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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1699#1699 shinny's post

I love when there are pictures from over the years.  I'm sure everyone will have a fantastic time, and I hope you feel well enough to completely enjoy yourself.  Forty years is quite an achievement.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb you look like you're relaxed in your Meez.  Are you feeling better?


Reply 1694#1694 shinny's post

So glas to hear, you woke up feeling better shinny. I hope you have a great time at the party, don't over do it though, you don't want to relapse before that flight.

Barb- Hope you are out of the house and breathing fresh air. I'm not sure if it's the meds or the illness, bit I'm feeling extremely ill today myself. I'm off to take a nap, hoping it will give me some relief of this awful feeling.

See you later girlies!!


Reply 1702#1702 imarielle626's post

I felt better for a while today...I was able to go to a friend's house and get out of the chemicals (my landlord restained the stairs in the building yesterday).  I'm home again, and the stench hit me like a smack in the face as soon as I walked in the building, so my head is beginning to pound again.  What possesses people to do such idiotic things when it's too cold to open any windows is beyond me.  I'm ready to beat the man next time I see him for making me so sick.   Lucky for him I wouldn't REALLY do that.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Meg's Getting Married Today!

Today is Meg & Matt's wedding day, so let's all wish them a hearty...

Enjoy your big day and your honeymoon!

p.s. I still have Sadie, Sadie Married Lady stuck in my head.  Thanks heaps.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Meg, best wishes to you on your wedding day!  May it be everything you hoped it to be.  Have fun on your honeymoon!

The newly wed bride and groom:


Oh wow, I hope they are both having a great day !! I can't wait to see some of the pictures!!

Well, the 40th party went soooooooooooo well. Really, it could not have been any better. My folks were totally gob smacked. I have never seen my Dad so quiet. They didn't know what hit them, lol.

It was a fabulous night and everyone kept coming up to us and saying what a wonderful night they were having.

We're a bit of a musical family, so there was plenty of entertainment. I even managed to sneak my Dad's guitar out of the house without him seeing, which was no mean feat and my Mam got up to sing and she hasn't done that in years. She was very brave too because my Mam doesn't drink, so she had no "dutch courage" in her. It was all off of her own back.

Unfortunately my cold played up big time. I medicated myself because there was no way I was missing that. As you know I wasn't drinking, so I hung back and waited for my folks. It was 3am before I got to bed and when I woke up this morning, my voice was gone ! Yikes. I took it easy today and plan to do the same tomorrow, so I hope I'll shake it soon. I usually get rid of these things pretty quickly, but I'm sure the late night didn't help.


Congrats M&M.
Hi girlies, wooo. I have been up since 6am this morning. Garage/ yard sale season has started. Then I was of to mom and dads for their B-day celebration. I am so tired but I had to stop by and see how things were getting along without me  Plus I missed you girls.


Reply 1707#1707 shinny's post

Glad the party went so well and everyone had a good time.  I had a feeling there would be lots of music, since I think you've mentioned that some in your family play on the side for extra money.  What a nice treat for your parents!  Did your Mum reprise her singing of "How I rue the day I wed"?   Sorry you're still under the weather, but hope you have a quick recovery.

Reply 1708#1708 gabsimom's post

Nice to see you Tina.   Must be nice to be having garage sale weather.  We had another blizzard last night, and it snowed most of the day, so there'll be no garage/yard sales around here for a while.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1709#1709 waterlilybarb's post

Everything was at schools or churches today. It was rainy and cold. But thank God no Blizzards unless they are from DQ.


Reply 1710#1710 gabsimom's post

HAHAHA!  Funny girl!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Shinny, sounds like everything went well with your party.  It was a good thing you did for your parents.  I'm sorry you're still not feeling well.  I know what it is like to be sick at a major family event.  I have 101.5 F fever at my sister's Bat Mitzvah a few years ago.  Feel better soon.

Well, I'm off to start my first classes.  I just wanted to stop by and say Hi because I had a few extra minutes.  I'm a little worried I was placed too high in my Hebrew classes because I'm with native speakers, but I can always drop down a level if need be.  

Have a nice day everyone!


Reply 1709#1709 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, I think I mentioned my brother in Oz sings. But actually all of my brothers would play instruments, but only two of them sing in bands/solo. My Dad used to play in a band up until recently, but he helps out now and again in a friends band, so he still sings. Then my sister is in a Rock/Pop band, she plays guitar and shares lead vocals with the drummer. I would sing if I was asked to (and have done in the past) but I'm not in a band or anything and neither is my other sister.

Ha, no I asked her would she sing it and she said no way, lol !!

Reply  1712#1712 imarielle626's post
Thanks Arielle, yep it was definitely one that we'll remember for a while yet.

Good luck with the classes today. I'm sure you are well able for the advanced Hebrew classes. See how it goes anyway and you say you can always drop down if you need to, but I say they put you there because you must be good

[ Last edited by shinny at 3-9-2008 11:05 ]


Reply 1713#1713 shinny's post

Thanks for that confidence boost Shinny!  I actually am going to drop down a level because I'm in class with all the native Hebrew speakers and I could probably handle it if it were just for fun, but I am getting university credits so the level I was placed in is just too much for me to handle. There is NO English allowed in my class and since my vocabulary isn't that good it is really hard for me.  I can almost understand everything that went on in class today, but I wasn't able to participate in the discussions because I just didn't know the words to use.  I'll feel a lot more comfortable one level down.  It is sometimes really intimidting to be in class with native speakers too so I get insecure about my mistakes.

Anyway I am off to Israeli dancing, my last class of the day (and most fun )


Reply 1714#1714 imarielle626's post

Haha, no problem. Well you need to do what's comfortable for you and besides you know better than anyone what you are capable of. I know what you mean about the native speakers. I used to be like that when speaking French !


Reply 1714#1714 imarielle626's post

That's a smart choice Arielle, especially if you didn't feel able to participate in class discussions.  That's a big part of the class, and the more interesting part (it was for me).  Israeli dance sounds like fun.  I hope your first day has gone well, since you'll see this after you're finished your classes for the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1716#1716 waterlilybarb's post

My first day has gone very well (other than my Hebrew problem).  I found out my Zionism class takes trips every Tuesday and in a couple weeks we are having an overnight trip.  I have my other two classes tomorrow so we'll see how those go then.

Israeli dancing was the most fun =)  I haven't worked out that hard in a while (and I've been going to the gym a lot lately).  Our instructor is trying to weed out the weaklings because it is now a class of 60.  This is one class I know for sure I am keeping!  I personally love Israeli dancing because it is all about community dancing so it is a lot of circle dances and line dances and it doesn't really matter if you make a fool of yourself because the spotlight isn't on you.  Some of the boys in my class are hilarious to watch because they are so uncoordinated, but love to put their all into the dance.  It's hard not to laugh, especially when you know they are doing some things on purpose

As far as Hebrew goes, I've talked to some people and we all agree I'd do better one level lower.  Now I just have to wait it out until I can change classes next week.

So that was pretty much my day.  We can't do anything else because we are on lock down until further notice and not allowed to step two feet outside of the hostel!  I don't know if any of you heard about the Yeshiva shooting here a couple days ago, but since then there have been a bunch of threats and things are starting to get a little worse.  It's nothing major though.  Israel has spurts of bad times every now and again.  We just hope this is just one of those spurts and is not the start of something major.  I really need to go to the mall though.  I've been mooching off my roommate for a lot of things because I expected to be able to buy them.  I feel bad using her stuff, but I told her once our security alert is lifted and I can get to the mall she is welcome to use a few of my things to pay back for what I used of hers.


Reply 1717#1717 imarielle626's post

I haven't seen the news in a few days, so I hadn't heard of the shooting.  I know Israel goes through spurts, but take care of yourself and listen to all the precautions.  I also hope this is a temporary thing.

I'm really glad you had a good day and enjoyed the dance class.  Community dancing is fun, and I can just imagine how the fellas looked.

Take care of yourself, and don't worry about being a mooch.  I'm sure your roommate understands, considering the circumstances.  You'd do the same for her if the show was on the other foot, I'm sure.

I'm off to get a bit of rest, so I'll catch you when I can.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1718#1718 waterlilybarb's post

Our security alert was finally lifted today! =)  Now I can finally go to the mall!!!  I've had two new classes today.  One I didn't think I would like, and was considering switching out (I really wanted the other teacher), but I actually think I'm going to like it.  We are discussion some topics I am interested in so I'm staying.  My other class I had today was everything I expected it to be so that's good.  I have really great teachers which really helps make the classes better.

Well I'm off to my last class of the day:  Arab-Israeli Conflict.  Should be an interesting class as there is no shortage of information for that syllabus.  We also get to go on trips every Monday with it so you can do some on site studying.

Barb, just curious about the snorkel in your meez?  Is there a reason you are snorkeling on your couch while watching tv?


Reply 1719#1719 imarielle626's post

Yes.  Meez didn't have a gas mask and my idiot landlord restained the floors in the apartment across the hall from me.  The stench is overwhelming, and I am sick as a dog.  He should have waited for warmer weather, because with it so cold the windows can't be opened and there isn't proper ventilation.  I feel like I'm being poisoned.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

