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The girly`s ......giggle box

Your mom seems like a character Shinny!  So funny that trick she played on your dad.

Reply #1455 WaterlilyBarb's post
So that is how you Canadians keep warm

I love searching through the bumper stickers on Facebook, I found this and thought I'd share it with you all...


Shinny, that was a good trick your Mam played on your Dad.  I'd have been laughing like that too.  My Gran had a slightly (?) different experience with some Preparation H.  She used to get up very early to drive my Grandpa to work, so she could have he car for the day.  One morning she was so tired, and she couldn't figure out why the toothpaste tasted so bad.  When she got home and was more awake she realized what she had guessed it.  She grabbed the wrong tube in the dark and used Preparation H by accident.  That's one she never forgot, nor did she let it happen again.

Also Arielle, cool sticker...we'll just pretend there's a $&*+ where the "bad" word is.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1462#1462 waterlilybarb's post

Ewww Barb, that's funny. I bet she was never let forget that one


Reply 1463#1463 musicman's post

No, we'd remind her of it every now and again.  I'll tell ya', it's not that hard to do.  I never did anything like that, but there have been times when I grab what I think is one thing (like sugar) and use the completely wrong ingredient (like salt).  Talk about ICK.  I was tired and not paying attention.  That was the worst batch of cookies I EVER made...and one time I forgot to add flour.  I'm MUCH more careful now.  If I'm too tired, I don't even attempt to do anything that requires concentration.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1462#1462 waterlilybarb's post

That's so funny Barb. My Mam accidentally sprayed air freshener in her hair once instead of hair spray.


I heard that some women use Preparation H on their faces to get rid of wrinkles and dark circles under their eyes.  I don't know if it works though.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1466#1466 penny3760's post

I read that too Penny. I also read that it thins out the skin under you eyes too !! So you might be wrinkle free but eventually start looking very opaque !!!


Reply 1465#1465 shinny's post

It's funny what we do some times when we are in a rush.  I carry two small spray bottles in my pocket book.  One is perfume and the other is mouthwash.  I was in a rush because I was late for a doctors appointment.  I reached in my purse, grabbed the wrong bottle and ended up spraying perfume in my mouth.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1458#1458 casper27's post

Craig, I am sorry that I didn't notice it sooner.  Congratulations on becoming a moderator!
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


So my trip up to our only ski-able mountain here in Israel was cancelled because there is too much snow!  I couldn't believe it.  Their season is usually only a couple weeks long, but it is going to be longer this year.  At least we know they'll be enough snow when we go next week! =)  I understand why too much snow is not safe to ski, but it just seems a bit ironic


Reply 1470#1470 imarielle626's post

Oh, Arielle, I'm sorry.   I know how much you were looking forward to it.  I'm glad they've just postponed it and not cancelled it entirely.  I guess we're stuck with you for a while longer.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1470#1470 imarielle626's post

That is a pity Arielle, at least they are putting your safety first. It is a funny irony that you can't ski because there is too much snow. Who'd have thunk it?!!


Reply 1472#1472 shinny's post

There's been a lot of that happening in Canada this winter.  Too much snow increases the risk of avalanches.  Many of the ski resorts have been causing controlled avalanches in order to make the skiing and snowboarding safer for their patrons.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1473#1473 waterlilybarb's post

It's crazy when you think about it like that.

We are expecting snow here this weekend. It's cold enough. But we don't get snow falls like we used to do. I remember when I was about 10 and the snow was up to my knees. You'd be lucky to get a inch now !!

Good old global warming


Reply 1474#1474 shinny's post

It's like that where I live too.  We had much more snow when I was a kid, and we always looked forward to snow days.  For those who don't know, a snow day is when they close schools when the roads are too bad for driving.  We don't get nearly as much snow anymore, and the younger kids have NEVER had a snow day.  We're expecting snow tonight, but it will most likely to turn to freezing rain by the morning.  I dread to think of the driving conditions.  Thankfully, I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow.

I totally blame it on global climate change.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1475#1475 waterlilybarb's post

The climate where I live in Connecticut , USA has definitely change a lot since I was a kid.  We use to have a lot of snow storms that had 3 or 4 feet of snow, with big snow drifts. We use to be able to go ice skating or ice fishing.  Now, we are hardly any snow at all.  The lakes and ponds don't freeze over enough to do anything on them.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1476#1476 penny3760's post

As far as I remember, it's says in the Bible that when all the season become one, the end is  near!

And that's what is happening. Our winter was very very mild last year. You could hardly tell it from Autumn and our Summer was awful, was more like Winter.


So I have read a lot in the bible, and am currently going through revelation and have never heard about the seasons becoming one.  where is that verse?  i'm not trying to say you are wrong, just curious! haha

also, it snows about every 5 years where I live (tho in the mountains it snows more often.)  However, last weekend my fiance was going snowboarding, and he got close to the mountain, to the spot where they make you put on chains, and his were literally an eighth of an inch too short!  so he had to turn back.  But later on there was an avalanche at the ski place and 3 people died. I mean, it was off course in the "don't go there" area, but still. My fiance wouldn't go there, but I have a feeling the friend who was with him, would.  so it was a blessing in disguise! haha

I'm looking forward to the sun in mexico.. I hope it's sunny there in march!


Reply 1477#1477 shinny's post

My mom had this beautiful saying whenever us kids asked her about rainbows.
She said that a rainbow is God's promise to never to destroy the Earth again by using rain.
She would tell us that rain was God crying for all his sad children in the world.
Because we were afraid of thunder and lighting. She said that God was having fun and that he was bowling up in heaven .The lighting was when God got a strike.   
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Hi all!

Totally off any subject here (though, this *is* the 'Giggle Box'!!), but I started a new job yesterday! It's a full time translating job, and I'm exhausted but it's all good so far! Though, it means less time for tv shows and chatting!

Just thought I'd share!

