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Grey's Anatomy Season 1-4 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

I think this episode was good, but I think I liked last week's episode better.
As for the Alex-Lexi-Ava mix-up, I think it's about time he get what he deserves, he's been more of a jerk than usual lately! Looking forward to seeing how things go, also with Lexi and the artery. Yeah, it was pretty obvious it was going to burst at some point during the episode.

As for Bailey, I really hope her marriage doesn't fail, we do really need ONE good relationship in there somewhere!

In another note, I'm tired of the way Cristina's been treating Izzy, what's her problem? I guess she's just being Cristina, but why is she so loyal to Meredith (who talks only about herself and her own issues) but so cold and mean to Izzy?


I finally got around to watching this episode and WOW.

The beginning reminded me a lot of a season 2 episode where Cristina was dancing in Burke's apartment with her iPod in her hand. Total deja-vu moment.

This episode also reminded me a lot of the episodes they usually air around the Super Bowl. Very dramatic episodes. Like the code black they had in season 2, and the ferry boat accident in season 3.

Anyways, like Arielle said, you just KNOW that the guy's artery will burst sometime during the episode. It's just a matter of who's in the room.  

I don't usually cry during TV shows, but Grey's managed to get tears out of me this episode. Whenever there was a scene with the two paramedics, Stan and Ray, I teared up. The part where Meredith got Stan's wife, Sarah to the scene was so sad to watch.

About Izzie and Cristina...I think the reason Cristina's acting the way she does to Izzie is because of what happened earlier in the season with Dr. Hahn. Cristina's not one to forgive and forget and what Izzie did (or actually didn't do) when Dr. Hahn made the comment about Cristina's relationships still upsets Cristina. Besides, they were never really close friends to start out with.

Ava/Lexie/Alex. It was going to happen sooner or later. Alex cautioned Lexie about how he's not a nice guy in the beginning. He even told he that he was still hung up about someone else. So, Lexie should've known better and not let herself get involved. Hopefully, she'll be able to get her revenge on him.

As for Bailey, she's having the same problems the Chief had with Adele. Always putting the hospital before family. I really hope her marriage doesn't fall apart though, she's the only one on the show that actually has/had a good personal life.


It WAS a really good episode, but I can't believe that we have to wait almost 2 WEEKS for the second part. I also think that Bailey's marriage is headed to divorce. I cried so hard at the part where the guy's wife is talking to was so sad. Regarding the white supremacist guy, he said that his tattoo was like something you get when you're younger but then regret later; but when Bailey asked him if he regretted it, he didn't respond showing that he did not. But its kindda weird because his "partner" in the ambulance (the driver who had a seizure) is black and he seemed to be worried about her and she was also worried about him and never mentioned anything out of the ordinary...even though I know that it was a traumatic experience. The way that guy's neck burst was just disgusting yet very real like. Now, I won't have any of my shows to watch next week.


someone pointed no episode next week


  No show next week- and none for PP either- this is going to be a VERY boring week.


Reply 7#7 imarielle626's post

yes i know that but if i was in the room i would asked how?

unless i'm mistaken as soon as it burst wouldn't patient die within a matter of seconds-how can you stop bleeding put a towel around it?, that amount blood loss would mean it would die almost instantly?


You have to put a towel around it and apply pressure, i think. Lexie standing there and watching is not going to fix it.

The white supremacist. He told Christina it was something "kids do when they are younger and regret it". But when Christina asked him if he regretted it, he kind of shrugged and said no.

I missed the first part, so I need to re-watch the first 10 minutes and see the crash and whatever happened with Izzie and Christina before I comment!


i can't wait to watch this tomorrow


Wow great episode!  I feel bad for Bailey's husband.  All he wants is his wife to come home after work and spend time with her family.

I was so happy Meredith finally told Derek how she feels.  It's just too bad her timing was terrible!  I can not believe Derek kissed Rose.  I mean we all knew that she was going to be the third leg of the Der-Mer triangle, but  I really thought Derek was going to pull away right before they kissed.

Chirstina bringing home Lexie and Meredith offering her a drink was a good step.  Lexie and Meredith really need each other, so I'm glad they are bonding.


Reply 16#16 imarielle626's post

yep it was good episode i wish they didn't ruin it at start showing the aftermath of what happen-the fact we knew what was going ruin the suspense. i do feel bad for bailey. , derek kissing that nurse is something which going be interesting i like her more than mredieth.



Bailey scored low on these two episodes. On one hand, she's right to put her career first. If she was a man, ppl wouldn't comment, it would be "his job, of course".  I hate double standards, thus she gets good points for that.

But Bailey's prejudice and racism and thoughtlessness - not so much. Stuff you holier than thou attitude, girl, you're no better than any other Jane Shmoe. I'm glad Cristina expressed my thoughts exactly. Rise above - huhu. Don't act like you're above other people, you're so clearly not.

George rocked when he gave Gale Harold's char a piece of his mind. At least that was honest and gutsy. A bit worried what Bailey's speech (that he was supposed to relay to her hubby) will do to him, though. On the Gizzie - it's on the back burner, but coming back. Oh no. What will they do in the meantime? George back to Torres?

I like what they did with Gale's tat - for the fun of it. Swastikas don't have any right to exist. Even though they do in India, where they have a different meaning. The action of acting out her feelings while operating were a bit borderline, though. Good for her that the guy can't sue b/c of the nature of this tat.

I'm happy to see Derek kissed Rose. If we're lucky, he dumps Mer and we can all move on and away from that tired and repetitive storyline. But here's the thing, the problem GA has in general - we only know Rose in relationship to Derek, as far as I remember. She's just a plot device. The chars need to have more individual personalities and their own lives. It's all a bit too homogenus. So Addison's leaving the show may prove to be detrimental to GA.

Meredith - man, so good to see her doing her job and doing it well. That girl was such a nutjob it's about time she gets a handle on things and starts to focus. Act like an adult, ferpetessakes. So much improvement there. Very nice how she told Hahn to shut up  Wtf was Hahn thinking, though??

This season thus far wasn't all that impressive. The two epis were a light in the dark. Let's see if the writers can turn the show around and make it more interesting again. Take a hint from ER if you want to last 14 seasons. Broaden your horizons - broaden the focus. Give your characters more dimension. Just saying. Would hate to see the show go down the drain. I do like some of the actors very much.

Oh - and Alex? YOU GO!
Life's a party. Crash it.


Reply 18#18 ms.smith's post

I agree with what you said about the writers needing to make the characters more well-rounded and human. It seems that everything in this season is based on sex. Sex and dying. Which isn't that different from the other previous 3 seasons, but now it's lost its novelty in my opinion. I think they risk losing bored viewers if they don't spice things up somewhere else, like maybe if everyone has to go to some medical convention in California or something...just to get them out of their usual habitat.



I was also shocked that Derek kissed Rose.  I mean, the more I watch this show, the  more I realize just how unprofessional and unrealistic it is.  However, the show being what it is, I still wasn't happy to see them kissing in the scrub room.  And then Derek must have felt like an ass once Mer told him how she felt. I was so proud of her.  But I wanted to beat him up!  that scum!  haha Meredith needs to find someone better who will treat her right!

Ms. Smith I have to agree with you on Bailey.  She puts her job way ahead of her family and everything else.  She did take an oath, that is right, and she is saving lives.  but when is it going to end?  If she keeps going down this course she is going to be lonely like the chief.  And also, did she even discuss the option of being cheif resident with tucker? i do not think so.  And I was a little shocked by what Christina said, but I think you are right ms smith, it needed to be said. And she scapegoated Christina as well and took her away from her career in cardio.

I disagree with what you said about Rose though.  I think she does have more of an individual storyline and we will soon find out about it.  There is more to her than Derek.

I also thought Seth Green was going to be a recurring interest for Lexie, but I guess now.  So sad.  He was different and humorous.  

Also, I thought Joshua Jackson was supposed to appear on this episode.  I love him and would love to see him on tv more often!  Let's see if he comes around in January!


Joshua Jackson was supposed to appear on this episode.

i heard a rumour he was going appear-will he be a regular or just a guest-star?


Reply 13#13 bala's post

Sorry I missed this post before.  I'm sure your question was answered after 4.10 aired, but just in case you are ever in a situation where someone is bleeding and you are the only one to stop it, here's what you do: APPLY PRESSURE!  It's one of the first things they teach you in first aid classes.  You can use anything you can, guaze, a towel, even your hand if thats all that is around. By applying pressure and blocking up the wound, you allow the blood to clot and stop bleeding out.  Of course this is a lot harder to do when it is an exposed, fragile carotid artery like in the show because of the size of the artery, the proximity to the heart, etc.


I want a mer-derek happy ending

Gee, I dont get some of you thinking it would be best if Derek and Meredith breaks up and Rose and Derek becomes an item.
I already sat through a whole season of suspence when he and Meredith broke up because of him deciding to give Addison a chance.
Now hes gonna dump her after she finally started to mature a bit. That is just unfair
I hope they kill off Rose cause she has no business hankering for Mcdreamy. The whole reason I watch GA is because of Derek and Merediths relationship, it was what got me hooked in the first place and you will not see a happy person if they break up. Oh yeah you may not like the way Meredith is, but neither do i loads of times. But this Rose thing better just be a close call for Meredith otherwise i will be quitting the show.
I also see the rest of the people in the show but if no one of you have figured out this its actually Merediths show. She broke up with Finn for Derek he better pull through for her and she better shape up. Silly silly woman.
And she is also silly in the sense that she has a problem accepting her sister, sure she didnt get to grow up with her dad but it is still her sister.
Well I am gonna assume you now know of my inhealthy obsession with Meredith and Derek...but its just that they are my couple...they need to pull through , I get enough real-life crap in the real world. If i wanted reality I would watch RealityTV and i dont...


New episode this year?

Hi there,
has Grey's already aired the last episode before the holidays? Any ideas?


The next episode airs on Jan 3rd  it called "Your Hands On Me" and was the last episode written before the writers strike so don't expect any more episode after that one until a month after the strike ends.
The pen is mighter than the sword.


Reply 2#2 01torres's post

It seems the new episode will be aired on Jan. 10th.


wow, just watched the previews- looks like we'll get drama galore. Oh dear- I was worried it might be the baby.

