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The girly`s ......giggle box

I like it   I always wanted to dye my hair pink when I was in school but my school was very strict and we were excluded if we came in with hair any colour which they considered 'unnatural' until it was back to its normal colour. By the time I left school and could have done it, I wasn't that bothered anymore!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1660#1660 gabsimom's post

HAHAHA!  Too funny!  I never wanted to dye my hair.  I only started after being quite ill, and the colour ashed out.  I dyed it back to my natural colour though.  My brother laughed, and said I didn't look any different, but I told him that was the point. Now, I'll go a shade or two different, but just don't feel like me, if it's TOO different from my natural colour.  I have friends who go from blond to brunette to red...looking great in each...but that's just not me.  I will say, my natural colour is quite nice though...strawberry blonde, with it leaning more toward the I'm never in a room full of people who look the same as me.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I dyed my hair blue on the ends for cross country season once!  I also did pink in the front (at a different time) a la rogue from X men.  Also, I love your Meez, arielle.  and welcome back.  glad you got to see the good parts of poland too


i just found out that  gypsiegirl66 was unwell-i hope she feeling better


Reply 1662#1662 waterlilybarb's post

I myself have to cover the grays! I use pretty much my natural color though, so nothing exciting. I don't think I'd ever dye it something outrageous like blue or pink or anything, it's not really "me." Maybe some red highlights though, that might be cool!

I didn't know gypsie was sick, GET WELL SOON then!


Reply 1665#1665 studiojek's post

Well, now I'm covering greys too.  My family actually greys prematurely, and I've had some in there since I was about 18, but with my hair being fair it didn't show.  It's greyed faster due to illness, but thank goodness for hair colour!  I can look and feel like me...and not have to look older than I am.  I definitely think looking good is a morale booster and is good for everyone.  No need to look as crappy as I might scare people.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1666#1666 waterlilybarb's post

Please forgive me if this is too personal a question - and also if you've already gone into this and I missed it - but do you mind if I ask what sickness Barb?


I have jet black hair so any hint of grey shows up, so I have to colour my hair now too. I don't mind though because it makes your hair really shiny !!


Reply 1667#1667 studiojek's post

It's actually a variety of illnesses.  I have a severe case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in the UK).  For me it causes occasional paralysis, an unidentified movement disorder, a compromised immune system (which is why I have caught every single virus going, this winter), severe migraines, along with the other symptoms that most patients with this illness experience.  I just happen to be on the far end of the spectrum as to severity of this illness.  Some can function quite well with this, while others, like myself have found it to be a progressive and quite debilitating illness.  It's not something I talk about in great detail, because it's just part of my life now.  We all have something we're dealing with, be it sickness, family issues, financial difficulties or anything else.  Compared to many, my life is very good and I'm grateful for all the positive things in it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I suppose it was time for me to let my little secret out. Most of the Mods that have been around for a while, know that I have Systemic Lupus, but it has gotten quite severe and I am undergoing a type of chemo. That is why you haven't seen me around much lately, even before the chemo, because of the illness. Lupus is a nasty illness, effecting many bodily systems, one of the systems that it is effecting is my CNS, and it's put quite a damper on my thought process. So, it's made it difficult for me, to feel like me, which has made it difficult for me to come here and talk and have fun. I guess I've wanted to say that for a while now, this is why those of you that know me, haven't seen me that much. I've thought about you all and missed you heaps!! I hope this helps you understand, whats been going on with me.

Thanks you for the well wishes!!


Hey girlies, I think you are both great for sharing this.

Barb, my brother's father in law suffered with ME for years. It came out of nowhere and knocked him for six. For 10 years he suffered very very badly. Not even able to get out of bed most days. Then one day he woke up and it was gone. When I met him I didn't believe it. Crazy. He still suffers with bad migraines every now and again, but that's about it.


Reply 1669#1669 waterlilybarb's post

I had no idea you were doing that at the same time!!!

Incase anyone wants to know the full effects of SLE (for me anyway)
SLE Systmic lupus, effects)for me) my kidney (nephritis), my vascular system (vasculitis), my joint's (athritis), and my CNS, which is also vasculitis. The CNS, presents itself in many ways, from forgetfulness, difficulty thinking, to seizures. The vasulitis and arthritis are the most painful of the effect, of the lupus and the nephritis, nd the vasculitis, are the most life threatening of the two. There are a number of other symptoms, but these are without  a doubt the most prevalent I too am on the far end of the spectrum for SLE.

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 3-5-2008 16:57 ]


Reply 1671#1671 shinny's post

It sounds like he is fortunate. to ,ave found his way past the nightmare he was in for all those years. ME is a trick illness though, lets hope he has escaped it for good.......with only the occasional migraine (which aren't fun either).


Reply 1671#1671 shinny's post

That's wonderful he had such a good recovery after such a long time.  I'm heading into year 19 of this, and unfortunately for me, the past few years have seen me get even sicker.  It's always great to hear of those who saw improvement after a long time, because it's encouraging to know it can happen.

Reply 1672#1672 gypsiegirl66's post

I didn't plan it that way.   I just thought since studiojek asked, I might as well give a thorough answer, then be done with it.   You know how it is.  Easier to just put it out there, people will understand or they won't.  Happy to say that most I've come upon here have been very supportive.    

p.s. I see you got your Meez to work in your signature.  Looks like we're doing much the same today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Barb and Gypsie I hope you are both doing well.  Dealing with any illness isn't easy, and from what you said you both have the more severe end of the disease.  I guess it's just taking it one day at a time and hoping for the best.

Well, I think it is time for a change of subject.  After all this is the giggle box, we should be giggling (plus it has been scientfically proven that laughing can cure!)  

Oh and by the way, I have officially moved in to my final place of residence for my program (the hostel).  I am all unpacked and am settling in very well.  My room is in a great location (near the laundry room, gym, stairs, and right down the hall from my friends).  Now all I need to do is go to the mall and accessories my room =)  There are so many things I want to buy!


Reply 1675#1675 imarielle626's post

Thanks Arielle!  That is too cute!

Glad to hear you're settling in and are happy with your new digs.  Do you get a room to yourself or do you have to share?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1669#1669 waterlilybarb's post

I have a cousin named Joyce and she had almost all of the symptoms that you have.  She was always sick.  I always felt sorry for her.  Some days she got pretty bad.  She was always going to the ER.  Once, they found that she had an enlarged heart.  The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her.  Later in life after she had 3 children, she started to have female problems.  They got so bad that the doctors recommended that she have a full hysterectomy.  She went and had the operation and this is the weird part.  After she recovered from the surgery, she started feeling better.  Eventually all her symptoms disappeared.  The doctors couldn't explained it.  To this day she is doing great.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1672#1672 gypsiegirl66's post

Gypsy, I am so sorry.  My neighbor has Lupus and it is such a terrible disease.  You are so young to have it..  My heart goes out to you and everyone who have these terrible diseases.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1677#1677 penny3760's post

That is amazing. I wonder were all of her problems hormone related? Men don't know how easy they have it

Reply  1675#1675 imarielle626's post

That is so true about laughter. They've proven now that people who laugh a lot and have fun are less likely to suffer with cardiovascular diseases !!


Reply 1679#1679 shinny's post

It's one of the reasons I make sure to get my daily dose of laughter.  It's even been called internal jogging, it's so good for your heart, and for your well-being in general.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

