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About The Pillars Of The Earth

Nothing is sacred.

The Pillars Of The Earth is a miniseries that aired from 23 July to 27 August 2010.

About the Show:
The Pillars of the Earth is set against a backdrop of war, religious strife and power struggles which tears lives and families apart. In that time, there rises a magnificent Cathedral in Kingsbridge. Against the backdrop, love-stories entwine: Tom, the master builder, Aliena, the noblewoman, the sadistic Lord William, Philip, the prior of Kingsbridge, Jack, the artist in stone work and Ellen, the woman from the forest who casts a curse. At once, this is a sensuous and enduring love story and an epic that shines with the fierce spirit of a passionate age. Follett masterfully weaves these stories through political turmoil of 12th century England, creating a relevant and viable world for today's audience and for generations to come.

Ian McShaneWaleran
Donald SutherlandBartholomew
Rufus SewellTom Builder
Eddie RedmayneJack Jackson
Matthew MacfadyenPrior Philip
Alison PillMaud
Natalia WörnerEllen
Sarah ParishRegan Hamleigh
David OakesWilliam Hamleigh
Hayley AtwellAliena
Tony CurranKing Stephen
Sam ClaflinRichard

Episode Guide

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[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-16-2011 08:38 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 Thank you! Very well done - you're goo 9-24-2010 13:04
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 Thank you! Very well done - you're goo 9-24-2010 13:04


The Pillars Of The Earth Episode Guide

Episode 1: Anarchy
Original Air Date—23 July 2010
On the death of King Henry I, there is a schism in the succession leading eventually to civil war during a period now known as the Anarchy. Before his death, the King had sought the support of the noblemen and the clergy in favor of his newborn grandson, the future Henry II and requested that they all recognize his daughter Maude as the rightful ruler until his grandson comes of age. Henry's nephew Stephen has his eye on the throne and with the support of the Church, is soon crowned King. Maude has her supporters however, including Bartholomew, the Earl of Shiring, whose nemesis Percy Hamleigh would like nothing better than to find an excuse to take his lands and his title. Meanwhile a monk, Philip, returns to Kingsbridge Priory when his mentor falls gravely ill and receives an interesting offer from Father Waleran - in return for the Priory's support in making him Bishop, Philip will be made Prior. Meanwhile, Tom Builder, a stone mason, travels the countryside with his wife, daughter and son looking for any work that will feed them in these hard times. When his wife dies in childbirth he decides to leave the newborn on her grave but returns to retrieve him only to find that the infant has been taken. Ellen and her near-mute son Jack join Tom and his family in his travels.

Episode 2: Master Builder
Original Air Date—23 July 2010
Tom Builder, his children, Ellen and her son Jack arrive at Kingsbridge Priory in the hope of finding work. The church is in need of repair but Prior Philip has no money and is unable to hire them. After the church burns down, Tom presents a plan for a new a new style of church with pointed arches and large windows. Philip decides to ask the King for funds and learns a hard lesson in politics after making a deal, or so he thought, with Percy Hamleigh's scheming wife. His dealings with the Hamleighs also earns him the enmity of Bishop Waleran. With Philip away from the Priory, Tom's son accuses Ellen of witchcraft and she is arrested. Valeran is most keen for the trial to begin and it's revealed she may be privy to a deeply held secret she revealed to him during confession. Meanwhile William Hamleigh, son of the new Earl of Shiring visits the castle and assaults Bartholomew daughter Aliena. She swears she will get her revenge and restore the title and property to her brother. In France, Maude prepares for battle.

Episode 3: Redemption
Original Air Date—30 July 2010
Construction of the new church at Kingsbridge Priory is underway. They have too few men and Prior Philip hopes the sale of this year's wool will give them the money they need to hire more workers. When the time comes to quarry the stone William Hamleigh prevents Tom Builder from starting working leading to a major confrontation with the monks of the Priory. Meanwhile, Aliena and her brother Richard travel to Winchester to witness their father's execution and plead for mercy. King Stephen refuses but does offer Richard a place in his army. Aliena comes up with a scheme to make enough money to buy Richard the horse and armor he will need to be a Knight. King Stephen has also been having nightmares and a visit to Kingsbridge Priory to view the progress of the church construction pushes him over the edge.

Episode 4: Battlefield
Original Air Date—6 August 2010
William applies to have his father's title of Earl transferred to him, and discovers a mysterious knight is also a rival for the Earldom. King Stephen, frightened by Jack's appearance, orders an assassin to kill him. The battle between King Stephen and Maud sees each side's leader being taken hostage. Philip is tortured into a confession when Waleran tells Maud that he is the man who betrayed Earl Bartholomew.

Episode 5: Legacy
Original Air Date—13 August 2010
Princess Maude seems to have gained the upper hand having defeated King Stephen on the battlefield and taken him prisoner. Her brother, Gloucester, has been taken prisoner by the other side however and a prisoner exchange is arranged. It doesn't go well however and the self-styled Empress Maude and King Stephen are again at war. Philip's life is saved when his brother unexpectedly arrives in Lincoln. He manages to get access to the quarry to complete the cathedral and also a license to hold a market. Aliena's suggestion that they hold a fleece fair in direct competition with Shiring has tragic results. Jack and a jealous Alfred continue to fight and bicker and forces Tom to choose between them. Bishop Waleran reveals his true ambition.

Episode 6: Witchcraft
Original Air Date—20 August 2010
The war is over and Maude has returned to France leaving King Stephen once again unchallenged. Richard returns to Kingsbridge just after William Hamleigh's attack on the market. Aliena has lost everything and can no longer support Richard's knighthood. Alfred sees an opportunity and asks Aliena to marry him, promising to support Richard as well. After Tom Builder's funeral, Alfred also offers himself as master builder promising to build a vaulted roof made of stone. When the day to bless the church arrives 8 months later, tragedy strikes leaving many dead. Events also reveal Aliena's betrayal of Alfred who promptly throws her out of the house. The tragedy also has an unwelcome effect on Bishop Waleran and Prior Philip. Jack meanwhile has long ago left Kingsbridge and gone off to France to find his father's family. Now without a place to live, Aliena sets off to find him.

Episode 7: New Beginnings
Original Air Date—27 August 2010
As a result of his journeys, Jack has learned how to fulfill Tom Builder's dream of a cathedral filled with light. Aliena tracks Jack by following the trail of his carvings. Waleran offers Philip a new position, but it means that Philip must always obey Waleran. Kingsbridge becomes prosperous again which infuriates Regan and William, who plan an attack that is met with resistance from Richard, Jack and Philip.

Episode 8: The Work of Angels
Original Air Date—27 August 2010
Eight years later, Jack's fixation with the cathedral leaves him little time or energy for anything else, while Aliena's fixation with the distant Earldom of Shiring has married her to Alfred, a man she hates. Waleran and Alfred develop a plot to get rid of Jack for good and it seems to be working until evidence comes to light that makes all wrongs rectified.



[ Last edited by codebreaker at 9-16-2011 08:38 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thank you! I'll post them both shortly. 9-24-2010 13:04
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 Thank you! I'll post them both shortly. 9-24-2010 13:04


Reply 1441#1441 codebreaker's post

How do i edit this to put the name back as a click able link


Reply #1443 codebreaker's post

get rid of the extraneous code. than, in the edit post mode, click the text you want to make a link (the person's name or the page name) then click the hypertext link (looks like a infinity symbol, directly to the left of the alignment choices on the function bar) and past your link there.
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


here's the code for the "about" that i posted (with the curly braces instead of brackets)

{size=4}{color=YellowGreen}{b}the cast:{/b}{/color}{/size}
{table=280}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Jennifer Westfeldt{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Lauren Stone{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Peter Cambor{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Andrew Stone{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Michael Weaver{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Danny Jenkins{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Rachael Harris{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Cooper{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Melanie Deanne Moore{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Julie{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}Sunkrish Bala{/color}{/url}{/td}{td}Eric{/td}{/tr}{/table}
{size=1}info compiled from and the imdb{/size}

{size=4}{color=YellowGreen}{b}episode guides:{/b}{/color}{/size}
{size=3}Seasons 1-2{/size}

{align=center}{size=5}{font=Verdana}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}start watching!{/color}{/url}{/font}{/size}
{size=2}{url=}{color=YellowGreen}How to become a {b}VIP Member{/b}{/color}{/url}{/size} {/align}

the highlighted part is the first row of the table - the actor and character names are outside of the brackets (curly braces here) and so will show up while the code is in brackets so that will generate the link/color/size, etc.
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Points +5 Thanks for helping! 9-24-2010 12:00
  • trulee Treasure +4 Good job 9-24-2010 11:27
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 1440#1440 fmkenney's post

We already have an episode guide for it, but the about the show is yours if you want it fmkenney.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1442#1442 codebreaker's post

Can you also tell me your source for the episode guide please.  PM me if you need any extra advice, but sddv, has provided an awesome aid.   I LOVE how our members help one another, even when they're competing.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1445#1445 sddvasquez's post

Thanks that really helped


Reply #1448 codebreaker's post

glad to be of help. i know what a lot of work they were but they look great!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 1449#1449 sddvasquez's post

Good guide, now is there a way to see how it would look correctly, preview does some, but not perfectly and WYSWYG again shows a different view


Reply 1448#1448 codebreaker's post

Codebreaker - you are good to move on.  Thank you so much for sll your work.  We appreciate the efforts of everyone who helps in here, but especially when someone does their 1st "about", as we know it's a bit of a challenge if you've not used that code before.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1450#1450 sanggye's post

I generally do edits prior to posting sanggye.  You are able to check the ones you have done and see what the edits I have made look like, if that helps at all.  If you like, you are welcome to set up a thread in free chatting to practice using different codes you have to enter manually.

It took me a while to get it down pat, but I've now been doing it for a good while, and have it down to a science, so can do them fairly quickly.  Believe me, if bala can do them (not implying in any way that he's not smart), anyone can.  It just takes a bit of practice.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #1450 sanggye's post

yeah, some of the limitations of the program are frustrating. previewing only works so well then you really do need to post it to see it exactly but waterlilybarb's right - the mods clean up the [last edited] tags (you can get rid of all but the latest of those just by erasing since they show up as normal text at the end of the post) and all the extraneous popups so there's always a safety net.

Reply  #1452 waterlilybarb's post
bala does have strange pools of patience i'm always impressed at how quickly he can turn these things out!
...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me


Reply 1453#1453 sddvasquez's post

He's got the formula down now too.  Took him a while to even want to bother doing the "abouts" though.   Once he did, I think he found that it's not hard once you figure it out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


The Universe is an American documentary television series that premiered on May 29, 2007 on The History Channel.

About The Universe:
From the planets to the stars and out to the edge of the unknown, history and science collide in HISTORY's popular series THE UNIVERSE. With ground-breaking new discoveries and even more stunning high-definition computer animations, it's a wondrous yet deadly adventure through space and time. Fifty years have flown by since man first ventured into outer space, but the heavens are only now yielding their greatest secrets. Like the recent destructive impact on Jupiter reported to be by a comet or asteroid nearly the size of Earth, new phenomena are being discovered almost daily. Scientists are finding new planets and views into the deepest reaches of space, breaking new ground in understanding the universe and its mysteries.

Erik ThompsonNarrator

Episode Guides:
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4

Watch it now!
How to become a VIP Member.

Info compiled from: wikipedia and

[ Last edited by Mnemosyne at 9-24-2010 14:51 ]

[ Last edited by Mnemosyne at 9-24-2010 15:08 ]

[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-24-2010 18:16 ]
Recent Ratings
  • waterlilybarb Treasure +2 Thanks! will post shortly 9-24-2010 15:16
  • waterlilybarb Points +10 Thanks! will post shortly 9-24-2010 15:16


I will do the epsiode guide for "Star Wars" and the about for "The Gates"


1x01 – Secrets of the Sun
It is a fireball in the sky, a bubbling, boiling, kinetic sphere of white hot plasma, exploding and erupting. Its size is almost unimaginable--one million Earths would fit within its boundaries. In this violence is born almost all the energy that makes existence on Earth possible, yet, its full mysteries are only now beginning to be understood. From Sun spots to solar eclipses, solar flares to solar storms, the birth of the sun to its potential death, discover the science and history behind this celestial object that makes life on Earth exist.

1x02 – Mars: The Red Planet
It has been fifty years since man first ventured into space, but the greatest secrets are yet to be revealed. Mars is the planet in our solar system most similar to Earth despite otherworldly features such as the largest volcano in the Solar System. Rumors of life on Mars may be substantiated as NASA orbiters and rovers discover new evidence of frozen water just beneath the rusty soil. Did alien life exist there? As Earth reels with the effects of global warming, Mars becomes the most likely candidate for eventual human habitation. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to show what life would be like on Mars, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x03 – The End of the Earth: Deep Space Threats to our Planet
The Earth has become a dangerous place to live in the Universe. It's only a matter of time before a cosmic force will annihilate the planet. At this very moment, NASA's top brass and other scientists are arming themselves with the latest technology to pre-empt an apocalyptic attack. And the enemy won't be terrorists launching nuclear weapons, but something possibly more deadly. This UNIVERSE episode - End of the Earth will investigate the bizarre, unexplained and terrifying End of Earth scenarios. Scientists from around the world race against the clock to develop technology to detect and defend our planet from apocalyptic demons. The prime suspects: asteroids, comets, gamma ray bursts, the sun and the Big Rip - a mysterious phenomenon called "dark energy" may eventually rip apart everything in the Universe.

1x04 – Jupiter: The Giant Planet
Jupiter poses many questions about our solar system. It is a powerful planet of gas whose flowing colors and spots are beautiful, but contain violent storms and jet streams. A mini solar system of over sixty moons rotate around Jupiter--a half billion miles from earth. Could one of these moons contain life under its icy crust?

1x05 – The Moon
The moon has comforted man for thousands of years. It's been everything from a god to a compass, and the only cosmic body human beings have ever visited. NASA is planning to build a permanent outpost there. Discover how the moon came to be--if you don't already know, you will be astounded.

1x06 – Spaceship Earth
Take a high performance ride through the formation of the third planet from the Sun, Earth. A survivor of one of the most violent "neighborhoods" in the universe, learn how earth was created and discover what creatures hold clues to how life began. What evil forces threaten the demise of Earth? Complex and controversial, this is the scientific detective story of all time. Cutting-edge graphics are used along with the stories of scientists and explorers who dare to venture into the uncharted territory of the cosmos.

1x07 – The Inner Planets: Mercury & Venus
Scorched by their proximity to the sun, Mercury and Venus are hostile worlds; one gouged with craters from cosmic collisions and the other a vortex of sulfur, carbon dioxide and acid rain. Prime examples of planets gone awry, do they serve as a warning for ominous scenarios that might someday threaten Earth? Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to show what life would be on other planets and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x08 – Saturn: Lord of the Rings
Are the rings of Saturn a real celestial phenomenon or merely a cosmic Illusion? Technology allows the experts to get closer to the furthest planet visible to the naked eye. Old questions are answered and new ones arise. Does Saturn hold the key to Earth's weather and will one of its moons supply us with all the oil we'll ever need? Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to show what life would be like on other planets and to imagine what kinds of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x09 – Alien Galaxies
To know our place in the universe take a look far, far away to the realm of Alien Galaxies. Our galaxy is one of hundreds of billions in the universe. The Milky Way consists of more than a billion stars, our sun being only one of them. Take a view of the universe through the Hubble Space telescope and go back almost all the way to the Big Bang. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x10 – Life and Death of a Star
Ignited by the power of the atom, burning with light, heat and wrath, stars are anything but peaceful. They collide, devour each other, and explode in enormous supernovas--the biggest explosions in the Universe. Using cutting-edge computer graphics, never-before-seen satellite images, and interviews with the world's leading astronomers, take a front row seat to the most amazing light show in the cosmos.

1x11 – The Outer Planets
New discoveries regarding the Outer Planets are creating a fundamental rethinking of our solar system. Uranus is a toxic combination of hydrogen, helium and methane. Scientists speculate that the planet was knocked on its side after colliding with another body. Neptune's largest moon, Triton, is cold and barren, but some scientists speculate that liquid water might exist under Triton's icy surface. If this is proven true, Triton could be the home to one of the biggest discoveries of all time. Cold and inhospitable, Pluto completes one orbit around the solar system every 248 years. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x12 – The Most Dangerous Place In the Universe
Take a tour of the cosmic hot zones--black holes, galaxy mergers, gamma ray bursts and magnetars. Super massive black holes can literally "lasso" the Earth out of the solar system. A clash between two galaxies can result in a barbaric ritual called "galactic cannibalism" in which the dominant galaxy's super massive black hole literally eats the weaker one. Magnetars are a cosmic magnetic force so strong it could wipe out data on every credit card on the planet. Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x13 – Search For ET
In a galaxy filled with a billion stars, in a universe filled with a hundred billion galaxies--are we alone? SETI--the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence--is a privately funded project using radio telescopes and optical telescopes to scan the stars for signals. NASA is planning missions to Mars, Jupiter's sixth moon, Europa, and Saturn's largest moon, Titan, to look for primitive, microbial life in ice concentrations. Whether we discover primitive or intelligent life, how will that knowledge impact humankind's view of itself? Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth to show what life would be like on other planets, and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

1x14 – Beyond the Big Bang
The universe began with a massive expansion, billions and billions of years ago, and it continues to expand with every passing second. The idea that the universe, and man's very existence, began with a "Big Bang" is no longer a topic of debate among most scientists--it is essentially taken as fact. How has man come to this conclusion, and how has our knowledge evolved so that we can recreate the very first seconds of our universe and all that has developed since? Interviews with the world's leading physicists and historians are woven together with animated recreations and first-person accounts to explain concepts such as the formation of galaxies, the creation of elements and the formation of Earth itself.


[ Last edited by waterlilybarb at 9-24-2010 18:20 ]
Recent Ratings


I only did season 1 for now, as soon as I know whether I did it right, I will post the other seasons


Reply 1458#1458 Mnemosyne's post

It's great.  For the challenge, you only need to do 1 season, but please do the others for us too.  You can do them after you check in at the pit stop.  You are good to go to the pit stop, and thank you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


2x01 – Alien Planets
Have planet hunters finally found proof of other Earthlike worlds? Astronomers have now discovered over two hundred alien worlds, beyond our solar system, that were unknown just a decade ago. Discover planets that rage with fiery hurricanes and bizarre planets covered by water so dense that it forms a kind of hot ice. Among these weird worlds, Earth actually seems like the oddball with the right conditions for life.

2x02 – Cosmic Holes
Today, we know black holes exist, and now scientists are trying to confirm that other holes lurk in hyperspace. Our infinite cosmos could contain a variety of "holes" such as black, white, "mini" and wormholes. White holes are the reverse of black holes; instead of matter being sucked into it, matter is ejected out. Wormholes are gateways in the fabric of space and time. They are included in Einstein's field equations as possibilities for their existence. Neither white holes nor wormholes have ever been found. Learn about new discoveries including, colliding binary black holes, intermediate black holes and manufacturing mini black holes.

2x03 – Mysteries of the Moon
For thousands of years, mankind has found comfort in its presence. It's been a lantern for nighttime travelers, a timekeeper for farmers, and a location finder for sailors at sea. For some cultures, it's even been a god. It's the only cosmic body ever visited by human beings. From afar, the Moon's luminance has captivated us since the beginning of time. And a closer look at the beacon in the dark sky reveals an ever-present source of myth, intrigue, controversy and unsolved mysteries. The field of science may cast an empirical light on some things about the Universe, but lunar experts are the first to admit they don't have all the answers when it comes to our Moon. This episode explores the theories behind Lunar Transient Phenomena that have left scientists stumped for centuries; takes to the Canadian waters to see how the Moon effects our planet through tides; and dusts off some age-old myths and weighs arguments that without our Moon, humanity may not even exist.

2x04 – The Milky Way

We used to think that Earth was at the center of the universe, but now we know we're not even at the center of our own galaxy. Countless wonders exist between where earth is situated and the massive black hole at the galactic center of our solar system. Within the Milky Way can be found the debris of old, dying stars fueling the birth of new stars and at the galactic center hypervelocity stars get catapulted clear beyond the Milky Way's outer rim at unimaginable speeds. Come along for a guided tour of 100,000 light-year-wide family of stars and stellar phenomena we call The Milky Way.

2x05 – Alien Moons
Travel from the inner solar system to the Kuiper Belt and explore the moons surrounding the planets of the solar system. Many of these moons that were once unknown are now on the cutting edge of astronomical study. Some burst with volcanic fury another spews icy geysers and others offer the possibility of alien life. Are these strange worlds simply hostile environments unfit for humans or do other possibilities exist? Cutting-edge computer graphics are used to bring the universe down to earth and to imagine what kind of life forms might evolve in alien atmospheres.

2x06 – Dark Matter
Scientists have no idea what it is, but Dark Matter and Dark Energy make up 96% of the Universe. Dark Matter is everywhere. It passes through everything we know on earth at billions of particles every second, yet no one has ever gotten a direct detection of this mysterious dark substance. An even more bewildering force is Dark Energy, which is rapidly pushing apart our Universe. Discovered only ten years ago, scientists are struggling to comprehend its unusual characteristics and answer the ultimate question; what is the fate of our Universe? Using cutting-edge computer graphics watch as the universe is brought down to earth.

2x07 – Astrobiology

Does life exist on other planets? Astrobiology is a visionary new science that searches for life in space by combining the disciplines of astronomy, biology and geology. How did life evolve on Earth? What will life look like on other planets? These and other pertinent questions will be answered by a diverse group of scientists. Viewers will visit the Pilbara region of West Australia where the oldest evidence of life on Earth has been discovered. Travel to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn to test a theory that life could exist in the clouds of Venus. Finally, watch as experiments are done to see if life exists on exoplanets, earth-like planets beyond our solar system.

2x08 – Space Travel
When man finally broke free of the Earth's gravitational pull the dream of traveling to other planets became a reality. Today scientists are proposing a bizarre array of technologies in the hope of traveling faster through space: from space craft sporting sails that catch laser beams, to propulsion engines powered by a bizarre entity known as anti-matter. Finally explore the science behind the seemingly fanciful notion of warp-drive and a theoretical particle that can travel faster than light.

2x09 – Supernovas
A stellar explosion, the supernova is the sensational death of a star. It can shine as bright as 100 billion Suns and radiate as much energy as the Sun would emit over 10 billion years. Jets of high-energy light and matter are propelled into space and can cause massive Gamma Ray Bursts and emit intense X-ray radiation for thousands of years. Astronomers believe that this process creates the very building blocks of planets, people and plants. Meet the world's leading Supernova hunters, and take a look at recorded supernovas throughout history.


