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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1559#1559 themegababe's post

Yes, he was very good alright.

How long till the wedding now Meg??


Reply 1561#1561 shinny's post

I know it's sometime in March. (I know...I'm not Meg lol, but I do remember that much)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


March 8th if I remember right? We talked quite a lot about weddings a while ago and I know Meg did say when it was but my memory isn't always the best!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


  arghhhhhhhh   need to vent so sorry guys

Been trying on and off since the weekend to complete an assignment and it is driving me insane!!!!!! Think I am on the verge of giving up and just submitting what I have so far

I have complained about this lecturer to the head of teaching for my school as he is setting way way too complex stuff (that we have no grounding in) and its way way wayyyy too much for the marks associated with it *grhhh*

It is an assignment worth 10% or a 10 credit module and according to the head of teaching the maximum is should be is 8 hours work ..... well I dont know anyone who has spent less than 25+ hours trying to complete this THING!!!!

*imaginary rant to the lecturer*
I have no bl**dy idea how to fri**ing calculate shields parameter ...... or what the hell you mean by calculate bankfull dicharge ..... or how to calculate the shear stress imparted to my stream ..... or how to calculate the minimum grain size that my channel bed it stable at ...... sod off TC really beginning to dislike you   I have spent nearly 28 hours fiddling about with this spreadsheet and am now dreading what I am going to have to do for the project that you will be setting for 30% of the module   .... we do have 5 other modules that have coursework to complete this term as well as yours :Q .... *runs away and cries in the corner*

*rant over* sighhhhh feel better now
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 1564#1564 philryk's post

Aww, that sounds miserable.  No wonder you're so frustrated.  I'm glad we could provide a spot for you to have a rant.   I find them very useful myself a times.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1564#1564 philryk's post

Just call Rodney Mckay or Sam   Or put that as your answer so the professor knows the assignment is fiction or perhaps they will think you had a mental break and take it easy on you.


Reply 1566#1566 gabsimom's post

Too funny Tina!   I don't know how well that would fly with the lecturer though.  They might not be a Stargate fan.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1567#1567 waterlilybarb's post

That is worth a complaint to the head of teaching by itself. seriously I had some pretty bad teachers myself and in the states it is so hard to get them fired. As you can see my Grammar and such is terrible, but you should see me try to write research papers  The "teacher" that taught us this told us it was in the book and if we did not understand it it was our problem. Then when I did turn in a good paper she accussed me of cheating and said I plagerized but she couldn't prove it so she failed me anyway. 15 years later and I still hate her.


Lol I doubt that he is  

Apparently every class that he is taking has complained about him - he is such an eager beaver ...... new lecturer trying to make his mark I suppose. I don't think that the head of teaching is very pleased as when I showed him the first bit of coursework set .... he mentioned that he is leaving him nothing to teach in a third year module next year   Its a big chunk of the material that he teaches then ...... so guess it will make Water Resources a nice simple third year option

Thanks for letting me vent
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 1568#1568 gabsimom's post

gosh that sounds familiar ...... this guy apparently said to the guys in one class ..... "well its not MY job to teach you this, you should know it already if you took A level physics and math"

Well newsflash ...... not everyone takes Physics and Maths especially if they are going into an Earth Science discipline ....
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 1568#1568 gabsimom's post

I do hate teachers who don't actually want to teach.  If people wanted to learn, or could learn, everything by reading the book, they wouldn't bother going to school.  It's those few with the attitude problems that give teachers a bad name.  Most are great and only too happy to help students understand what is being taught.  I don't blame you for still holding it against that one teacher.  To be failed for good work, with no proof of cheating is not only unfair, it's a crying shame.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1571#1571 waterlilybarb's post

I gave up the Maths part of my university degree course because I failed 2 modules and when I went to ask for help from the lecturer he just explained it all in exactly the same way as he had in the lecture but much quicker, he didn't give me any examples and made me feel like I was wasting his time. In the end he said how I obviously wasn't getting it and that he had to go and referred me to a book!
Unfortunately, I know loads of similar stories from people I know. It seems that a lot of uni lecturers are like this. They know their subjects inside out and probably have brilliant minds but that is no good if you do not know how to explain it to others. Maybe I'm wrong but we pay a lot of money to go to uni here and most of it seems to go towards the staff doing their own research!
In the end I switched to Education as it was something I could learn out of books - even for that course my lectures were pretty awful but I had other ways of getting through it.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Dear me I'm actually exhausted after that first leg of the race, lol. Just catching my breath, hehe.

It really does make a difference in the type of teacher you get. Some of them are just going through the motions and don't really care about the students they are "teaching" !


Reply 1572#1572 meljones_83's post

I'm sure your experiences have made you a better teacher your students can learn from.

And I'm not surprised you're tired shinny!  Tina likes to run you guys around pretty good.   At least now you've finished the 1st leg, you have a day or so to catch your breath.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1574#1574 waterlilybarb's post

Yes, I need to catch it !!

Seriously, well done Tina. This clearly took a lot of effort and we truly appreciate that


Yup, March 8, hence why I am not around so much.  Less than a month to go and lots to do!!


Reply 1576#1576 themegababe's post

Oh, that is going to fly in. Are you really excited and nervous now?

My Parents are married 40 years on March 16th, but as we are going to Oz on March 14th, we are having a surprise party for them on the 7th of March. It was actually supposed to be the 8th but one of my sisters and one of my brothers play in a band (2 different ones) and they are gigging that night (at weddings actually, lol !!)

I was ringing around some old family friends today of my parents and they are so excited about the party. I can't wait now actually.


Reply 1574#1574 waterlilybarb's post

Yeah, it was actually teachers like that who made me decide to go into teaching! If you have struggled through something it helps you to understand where pupils who have trouble are coming from and what they feel like. With a lot of bad teachers I don't think it's so much that they don't care about their pupils but that they just don't understand them. My lecturers at uni just couldn't understand why some of us had so much trouble as it all came so easily to them!

Hope everything is going well with the final wedding preparations Meg. I am getting more organised for my own now. I had my first taste of trying wedding dresses on this week and I loved it. I was really worried about the dress before I went but now I'm really excited about choosing it! I don't tend to wear dresses and wasn't sure if I'd be able to figure out what suited me but with some help from some very honest family members and a very helpful shop assistant, I now have a very good idea of what will look best!
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1578#1578 meljones_83's post

When is your big day Mel?


Everything is going very well, thanks!  I am going to try and hit up the Valentine's Day clearance items today.  Hopefully I can find some good stuff for cheap.  The main thing is bags of M & Ms for our favors.  We  like the Vday colors the best! haha

Glad to hear dress shopping is going so well for you, Mel!  The first lady who helped me try on dresses was not helpful at all, she kinda zoned out the whole time.  When I went back with my Mom, I asked for someone else and she was really helpful!  What are your wedding colors?

And so exciting about the 40th anniversary shinny.  That is going to be soo much fun!  We took a family vacation to the beach for my grandparents 50th. It was wonderful.  

