I suppose it was time for me to let my little secret out. Most of the Mods that have been around for a while, know that I have Systemic Lupus, but it has gotten quite severe and I am undergoing a type of chemo. That is why you haven't seen me around much lately, even before the chemo, because of the illness. Lupus is a nasty illness, effecting many bodily systems, one of the systems that it is effecting is my CNS, and it's put quite a damper on my thought process. So, it's made it difficult for me, to feel like me, which has made it difficult for me to come here and talk and have fun. I guess I've wanted to say that for a while now, this is why those of you that know me, haven't seen me that much. I've thought about you all and missed you heaps!! I hope this helps you understand, whats been going on with me.
Thanks you for the well wishes!!