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The girly`s ......giggle box

12 days, wow. I'd say you are definitely ready and cannot wait !


yeah pretty much.  not really stressed. just ready to be a married woman!


Reply 1622#1622 themegababe's post

Have you got your apartment pretty much set up now Meg?  I know there'll be plenty to put away after the wedding, but I'm sure you're getting it quite homey already.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well we got couches (wedding gift from my Mum). so that made it feel a million times more like home.  We are getting the mattresses this afternoon.  And I am starting to put some things away.  Thankfully my Mom visited and decided I could start using things (before, she told me that I needed to wait until after the wedding to use them) haha so now we have matching towels and comforters and such.  So much better!  I still have some things to move in from my old apartment, I'm officially off of that lease on Saturday.  And then Matt gets to sleep over at his friends' house. haha  We're so old fashioned.  But there won't be any surprise babies from us! haha


Reply 1624#1624 themegababe's post

There's nothing wrong with being old fashioned.  It's rather refreshing to meet a young couple that is.  That's funny that your Mum told you not to use the stuff before, but that it's OK now.  Very cute!  I guess the wedding is getting so close she figures you might as well get your home comfortable for when you're both there.   Getting everything all set up, and having your new things out will really make it feel like your home together, instead of just your own place.  And that's a really nice gift from your Mum.  

Come next Saturday, I'll be humming "Sadie, Sadie Married Lady" and thinking of you...our own almost Sadie.   
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1624#1624 themegababe's post

Meg, I really do wish you lots of luck and many years of happiness with your new husband.   Reading your posts made me remember when my husband and I first got married and setting up our first apartment together.   
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1624#1624 themegababe's post

Only 9 more days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


8 days!  haha

thanks for the best wishes, i am so excited!  we got the favors done last night (200 little tins wrapped in tulle is not easy!  haha!).  So now it's time to be married! haha


Reply 1628#1628 themegababe's post

How just be waiting to get married.   I can imagine the hassle of trying to wrap those tins.   Good job done, and before we know it you'll be a Mrs.  Enjoy the week...I'm sure it will be a fun one.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1628#1628 themegababe's post

wow i didn't even know you were getting married-

Best of luck it must be so stressful


Reply 1630#1630 bala's post

Bala...I'm stunned!  You actually posted in here...this den of iniquity.   

Meg's a smart girl.  She's focusing on the marriage rather than the wedding, so I think she'll have a great week, and a fabulous time at her wedding.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1631#1631 waterlilybarb's post

Well most of time you women chatting boring stuff that i'm not interested in. no need for me post a comment but i found the news Meg getting married interesting


Reply 1632#1632 bala's post

Hmm, but you obviously still read it to know it's boring

Reply  1628#1628 themegababe's post
What time are you getting married at Meg? Generally here people get married at anytime from 1pm to 2pm. Then it's off to get all of the photo's taken with the bridal party. Then about 4.30/5pm you head back to the reception and dinner is normally 6pm.

I was Chief Bridesmaid at my sisters wedding. We had the speeches after dinner and I said a few words too about my sis and new brother in law !! My Dad's speech was really great and the best man's speech was so funny, everyone did a great job.

Are you going to say a few words yourself? I think if I was married I would, but I know a lot of girls don't like to say anything. My sister didn't, she left that all up to me, haha !!


Hi girlies, long time no see.
I feel like I've missed loads!

Less than a week to go now then, Meg - it sounds like you have everything under control and will just be able to enjoy the day. All the best for next Saturday as well as the rest of your lives together, it sounds like it's going to be great.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1634#1634 meljones_83's post

When is your day Mel? We have to have a party for you too.


Oh, mine is a long way away yet, 25th October.
Just trying to sort out all the important things at the moment, am sure we'll probably forget something though as we're both a bit too laid back about it all. I keep telling people we've got ages yet!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1634#1634 meljones_83's post

Hi Mel, we've missed you!   Glad you're able to pop in and see us.

I know you're fiance is in Wales...have you two decided where you'll live after you're married yet?  

I'm sure once she's returned from her honeymoon Meg will have some good tips about last minute wedding things, since they'll be fresher in her mind.  As long as you don't forget one another and whoever's going to marry you, I think you'll be OK...oh, and maybe a couple of witnesses.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Thanks Barb, I missed all of you too. Unfortunately it wasn't good circumstances that kept me away.
Yes, my fiance is in Wales, he's in the process of trying to move but houses just aren't selling here  - I've just been visiting him as he's going through a tough time at the moment. Still, we're both looking forward to the wedding, the main thing is being together, everything else is just a bonus!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1638#1638 meljones_83's post

Sorry to hear things have been a bit rough.  If it's not one thing, it's my Gran used to say.

You've got the right idea though.  The two of you together is the important thing.

p.s. Having some housing issues myself (different problem though), so I can empathize on that score.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Notice to Meg

If you stop by this week, check out the fab party Tina planned (and we've all been having a ball at) for you.  HERE it is.  With love and best wishes from all the girlies in the giggle box.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

