Well questions question questions... This episode left me more frustrated than disappointed, I was shouting at the comp the whole way through. I think my expectations were too high for this. Firstly what's with Chloe it's very co-incidental that she has the ability thats never before even been mentioned ,let alone makes any sense, to practically disable BRAINIAC. I can't think of anything thats ever been written or spoken about BRAINIAC's vulnerabilities that would make this even plausible. Secondly as Bala first stated above, Clark begging Lex for his life just totally contradicts the whole Superman theme, where he does not give into to bullies and stands up for what is right. Im with you lot on the fact that he could have taken the orb from Lex without touching it. The showdown we have been waiting for (7Years) turned into little more than Clark on his knees begging Lex for his life back.
The episode did have it's good part as well Jimmy's character was brought on a little more and there was the cliff hanger with Chloe getting arrested but it was all very predictable and even if I did not know that it was BRAINIAC instead of Kara im sure I would have guessed anyway. All in all a very shabby ending for what has been a brilliant season.
Still can't wait for next season with all the new developments. Keep your eyes on the boards for quizes and games while Smallville is on hiatus.