In this thread
US server's traffic on the peak, post 24, I mentioned that if members had a pre-existing issue (so not related to the upgrade of the US Server) what we were recommending for that isn't going to work.
Flash is temperamental at best, but so is Real for a lot of people also. Over the years we have seen many many members have issues with Real that they eventually figured out by trial and error.
There are so many things that could impact why Flash is not loading for you, whilst Real is not working for somebody else. All we can do is point members to the trouble shooting thread (which I did in post 102). Did you try all of those suggestions? We know it's not an issue with the site (for US Server issues) and many many members access Flash, every day, without issue.
It's probably not the answer you wanted, but it's an honest one. At the end of the day it's up to the user to pin point (by trial and error) the issue when it's not a site wide issue. We try to assist, where we can.