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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1480#1480 studiojek's post

That's Great!  I am so happy for you.   
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1479#1479 penny3760's post

You're right about the rainbow Penny.  That was the sign God gave Noah with the promise to never destroy the earth again on account of the wickedness of men.

Hey Shinny, I do a lot of Bible reading too, and have read it in it's entirety, but I also don't recall it saying anything about the seasons becoming one.  In fact in the account of Noah, it says that "all the days the earth continues...cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease.”  Maybe it was in another book that you read that?

And Studiojek...congrats on the new job! :)
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1480#1480 studiojek's post

Congratulations Studio


Thanks everyone!!

LOL Shinny at your new signature!


Reply 1482#1482 waterlilybarb's post

Hey Barb, I actually never read it. I saw it quoted as "coming" from the bible. But you know how people put their own interpretation on things from the bible, so perhaps that's where it came from. I'm sure I heard it mentioned in Church though? I'll have to ask my brothers friend, he's a priest.


Reply 1484#1484 studiojek's post

Haha, I saw it the other day and it made me laugh. It's funny coz it's true, hehe


Reply 1486#1486 shinny's post

I noticed the new siggy, AND the new avatar.  You're sprucing yourself up, aren't you?   Looks good, and you're right about the IS true.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1487#1487 waterlilybarb's post

Or as the mans saying goes:-
"Beauty is just a light switch away"


Reply 1487#1487 waterlilybarb's post

Well, today is the first day of Spring in Ireland and the UK, so I'm doing a "spring clean"


haha i agree, the new sig is hilarious!

And congrats on the job jek!  that's awesome!


Reply 1489#1489 shinny's post

I do all my Spring cleaning in the Winter.  I hate being cooped up in the house all winter, so as soon as the warm weather arrives, I get outdoors as much as possible.  I love planting flower gardens.  My husband fixes the garage up as a greenhouse for me, this way I can start the seedlings early and as soon as it's warm enough, I transplant the plants outside.  I can't do as much as I use to because of my back.  My husband helps me a lot because he knows how much I love gardening.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1491#1491 penny3760's post

That's nice Penny.  I love gardening too, but live in an apartment building.  When I visit my Mum, I help her with hers, though she mainly grows veggies.

As for the "spring clean" I do it twice a "autumn clean" & a "spring clean", but usually wait until about March to do the spring clean, as it's often rainy...more like giant thunderstorms, but mild enough (sometimes) to open the windows up and get some fresh air inside.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hello all!

I'm feeling rather icky today and was looking for something to brighten me up.  Thought I'd share it with the class.

And I hope everyone is!

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1493#1493 waterlilybarb's post

I was feeling the same way this morning when I first got up.  Your picture put on smile on my face.  Thank you.  I always loved this picture.   Maybe it will put a smile on your face.

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


My Mam is really green fingered so my parent's garden is lovely. It's funny because my nephew (who's 4 on the 29th of Feb (he's a leap year baby)) helped my Mam put down the daffodils which are coming up now. Every time we walk past them he's says "Nana, there's the daffodils what we planted" He's so proud of them !!


Reply 1494#1494 penny3760's post

That's a sweet picture Penny.  It did put a smile on my face.

And Shinny, seeing as your nephew's a leap year he really 4, or is he 16, and they only count his birthday every 4 years?
And, wow!  Daffodils already!  we won't be seeing those for another couple months.  Definitely one of the 1st signs of spring.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1495#1495 shinny's post

I wish it was Spring here in Connecticut.  I love the Spring when everything is blooming.  My husband can not understand how someone could get so much enjoyment working in the garden and pulling up weeds.     This might sound crazy, but when I am outside working in my garden or doing any kind of yard work, it's almost like I took a tranquilizer.  I am so relaxed and happy.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1496#1496 waterlilybarb's post

Barb, he was born the 29th of Feb 2004, so in fact he's really only one this month !!

We are always joking that when he is 84 he'll only "really" be 21 !!!

Yes, daffodils already. We were only saying there that Spring is getting earlier each year. In fact, the first sign of them opening up was around Jan 20th !!

Penny, me too. It's my favourite time when everything is coming to life.


Wow it's spring already! It definitaley doesn't feel like it here since many places in Israel just got their first snow.  But it is getting warmer!  I actually have to shed layers while walking home because it gets so warm.  Today is the first day I haven't woken up freezing in a long time!

So how bout them Giants??  I think its a bit ironic that if I were at home in American I would not have watched the game, but here in Israel my roommates and I went out and watched the first quarter.  By the time the first quarter ended it was after 2:00 AM so we went home and to sleep.  None of us like football, but they cancelled out work for today so anyone who wanted to stay up to watch the game can.  We took advantage of the no work to go out in Tel Aviv, but ended up at the American bar in the end


Reply 1499#1499 imarielle626's post

Glad to hear you're defrosting Arielle.   It must have been nice not to wake up cold.  That's such a miserable way t start the day.

I totally forgot the Super Bowl was on.  I've been sick again, and am not a huge football fan, but am surprised that I completely missed the fact that it was on last night.  That's a definite sign I haven't been watching much TV.

Glad you got to go out and enjoy yourself a bit.  Nice that you got a day off.  I hope the weather is nice so you can really enjoy it.

p.s. I'm still feeling pretty icky, so I'll catch y'all a little later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

