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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1439#1439 gypsiegirl66's post

You're complaining about 75F?  HAHAHA!  That would feel like summer, right about now.  No wonder the snowbirds are in their summer gear.  Compared to home, it is summery.  Personally, I like it best at around 70F...not too cold or too hot.  
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1429#1429 waterlilybarb's post

Hi Pretty lady!  Your outfit is nice!
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Is it a date night Barb?


Reply 1443#1443 gabsimom's post

No, it's not a date...and thank you Penny.   I'm going to dinner with a friend I haven't seen in about 24 years.  We went to grade school together and were great chums, but went to different high schools.  We reconnected on Facebook, and are finally getting together.  She has a 3 month old baby, and I've been sick.

She just called, as I was typing this to confirm what time she'll pick me up.  Nice for her...she gets a night out without the kids...her hubby's taking care of them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


I wasn't going to tell anyone, but since it's just us girls (I know I smell a couple of crashers) hehehehe!!!

I've got a few secret gifts......


Reply 1445#1445 gypsiegirl66's post

You silly girl.   

I'm going to go now, because I'm heading out in about half an hour.  Have fun girls...I'll tell you how it goes later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1446#1446 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, have fun Barb. 24 years, you have sooooooooooo much catching up to do.

I recently met up with some girls I used to know in secondary school (high school) so it's about 14 years since I had seen them. We had such a good night, now we meet up every 4 months or so.


I love the meez! This one's pretty accurate for me right now! Feeling the need to use up my excess energy or I won't be able to sleep!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 1-30-2008 23:03 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


I said we laugh when they go out when it's in the 50-60 degrees. I'd be sunning myself at 75 too......

Have a great time with your friend!! I can't wait, for all the details!!!

[ Last edited by gypsiegirl66 at 1-30-2008 17:57 ]


Reply 1449#1449 gypsiegirl66's post

Well, I'm back from my dinner and it was great fun!  My friend and I chatted until they kicked us out of the restaurant.   A few hours isn't nearly enough time to catch up on all those years, but we made a good dent in it.  And we'll definitely see each other again.  She's on maternity leave right now, so has a little more time to visit than when she's working.  I would have recognized her in an instant.  She looks so much the same, just a little older and like she just had a baby...which she did 3 1/2 months ago.  We were about 14 years old the last time we saw one another, but you'd think it was last week.   I love when things are like that.  No awkwardness at all.  She's just as down to earth now as she was then.  I'll have to message her to see what she thought of me.  I forgot to ask if I seemed very much different, though with being ill, I must have changed some...but not the essence of who I am.  I'll let you know what she says.  Maybe I'm a complete surprise.   I doubt it...I've always been pretty down to earth too.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1450#1450 waterlilybarb's post

Believe me when I say, you are down to earth. Even though sometimes, I think your head is in the clouds....hehehehehe!! You know, I'm just teasing girlie!!
Yes, I too love it, when that happens. I have a few friends like that. We can go years without seeing each other and it will seem like we are back in college. I'm so happy, you had such a wonderful time!! If anyone deserves it, it's me...I mean you.


Reply 1451#1451 gypsiegirl66's post

LOL!!  I do like to keep my head in the clouds on occasion, but my feet are always firmly planted on the ground.

That's why so many of my friends, then and now, call me Anne of Green Gables.  It's not JUST the red hair.  It's the quirky imagination and the ability to amuse myself easily.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Especially for the tough people of Canada(Barb) think mere mortals would have frozen stiff by now.


Reply 1453#1453 casper27's post

That looks extremely painful - ouch


Reply 1453#1453 casper27's post

Why, thank you...I think.    Though I think I'll stick with regular toilet paper and use it like this...

...if the need arises.

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1453#1453 casper27's post

Here are some items to help your not so hard ass get better.

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Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1456#1456 penny3760's post

Lol Penny !!

Years ago, after having my little brother, my Mam suffered really badly with haemorrhoids. Anyway, she sent my Dad into the chemist (drug store) to get them. She told him it was called something else, as a joke, so this is how the conversation went:

Assistant: Can I help you Sir?
My Dad: Yes, I'm looking for a cream called "Pile On"
Assistant: Hmm, I'm not sure I know what that is; let me check with the Pharmacist.
Pharmacist: Sir, you are looking for a cream called "Pile On?"
My Dad: Yes
Pharmacist: Are you sure that's the correct name sir (beginning to snigger)
At this point my Dad realises my Mam (who is notorious for doing things like this), is playing a trick on him
My Dad: Hmm, maybe it's called something else. It's a haemorrhoid cream.
Pharmacist: Yes, you want Preparation H. I'll get that for you now Sir.

When he got back into the car, my Mam was nearly sick from laughing.....


Reply 1457#1457 shinny's post

LOL   thats so funny
Your parents sound like a good laugh.
Re Penny#1456 Thanks for thinking of me Granny P Im just sat on my soft round cushion now.


Reply 1458#1458 casper27's post

Craig, my Mam is terrible for doing things like this and she's very witty. We've all got a touch of her humour, but she is the master.

They keep eachother young though. Nobody laughs harder at my Mam's "jokes" than my Dad !!


Reply 1457#1457 shinny's post

LOL  That's Funny.   My mom was never much at playing jokes on my dad.  But she was always good natured and she always had everyone laughing.  She always loved to tease everyone.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.

