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Hollywood Heights (Nick) General Discussion (Spoilers)

Loren's Debut

what an emotional episode for Melissa but them almost have a fight was resolved rather quickly i would like to see them fight for a bit longer. So Tracey finally find out about the kiss but i think her reaction was typical and Jake was in a tough place. Trust Melissa to drop the bombshell at the end she really needs pick her time carefully.

Is Tyler seriously about informing on her ?


Episode 55 - Eddie\\'s New Sound

Nora sleeping with Max was a surprise. Eddie getting feedback from his mate was great so glad he not going into blind.When did Loren start getting a secret text from someone but nora reaction about what was said made it obvious who text is from. . How many more family secrets do they have left ?.


1x54 Loren's Debut

It was only a matter of time for Traci to finding out about the kiss between Kelly and Jake and no surprise that Beth is Melissa's mother


1x55 Eddie's New Sound

I forgot about Loren's secret texter from episode 18 and I think Max would be better for Nora than Don


Reply 144#144 codebreaker's post

Yeah that felt like a long time ago


1x56 Tyler Collects Evidence

Phil being the silver lining in Melissa's family drama was amusing and Traci asking Kelly to quite her job was interesting, Tyler searching for incriminating evidence at Chloe's was like a dog looking for a bone and you just knew Chloe would find away to go to the MK Club


Reply 146#146 codebreaker's post

Yeah not much happend in this episode and look like Ellie is getting more stalker send dead flowers


If There Was No Music

This episode where we hear eddie new songs there were ok but new girlfriend line was nice.


1x57 If There Was No Music

Nora dumping Don is going to make her job more awkward and no surprise that the only two who didn't like the duet was Chloe and her date but at leased Chloe has got over her stage fright, it's a shame Melissa didn't hear Beth say she's not ready for a daughter


1x58 Mixed Reactions

Looks Chloe's secret is about to come out and Kelly telling Jake how she really feels about him was risky, Melissa giving Beth a hard time was expected but her walking out came as a surprise and Don catching Phil was interesting considering he covered for him but I had a feeling Don would try and sell the drugs as he is desperate for money


Reply 150#150 codebreaker's post

Yes i was thinking the same thing and framing Ellie would kill two birds with one stone.


Tyler Blackmails Chloe

Well Tyler offer was odd leave LA but lilly leaving a message for eddie should be intresting.


1x59 Tyler Blackmails Chloe

I'm not surprised Gus didn't believe Phil when he told him the truth about Don letting him go and it was obvious Don would try and sell them the drugs


Loren Has Doubts

Well i have to say Phil not doing any favours for himself the amount of lies he told the detective and now he asked for his help but the trap will backfire since colorado knows the doctor has the drugs not him so i think it's going to end badly for phil. It's going make it look like he lied again to cops.

The flashback Eddie seeing his dad in hospital was wrong since they should younger actor to do it no way he was 12 when accident happend ?.


The Mystery Texter

Well the mother confirm it could be her dad had lauren all freaked out but glad we were right. Phil situation is getting a bit complicated but he finally got arrested means that storyline is over.


Loren Talks Business

Eddie going with Lauren to her meeting look like a problem for her manger because Eddie trying control her and she is going eventually have a go at him but that put Lauren in the middle. That dream she had at start was interesting.


The Text Spoof

Well let see how she talks her out of this one but stupid eddie telling her what he was refer to if only he was more sneaky he could of got her to confess and Tyler,  you would think after she drugged him he would send recording to Lilly but no way he shows it to her. These two really deserves each other trying blackmail each other thinking there are in love with each other but we know she isn't and he is and he really should of exposed this secret sooner rather hold it over her head


1x60 Loren Has Doubts

I liked the way Kelly suggested she talk to her mother after Loren questions her professional relationship with her and I'm not surprised the cop don't believe Phil after all the lies, the look on Nora face makes you think it's Loren's dad who is sending the texts


Reply 158#158 codebreaker's post

I really need to catch up on this but i probably put hold until i finish my normal show


Reply 159#159 bala's post

I'm behind on everything but if you leave one show that's not here to long the links might be dead

