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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1676#1676 waterlilybarb's post

I have a roommate.  We were able to chose, but I chose not to and just get put with who i get put with.  I am really easy going so i didn't really care who I got roomed with.  The girl I'm rooming with is nice.  We are very different and have different groups of friends, but I think she will be a good roommate.  Neither one of us are big into partying so I won't have to worry about dealing with a roommate who comes home drunk at 3 AM, which was one thing I was worried about knowing most of the people on my program.


Reply 1681#1681 imarielle626's post

That's an important thing in a roommate...someone who isn't too different from you in lifestyle, even if you have different tastes.  Sounds like the next few months will be good.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1681#1681 imarielle626's post

Sounds like you've been pretty lucky, Arielle. Hope everything continues to go well for you.

To Barb and Gypsy, it's hard for most of us to understand what it must be like to live with an illness all the time. I've always tried hard to be a thankful and positive person and you guys have made me realise even more how important it is to count my blessings. It all too often seems that the people who have plenty to be thankful for are the least appreciative, especially of the little things and take them for granted

"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1683#1683 meljones_83's post

Too true Mel.  Considering I live in one of the wealthiest nations in the world, have a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes to wear and people I love, who love me, I am extremely grateful.  It helps that I was taught to count my blessings from a young age.  We all have something to be thankful for, and focusing on that rather than what we don't have makes life much easier and happier.  That cartoon speaks volumes.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1683#1683 meljones_83's post

Yep Mel, that is so true. I happen to be very fortunate and am very grateful for all that I have, I don't take any of it for granted and I give a lot to charity and used to do a lot of charity work when I was able. The things I am most grateful for are my family and friends and God, not all in that order. Without those, I am nothing.

Reply  1684#1684 waterlilybarb's post

Thank you. for being such a good friend. I can't sleep tonight. I'm feeling a bit nauseous, and am aching all over. So I thought Id come and check things out till I got tired. I'm going to head back to bed, in a few minutes. I just wanted to make sure I said hello to you while I was here. See ya tomorrow!!   

Reply  1678#1678 penny3760's post
Thank you, and my heart goes out to your neighbor too. I hope that she finds good Dr's, to help her manage, everything she has to endure.

Reply  1675#1675 imarielle626's post

Laughter is great for the heart, and the many other ailments. I use it myself for pain relief and for stress, it works great. Sometimes though, it good to just talk about what is going on. We've used this room for that, on many occasions. Most of the time though, we do keep it on a lighter note.
On that note, I hope your roommate doesn't snore. If she does, I know these great wax earplugs that work fantastic. You can't even tell you have them in.


Reply 1685#1685 gypsiegirl66's post

Thankfully my roommate does not snore.  I have some great ear plugs too though because living in a hostel things can get pretty loud at night, especially on the weekend.  The hostel is built for my program, but they do need to make a profit so other groups and families often stay here.  I am really looking forward to this section of my program.  I think it will be a nice way to end because is is more chill living in the hostel than the apartments.  Here we have a cleaning service come once a week and all of our meals are provided for us.  Plus I am living right in the center of West Jerusalem walking distance from the mall and just a bus ride away from the Old City.  I got all my first choices for classes, although I think I am going to change one because I really want the teacher from the other class.  He was my teacher and head guide in Poland and I really like the way he teaches, but I'll give the class I got a try before I make any decisions.

Mel that cartoon is so true!  I'll admit I sometimes take my life for granted, as I have been that guy in the cartoon may times before.  But I really love doing community service and helping out other people, and when I can't help, just spreading awareness because raising awareness is just as important in my opinion.  I've been on a few life changing programs where I have met some people that really made me feel lucky that I live such a great life and have a loving family.  

Well I'm off to yet another meeting.  We've been having them all day to go over logistics and get us ready to live and study here in Jerusalem.  I just wanted to stop by here and see how things were going with you all =).


Reply 1674#1674 waterlilybarb's post

Thank you both for sharing, Barb and Gypsie. I truly appreciate your candor and openness and I'm glad you both came 'out' for lack of a better term! I think talking about it - even if just in small doses if you prefer - can help lighten the load. But I won't dwell on it either as it seems you both have all the optimism and positivity you need to deal with it! I'm definitely in awe of that!


Reply 1687#1687 studiojek's post

I've found most of us don't know what we're capable of until we've been put to the test.  We're often made of stronger stuff than we imagine.  Reminds me of a song by Dolly Parton..."Eagle when She Flies".  Women truly are, pften like steel magnolias.   Soft on the outside but made of strong stuff.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hi all, just popping in quickly this evening to say hi. I have an important assessment tomorrow and have to prepare. Saw this though and thought I'd share it, I knew studying was a waste of time!

"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1689#1689 meljones_83's post

That's funny Mel!   Though I'm sure a bit of study to refresh your mind won't hurt.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1689#1689 meljones_83's post

Mel that is too funny!  And probably something I would do to procrastinate! ha  I love math jokes.  My calculus teacher gave us a paper with a whole bunch of math jokes.  I have since found a few of them...

I guess this just supports the fact that all of my friends call me a nerd.  I don't mind it though I embrace my nerdiness!


Reply 1691#1691 imarielle626's post

While I might not know the answers to most of those questions, I know for sure the ones given are hysterically funny.   Nice ones Arielle.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1691#1691 imarielle626's post

Ha ha those were really funny!!! I very well might have answered some of those like that back in the day, I am math inept!


Hey all. Well it's the night before my parents 40th and I woke up with a horrible head cold today   I've a temperature and the shivers. Typical ! I'm just glad it's not next week when we are about to get on the plane !!

We went out to decorate the room where we are having the function, this evening. I just about made it through that, but the place looks great. I can't wait for it now. I just can't wait to see their faces !

Hopefully I will feel a good bit better tomorrow


Reply 1694#1694 shinny's post

Sorry Shinny, yo probably caught it from me.   I hope you have a great time at the anniversary do.   If you're still feeling rough, forgo the alcohol so you can take some over the counter remedy that will get you through the evening (mixing alcohol & acetaminophen aka Tylenol, is VERY bad for your liver).  Tylenol Cold meds are good, but I find the generic brand just as effective if it has the same ingredients.  Just read the label or ask the pharmacist (chemist).

And you're right, as rotten as you feel you certainly wouldn't want a head cold on an airplane.  From everything I've read, that can be excruciatingly painful, and even cause inner ear damage.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1695#1695 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Barb. I wasn't actually planning to drink tomorrow night anyway, so that's an easy one. I'm going to hit the bed now and hopefully it will improve during the night !!

I hate taking tablets. I usually have to be really bad before I'll take them, but today it was so bad I took some Sudafed for my sinus' - I felt like my face was going to explode. So yeh I guess I'm lucky I got it this week. I can't imagine having that on a long haul flight

Anyway, night all x


Reply 1696#1696 shinny's post

Good-night and here's hoping tomorrow finds you feeling a bit better.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1696#1696 shinny's post

I know you're long gone to bed, but I didn't see that when I read your first post about being sick. If you've got the shivers then yo've got a fever. Just take care and don't over do it tomorrow, that way tomorrow night, you'll be up for the big 40th. That is fantastic 40 years, you must be so excited.
Hope you're sleeping well and wake up tomorrow, feeling somewhat better......



Reply 1698#1698 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks Girls. Yep, I feel a wee bit better this morning. No more shivers, thankfully. Just feel like I have a bad cold now, but I can cope with that. Not too much going on today for me, so I can take it easy enough and if I really need to I will take some pain killers before the party.

I can't wait to see their faces......we put pictures of them from when they got married up to today, over the years kinda thing, up on the walls. They look really great.


Reply 1699#1699 shinny's post

Glad you're feeling better.  Sounds like they have a great surprise in for them.  My parents had their 20th anniversary yesterday, but didn't do anything special, just dinner.  If I'd have been home I probably would have gotten my sisters to help me pull something small together for them since 20 is a big number.

I'm sure your parents will enjoy seeing all the old pictures and will really enjoy the party.  40!  That great!

