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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1580#1580 themegababe's post

Great idea for favours Meg!  I love when the favours are edible...and especially chocolate.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


So true!  plus our names are Matthew and Megan. so M & M is perfect! We didn't need to customize them (and pay a ridiculous amount of money), because they are already customized with our "M." haha

We have about 250 favors  to fill and this includes putting m&ms in heart shaped tins, putting it in a tulle circle and tieing it up with a little ribbon.  and then i made a million hearts that say our names and the date!  So glad I got my die cut machine.  


Reply 1582#1582 themegababe's post

That's a great idea, who doesn't love chocolate!


So who knew that getting Valentine's Day M&Ms after Vday would be so hard?  I mean, I figured I could easily find them on clearance.  All that was left was peanut!  That is, at the 3rd store I went to, the others had none.  Thankfully a friend helped me and we were able to get the rest.  I wanted the discount, but didn't realize it would be so stressful! haha


Reply 1584#1584 themegababe's post

I guess everyone cleared them out after Valentine's Day. Did you get special Valentine's Day colored ones?


Meg, those favors sound cute.  I love the M&M idea.  And the valentines day colors are the best ones =).

AHH!! I am sick yet again =(  It is just a cold which I normally wouldn't mind, except for the fact that I am leaving for Poland in exactly a week in which the weather is currently a high of 29 F (-2 C).  The thing is I have never really been below freezing weather (with one exception of getting caught dog sledding in a blizzard in Colorado when I was 11).  I am really nervous that since I am sick now going to such a cold place where I will be getting minimal hours of sleep will just make me even more sick.  The program I will be doing in Poland is hard enough no having to deal with being sick!  *fingers crossed* I get over this ASAP!


Meg, that is such a fabulous idea. My sister had little Irish chocolates for her favours. I was also at another wedding were they had small silver photo frames as their favours and they were beautiful.

Arielle, sorry to hear you are not well. I suppose you know all of the "home" remedies, plenty of hot fluids !!


Reply 1586#1586 imarielle626's post

Get well soon Arielle! Drink lots of warm liquids to keep you warm and to help flush your system out.


Reply 1584#1584 themegababe's post

Glad to hear you finally found your M&Ms Meg.  I wouldn't have thought they'd be that hard to come by either.  I love that your initials are both M...the favours are perfect!

Arielle, sorry you're sick again...what a bummer!  With a week to get better you should be OK, just make sure to get enough sleep and as studiojek said, lots of fluids.  Also, try not to let yourself get chilled.  I find if I'm already unwell, a chill just makes any bug settle in longer.  Get well soon girlie, so you can enjoy your long-awaited trip to Poland.   I'm sure you'll be fine, as you're young and in generally good health to begin with.  It's folks like me with compromised immune systems, or who are about 50 years older than I am,  that catch a cold that lasts for a month instead of a week.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1584#1584 themegababe's post

Meg, I wish you all the happiness in the world when you get married.   
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1586#1586 imarielle626's post

Arielle,   I hope you feel better real soon.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


I found this and thought I'd share...


Reply 1592#1592 imarielle626's post

Haha, that's a great picture Arielle. How are you feeling?


Thanks to all for the get well wishes...

I'm feeling better.  I am taking medicine now so I am not constantly blowing my nose and I have nothing to do tomorrow so I am taking the opportunity to sleep in.  I think this cold is going to pass for now, but come right back once I get back from Poland because the extreme cold is going to screw up my immune system.  By then I'll be moving into a hostel with actual heating so it should be better than my crappy apartment.


Reply 1594#1594 imarielle626's post

I'm glad you can have a day to sleep in and that you're feeling somewhat better, especially since you'll be so busy getting ready for your trip and packing up your apartment.  I sure hope the hostel is warmer.

BTW, I love that picture.  My aunt sent it to me, and it's one of the few I saved because it's so cute.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


hanks for all of the well-wishes!  I was going to do little cookie cutters, but they got too expensive.  However we are also doing little cookbooks with recipes from our families.  They are super cute and ready to go!  We will put like 4 or 5 on a table of 8! haha

and Arielle, I spent 2 days in Poland and was SO sick while I was there.  So I know your pain! haha  It was probably about the same time as well.  so cold and snowy. But I got to tour Auschwitz, which was all I wanted to do.  It was so intense, but worth it.  Have you gone there?  What city are you in? I was in Krakow, outside of Auschwitz.  Such a beautiful city!


Reply 1596#1596 themegababe's post

I don't think she'll actually be in Poland until next week.  I'm curious to find out all about her trip too.

Also, great idea with the family recipes.  For bridal showers I love when an empty recipe card comes with the invitation, or is at the table.  They are great for newlyweds, especially if they haven't done a lot of cooking prior to getting married.  And you can't go wrong with tried and true recipes.  I'm sure your cookbooks will be a great hit!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I don't leave until late Sunday night (technically it is 1 AM Israel time on Monday).  We start in Warsaw looking at life before the war.  Pre-1939 Warsaw was home to the biggest Jewish community in the world.  While in Warsaw we will be visiting the remains of the Warsaw ghetto and Okopowa St. Jewish Cemetery, the oldest and largest Jewish cemetery.  While in the area we are also visiting Treblinka.  Then we will be going to Lublin to see Majdanek.  The last half of the trip we will be in Krakow and will see Aushwitz-Birkenau, Schindler's Factory, and some more cemeteries and old synagogues.  We land back in Israel at around 3 AM where we will go directly to the old city of Jerusalem to the Kotel (the Western Wall) for a closing ceremony.  Each day has a theme ranging from "Remnants of the Past" to "The Final Solution".

It is going to be a long and harsh week, but I am really looking forward to it because I really feel it is an important place to visit.  The last of the Holocaust survivors are reaching old age and won't be around to tell their story to generations to come.  We had a preparation weekend this past weekend and one of our seminars was on Holocaust denial.  With no one left who tell the stories first hand, it will be up to us to make sure the stories don't die to and prevent future catastrophes, as well as spread the word on current genocides as well (for example Darfur).

Okay enough on that subject.  On a lighter note, I saw two great movies today.  The first was Untraceable with Diane Lane.  It's and FBI movie where they find a website in which the guy tortures and murders people live online and investigate the case to find the guy and shut it down.  It is a bit scary and some parts can be really gory (like the torture scenes), but it was overall a great film.  After seeing it my roommates could not go to sleep right away so we watched Juno online (it just came out here and hasn't made it to the smaller town theatres yet).  Such a good movie!  It was cute and hilarious.  The word choice in some lines just made the movie.  That and Ellen Page was excellent!  Juno is currently my favorite movie!


Reply 1592#1592 imarielle626's post

Aw that's sweet!


Reply 1598#1598 imarielle626's post

Arielle, I totally agree. History is there to remind us of our past mistakes, so we do not allow them to happen again. Unfortunately, I fear this will never be the case. Humans never learn from their mistakes or they use "past atrocities" to their own advantage (i.e. Bush!)

I am so wacked today. I was up doing the AR till all hours of this morning and then up early to travel into Dublin for some pretty important meetings. I don't know how I got through the day, but I did. My last meeting wasn't until 5pm which meant I didn't get home from work until 8pm ! Soooooooooooo tired. But at least I am working from home tomorrow, so no travelling.

How is everyone else?

