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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1533#1533 shinny's post

That's interesting. I know in the U.S. almost all cigarette advertising has been dropped (all tv and most print), I wonder what the effect has been.


Reply 1541#1541 studiojek's post

Here in Israel, they just passed a law that you must be 18 to buy Hooka, on the streets and in the bars.  Before there was no age limit so anyone could get it.  People claim that smoking Hooka is better than cigarette, but the truth is it is actually worse.  Although it does not have nicotine in it, it also does not have a filter so you are smoking pure tobacco.  They have also recently passed the no smoking in public places law, although it has yet to be strongly enforced.  These changes will take time to really work because smoking is so much a part of Israeli and Middle Eastern culture.


Reply 1542#1542 imarielle626's post

True, but it will come eventually.  I live in a city that has a high Middle Eastern population, and when the bylaws passed for no smoking in public places, everyone was pretty good about abiding by it, including those that smoke Hooka.  Of course the highly enforced $5000 fine could have played a part.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1543#1543 waterlilybarb's post

Hey, if they've stopped smoking in public offices/bars/restaurants in Italy of all places, they can manage it anywhere LOL!

What's it like to smoke Hooka by the way? It's water and herbs right?


Reply 1544#1544 studiojek's post

I remember when I stepped off the plane in Italy.  The stench of cigarette smoke was so strong!

Hooka is pure flavored tobacco.  The way it is smoked is through a hooka that has water filled in the bottom, the tobacco on top covered with tin foil and a piece of coal.  The hose is in the middle so it sucks down the tobacco and up the water.  Since there is no filter like on cigarettes you are pretty much smoking pure tobacco and water.  Here's a picture


Reply 1544#1544 studiojek's post

The hookah (also called shisha) pipe used over here, from the ones I've seen, are fairly large.  It does require water and whatever type of hookah the person chooses, as there are several varieties.  Nearly all contain a combination of tobacco, herbs and fruit and most contain molasses (treacle).  I'm not a smoker at all, but inhaling any foreign substance into your lungs is generally not a good idea, in my opinion.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1546#1546 waterlilybarb's post

Also called Nargila here.  People like it because the tobacco is flavored so it tastes good.  Some popular flavors are strawberry, cola, fruity, banana, chocolate mint (at least those are the ones popular on my program as Hookah has become a popular social past time because it is cheap and easy to get).  I agree.  Inhaling any foreign substance into your lungs is not a good idea!  Not only can it cause lung and throat cancer, but put you at risk for a heart attack and is just all around bad for your health!  I just wish some of my friends would listen to me!


I found this so funny,  because my husband is always teasing me about my boobs sagging since I've aged.  If anyone is offended by this, I am sorry and I will delete it.

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1548#1548 penny3760's post


That was hysterical Penny!!!!!!


Reply 1547#1547 imarielle626's post

Thanks for your info and the diagram!

I guess I can understand why it would be an addictive social past-time - from what I've seen in the movies, the hooka bars (do they have a special name?) always seem so comfortable and relaxing. Sort of like the cafe' scene in Seattle or NYC. Though coffee is a slightly less dangerous habit - just as addictive (if not moreso) though!


Reply 1550#1550 studiojek's post

They don't have a special name, just called hooka bars.  THere are many of them here in Israel although I don't care to much for them.  Second hand smoke kills too so I prefer to keep my lungs clean and healthy.

Penny that comic is hilarious!


Reply 1551#1551 imarielle626's post

LOL yea, I meant 'comfortable and relaxing' except for the 2nd hand smoke!


Reply 1548#1548 penny3760's post

That is hilarious Penny!   Reminds me of an incident that happened with my Gran, and unfortunately it was my brother and cousin's husband who witnessed it.  

She had Alzheimer's, and with it she didn't want to where a bra...I don't know why, she always wore one before (but I know they're uncomfortable).  Anyway, she had been quite a busty woman, but with age, some weight loss and having nursed her 6 children, her boobs sagged pretty low too.  The fellas were setting up my Mum's home entertainment system, when Gran came out from her bedroom all dressed.  She had a top on that went to just past her waist...unfortunately, without a bra, her boobs hung a little lower.  They were in the middle of the job so had to wait until one of us gals was around.  Thankfully my Mum came in, and my brother gave her this freaked out look.  When my Mum looked around she sussed the problem and rectified it immediately.  

If my Gran had been completely herself and that happened, she would have laughed and told the story herself...she had a great sense of humour, so I hope no one thinks I'm being disrespectful in telling it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1553#1553 waterlilybarb's post

My mom, when she got real old, she never wore a bra either.   But, she always joked about it. She was that type of person.  She was always telling dirty jokes and making people laugh.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1553#1553 waterlilybarb's post

I don't think it's disrespectful - you know your own family best and know what would offend them or not.

This has nothing to do with boob sag, but it is embarassing - or at least a close call. I was recently at a wedding and when I walked out of the bathroom, thank GOODNESS a woman (who I'd never met before!) came over and quickly pointed out that my skirt was tucked into my stockings. I might have been the talk of the wedding if she hadn't come over and told me, bless her heart!



Tomorrow I have this campus activism seminar for 11 hours straight that I am so not looking forward to!    Basically what we do is sit in a classroom for 11 hours and listen to people talk to us about how to be active while at your university and be an advocate for things you feel strongly about.  Personally I don't see the point of making this a mandatory seminar.  I have had a lot of experience when it comes to advocating my opinion on certain issues.  I have lobbied before my representatives in Congress on the issue of Gay Rights, as well as spent three weeks on a summer activism "journey" traveling around the U.S. learning about major issues in our country (such as gun control, gay rights, legality of medical marijuana, segregation, anti-semitism, illiteracy, poverty, and more) and how we can make a difference.  I understand the importance of the ideals we are supposed to be getting out of this seminar, but these are things you can't really learn in a classroom, they must be experienced for you to truly grasp the importance and meaning of what it means to be a true activist.

Sorry I just needed to vent that out.  But what do you all think...Is activism something you can be taught in a classroom or is it more of a hands on thing to learn?


Reply 1556#1556 imarielle626's post

I doubt it can be taught in a seminar.  It's more likely that a really good teacher who gets involved can inspire students.  The best place to learn about it is to see your parents or someone else in your family, or that you truly respect be involved in things they feel are important.

That is hilarious!  Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers, eh?   I think many of us have had a similar experience...I know I have.  Since then (which was years ago) I always double check to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be.  Unfortunately in my case no one told me until I got off stage!  Yes, I was on stage in drama class.  You'd think someone would have just walked over and pulled it out for me, but NO, they waited until my scene was over.  I wished the floor would have opened and swallowed me whole, I was so embarrassed.  Well, live & learn.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1557#1557 waterlilybarb's post

That is just too common an occurrence !! I remember years ago I was in one of the local pubs. I was in the loo. On the way out my bag, which had a Velcro strap, caught hold of some toilet paper. Anyway, I was making my way across the floor, totally oblivious, when the barman swiftly came up behind me, yanked it off the bag and then carried on as if nothing had happened. Luckily he saved me from everyone in the pub seeing it. Only one or two had seen it by the time he caught up with me and freed it from my bad


That's a nice barman!  I think the ones here in the states would just laugh. haha


Reply 1559#1559 themegababe's post

Hello there, little soon-to-be bride!   How are ya' doin'?  Did you finish all your paperwork for grad school (if I remember correctly)?  You must be getting really excited now.  Only a few more weeks to go.   Any plans for a hen night, or a couples one - we call them stag and doe parties here?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

