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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1500#1500 waterlilybarb's post

Aww Barb sick again =(  Maybe these will help you get better quicker


Reply 1500#1500 waterlilybarb's post

Hope you're feeling better soon Barb

Arielle, I can't believe how many people here sat up to watch the Super bowl. I didn't realise there was any interest in it here. Just goes to show you !!!


Here some tea and toast (hold the butter), for ya Barb. I hope it settles you tummy!!

I'm off to bed with an.....

for this migraine!!!


Thanks Girls!

Thanks to all my girlies for the well wishes.  I'm sure it will pass, but my roommate came home feeling sick too, and she NEVER gets sick.  This bug is a bugger.

The balloons are very cheery Arielle.  They put a smile on my face.  

Gypsy, thanks for the dry toast and tea (you know me so well...I'm sick WAY too often) I just about managed 2 slices.
I sure hope your head feels better soon.  Those evil migraines are an absolute misery. <Me sticking it to that nasty beast.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1504#1504 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Sweet Pea, you are right, they are beast's.   I just hope, that knife does the trick. I don't know, how much more of this I can take. Before I pull out, the old melon baller!!


Barb, hope you are feeling better, if not get well soon!
Hoping all the other girlies (and non girlies who of course are welcome too!) are good today. I'm feeling a bit under the weather but it's only a cold, I can't really complain, it could be worse!

Here are some pancakes whether you are celebrating Shrove Tuesday or not!

"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I hope that everyone is feeling better today.  My daughter has also been sick.  She had minor surgery last week.  But an infection set in.  They put her on real strong antibiotics and she feels a lot better.  The part that worried me the most was that she had a sore on her leg that started a couple of months ago. It just kept on getting bigger and wouldn't heal. Her doctor thought that maybe it was a spider bite and put her on medicine.  It still wasn't getting better and it looked terrible.  I told her to go and see a specialist and thank God she did.  The doctor said that she had been bitten by a Brown Recluse spider and that gangrene had set in.  Yesterday the doctor had to cut away all the dead skin. I am going to show you a couple of photos of the spider and the sore that my daughter has.  The sore that my daughter has is almost as big as the one in the photo.

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1507#1507 penny3760's post

Oh my goodness Penny!  That's terrible.  I'm very glad she went to the specialist too.  That's just horrific!

I'm still down with the flu, but at least I haven't got gangrene.  Things can always be worse.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1508#1508 waterlilybarb's post

Oh my goodness Penny, that is crazy. Just as well she got it sorted in time.


How horrible for her and thank goodness she got it checked when she did. Mum's always know best!!
I knew there was a good reason to dislike spiders!

(That pic is freaking me out!)
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Thank you all for your concern.   I live in a wooded area and my house always has a lot of spiders.  It never bothered me because they are mostly wood spiders and daddy long legs.  I didn't know that the brown recluse spider lived in this area.  The doctor that treated my daughter said that there are a lot more people than usual are coming to his office this past year and are being treated for the same kind of bite my daughter had.  It's scary. I don't know if she got bit by the spider in the house or some place else.  I hate to think that there are a nest of those spiders in my house some where.

[ Last edited by penny3760 at 2-6-2008 06:09 ]
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Ugh!  I have always been scared of those spiders. You hear too many horror stories!  now I have the heebie jeebies and feel them all over me!  yuck

hopefully you figure out where the spiders are.  Can you get a bug guy out?


Reply 1512#1512 themegababe's post

I am going to read as much as possible about the brown recluse spider before I call a bug man.  I hate the idea of having the entire house sprayed with a pesticide.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1513#1513 penny3760's post

Wow Penny, that's crazy. Glad all's better now.

Barb, hope your bug's buggering off some!

I've been really busy with my new job and haven't been around much. I miss my tv show-and-forum time but all's well with the new job otherwise!


Reply 1514#1514 studiojek's post

I'm glad you're enjoying your new job.  Unfortunately, I'm still sick as a dog.   I'm going to try and make some chicken soup today.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1515#1515 waterlilybarb's post

I hope that you start feeling better real soon!

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1516#1516 penny3760's post

Thank you Penny!  That is too cute.   I got my soup made, so I'm waiting for it to work it's magic.   In the meantime, I've lost my voice so will be vegging out watching some shows tomorrow...when I'm not sleeping.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1507#1507 penny3760's post


I recognized that Right AWAY!  When I was 15 I was bit by one myself, fortunatly it was on the bottom of my foot, and by the end of my day at school, I had realized I had trouble walking on it. When I got home and removed my sock, had this horrible bubble at that point wound, and thankfully a very dedicated doctor who searched for an answer to my problem.

I was told untreated I could have lost my foot. Those suckers are bad news....I have found a few around my house over the years. They like to hang out in dark areas, such as wood piles, sheds, and anything stored outside for long periods of time. They look like a Black Widow, but brown, and a similar little violin shape on their back.

Glad your daughter is ok.
A Fine Member of the Mod  Squad!


Reply 1518#1518 dognxtdoor's post

Thank you Dan!   My daughter is doing a lot better, thank God.  It still looks terrible though.  They had to cut all the dead tissue out and it left such a deep hole.  I don't know why they didn't put a stitch or two to close up the wound.  Maybe, it needs to drain.  I don't know.  Your were lucky that you found a good doctor and you didn't lose your foot.   I noticed that you live in N.J. That is not that far from where I live in Ct.  I didn't think that they had the brown recluse spider living in this area.  Everything that you said that they like to hang out in, I have.  I live in the woods.  I have two wood piles in back of the house.  And I also have two sheds in the back yard.  I also have a screened in porch on the north side of the house.  It never gets any sun light.  I am always out there with my vacuum, sucking up all the spiders that make their home there.  I always loved living in the woods.  But lately, I am thinking it is a bad idea.  The deer ticks are terrible here also.   I have had Lyme disease twice in the last 4 or 5 years and both of my sons have had Lyme also.  It was nice talking to you.   Grany Penny
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Oh Penny that looks horrible!  I'm glad she is doing better though.  That's the one downside to living in the wood.  We used to spend a week of our summer in a cabin in the middle of the woods in Georgia.  It was pretty much in the middle of now where except for the small town created for this vacation get-away and the people who work there (they are all students at Florida State University in the circus program). We had to be careful of ticks and spiders and such.  Especially since most of us kids would take the short cut through the woods to our camp and the pool.

On a different, yet still scary note, my little sister just got her driving permit!  I can't believe she's already old enough to drive!  I was still getting used to the fact the older of my younger sisters can drive (and has my car since I'm not home).

