shinny, off to Australia, it's somewhere I have always wanted to go, ever since I was little. One day I'm sure I'll get there!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1727#1727 meljones_83's post

What a beautiful picture Mel.  I'm a little envious myself...I'd just like to travel anywhere outside of North America.  There's lots of beautiful things here, but it would be nice to see some place completely different.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I too want to travel to Australia!  It just seems like such a cool place to be and I have some friends who live there who I would like to visit.  I may have convinced my mom to let me go (or go as a family) sometime next year.  It would just depend on the money because a plane ticket there I'm sure is ridiculously expensive from the state!


Just so you know, Shinny arrived safely and even had a fairly decent 1st night of sleep.
Let's all send her good thoughts that she continues to be able to sleep through the nights, since she was so worried about a repeat of the insomnia she had last time.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


guess who's back?

Me!  haha  I am back from the cruise in Mexico.  We didn't go online for 2 reasons.  1) it was 55 cents a minute, and 2) we were on our honeymoon and didn't want to have any contact with the outside world.  We did make friends with some people on the cruise tho, so that was lots of fun.  Thanks for all of the love the day of my wedding.  You are all too sweet.  We didn't have internet at the apt much before the wedding (we were stealing it, and they turned it off or something), so I didn't get to say adios.  But hello, and glad to see all is well.  

Gypsy and Barb, thanks for sharing.  You know we all love you.

Arielle,  it's fun hearing about your classes, even if i'm not responding, I am interested.  So keep posting, and I'll try to respond!

Tomorrow is going to be filled with arranging gifts and returning things.  So I may not be on.  but hopefully I will talk to you all soon!


Reply 1731#1731 themegababe's post

Welcome back (even if it is only for a quick second)!  Sounds like you had a great honeymoon!  I've heard those Mexican cruises are beautiful, and especially popular honeymoon vacations!  It sounds like you are enjoying the beginning of you life as a newly married woman =)


Reply 1731#1731 themegababe's post

Welcome back Sadie!  I'm glad you had such a wonderful time on your honeymoon, and it sounds like you made a good choice.

We didn't expect to hear from you, so no need to explain.  I hope your wedding was everything you dreamed it would be.  I know how busy getting settled will keep you, so don't feel rushed.  We look forward to your return when it's feasible, and are just glad to hear from the new Mrs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Good to see you Meg, sounds like you've had a good time and that all went well.
Looking forward to hearing all about it if you get the time!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Welcome back Meg !! The cruise sounds lovely, it's something I want to do also.

Thanks Barb for letting everyone know I made it. Yep Australia is a wonderful place. I'm having fun, but still not 100% as I'm only sleeping on and off. I mean one night I will sleep (with a few beers or wine) and the next night I will be awake the whole night because I don't want to feel groggy from the alcohol. It may take a few more days but I hope I will adjust.


Reply  1731#1731 themegababe's post

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I hope you had an amazing wedding and that the rest of your life together is filled with much joy and happiness!

Reply  1735#1735 shinny's post

I'm so sorry your insomnia's acting up again. I just got back from a week-long trip back to the States and I'm sure I will be having some issues too. Some things that help me are (unfortunately) staying away from the computer, exercise and lots of water until about 6pm (to avoid having to wake up for the bathroom!). They work for me anyway!


Reply 1736#1736 studiojek's post

Good suggestions studiojek.  Insomnia is so miserable, and different things work for different people...but some suggestions are applicable in every case.

Shinny, I sure hope you're able to get some sleep soon.  I've got my fingers crossed for you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I just popped in to say "Hi".  I just got back from an overnight trip with my Zionism class and have so much work to get done before this weekend.  This weekend is Purim, a big holiday here in Israel because it is probably one of the most fun!  You get to dress up in costumes and you are supposed to get really drunk (not that I will be, but that's the tradition).  Here in Jerusalem is one of few places in the world where the holiday is celebrated for 3 days as opposed to one =)  Well I'm off now to do some work before we kick off this holiday early tonight by watching the movie Hook and dressing up as characters from Peter Pan.  I am going to be Michael Darling (the littlest of the siblings).  All I have to do is where my pajamas and bring my teddy bear =)


Reply 1738#1738 imarielle626's post

Let me grab my teddy, because I'm already in my PJs.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1738#1738 imarielle626's post

Sounds like fun! I've always loved the movie Hook, especially the food scene!

Rufio, Rufio, Ru-fi-o!!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 3-19-2008 17:09 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"

