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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1420#1420 penny3760's post

I never heard of it before Penny, but is this a good explanations?

The bump was a primarily 1970s fad dance wherein the main move of the dance is to lightly "bump" hips on every other main beat of the music. As the dance (and the evening) progressed, the bumping could become more intimate, bumping hip to backside, low bending, etc. There were several songs that were inspired by the bump one of which was called "The Bump" by Kenny but the song that is most remembered is "Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker)" by George Clinton and Parliament, which was released in 1976. The lyric in the song is "we want the funk", but has been mistaken for "we want the bump".

courtesy wikipedia


Reply 1421#1421 shinny's post

Thanks Shinny!  That's the dance we use to do.  It was a lot of fun!  After having a couple of drinks, we ended up doing dirty dancing.  
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1422#1422 penny3760's post

I remember the Bump Penny.  It was popular when I was a kid, and my cousins and I would do it...though we would see who could actually bump the other person off the dance floor.   It takes strong hips to knock someone off, but even as a kid I could do it.

And Arielle, don't feel bad.  We had a 1 day warm up (went up to 8 degrees Celsius yesterday) only to have it plummet to -21C today.  The only good thing is my migraine broke and I feel quite a bit better.  Yesterday was spent sleeping and hiding in the dark.  

Enjoy the good shower at the gym.  I hear ya' about the crappy one you have at your apartment.  I've endured some of those, and they're not pleasant at all.  Definitely not helpful when you just need a good strong shower to drown out the day.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1423#1423 waterlilybarb's post

-21C I was just complaining to the misses about 5 mins ago that it was only 11C here in Cyprus. This is about as cold as it's going to get apparently.
Saw the weather earlier and it said Goose Bay I think  was  -22C I can't even imagine it.

Can you do the old throwing boiling water and it vaporises trick?  

[ Last edited by casper27 at 1-30-2008 18:35 ]


Reply 1424#1424 casper27's post

Only 11C?  Lightweight.   I actually don't mind the cold.  I just hate when there are drastic fluctuations in temperature.  I'd prefer it stayed cold all winter and then warmed up when it was time for spring.  This up and down nonsense is much harder to acclimate to.   Plus, I find it makes me more susceptible to catching every bug that's going around.

I haven't tried the throwing boiling water trick, but it might work...if not here, then definitely where my Mum lives.  She's 10 hours north of me, and it's been a pretty cold winter this year.  I'll have to give it a try sometime.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Sounds cold. I'm not that keen on the cold myself, but I always remind myself that it could be worse!

The weather here's pretty good really, can't complain.
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


It was a little colder here today, about 6 or 7 c. It was warmer up until that. We don't really get extremely cold weather anymore. Probably about -2 would be the biggest extreme in cold we'd get nowadays.

Now, Melbourne (where my brother is) is a different story altogether. It could go from 35c to 16c in the space of a few hours !!

[ Last edited by shinny at 1-30-2008 20:11 ]


all this talk of cold is making me shiver


I'm going out this evening...YAY, and thought I'd show you a Meez of me waiting.  That's pretty close to what I'm wearing.

And Shinny, it can do that here too.  That's what I dislike most, because those sudden changes trigger my migraines.   I'd prefer it to rain often and stay temperate.  I had a friend from England some years ago who told me I would do better to live somewhere over there, since it rains more often and I usually feel better on ugly days.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


wow, when it gets to 50, we californians are wearing our jackets! haha  Although when I spent time in Salzburg, I remember 20 as being warm! haha

Thanks for all of the wedding wishs. Things are going very well with planning.  However I realized that I  need to get my grad school apps in before the wedding, so that is taking up most of my spare time.  but it will be over soon!

and honeymoon... we are going on a 7 day cruise to mexico!  so excited about that!  and the one thing i HAD to have on the cruise, a bathtub, cuz i love taking baths. so we got a junior suite, which has one.  i have a bunch of bath fizzies, so i'm set.  our ports of call are puerto vallarta, cabo san lucas, and mazatlan.  very exciting!


Well, in sunny S. Florida it is a beautiful 41c (75F). It has been pretty cold for here, it has been down as low as -1C (30F) in the last month. It was 22C 2 nights ago, talk about fluctuations!!
I love the cold though, I don't want the dreaded heat to come back......


Reply 1428#1428 musicman's post

Lol, I know what you mean, maybe we should turn up the heat a bit!

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 1-30-2008 21:02 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1429#1429 waterlilybarb's post

Wow, I wouldn't be able to handle the weather changing like that !! Although, we have to put up with alot of Rain here.

Where abouts in Canada are you? It's one place I really want to visit & it's probably on the cards for next year. I'll have to pick your brains for where to go and when !!


Reply 1431#1431 gypsiegirl66's post

wow 75F is a bit cold for south florida now, but those were the days I looked forward to most!  I heard about those random cold days though, even some snow flurries over the bay!  I actually had to call home to see if it was true because I could not believe something with the word snow in it would happen in Miami!
ps like my new meez?  It's me when I actually learn more than just chords on the guitar and can actually play songs.  I chose the cowgirl outfit because I'm a cow girl at heart and the Rodney Atkins background was the only country music one they had.  Plus I love his song "Watching You" It's so cute!

[ Last edited by imarielle626 at 1-30-2008 21:07 ]


Reply 1431#1431 gypsiegirl66's post

I think you got your calculations a bit wrong there sweetie.  If it were 41C there, you'd be sweltering, as that is nearly 106F.   I think you mean it's been 41F, which if so, is quite chilly for Florida.  Keep your sweater on, and watch out for crazy Canucks...some will go swimming no matter how cold it is.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1430#1430 themegababe's post

Yep, most Floridian are the same here Meg. I'm from up north, so the cold doesn't bother me as much as the heat. What does make me laugh, is when the vacationers (snowbirds), come down and where their shorts and go to the beach, even though it may be 50F out. Thy think, just because they are in FL and it is sunny, there is some written rule to act that way.
Of course, I and most people think they are................

O h, you are going to have a fantastic time on your cruise, I can't wait to hear all about it. You better get to work, on those applications missy!! I don't want to have to come out there, and do something drastic!!!  


wow so many posts just went up at once! I guess we're all on at the same time.  I feel like I should refresh the page before I post this because 3 more posts will go up


Reply 1437#1437 imarielle626's post

It's all go at the moment Arielle !


Reply 1435#1435 waterlilybarb's post

You're right on the number mix up, but it is 75F 23C, I just mixed up my conversion. Which shows you just how often I actually do Fahrenheit to Celsius conversions. So, go by my Fahrenheit numbers and they will all be correct!!   


Reply 1438#1438 shinny's post

Arielle, I love your new Meez, ROCK ON girlie!!

