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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply 1359#1359 imarielle626's post

Ok, I have to ask: what the heck is the Meez???


Reply 1361#1361 studiojek's post

lol, I'm not surprised you are confused. We started talking about it Here go down to post 7 (Tina's)

[ Last edited by shinny at 1-28-2008 14:24 ]


Reply 1362#1362 shinny's post

Oh, ok, thank you! Thought it was some sort of new American lingo or something I'd missed out on!


ookay well i do have a touchlite, but it runs out of batteries in like 2 days! haha

and as for my roommate.  she sleeps like a rock. haha she only woke up because of me once, and that's because i was thrashing around in my sleep and yelling... she thought there was an earthquake! haha

but 2 months i'm going to have one roommate for the rest of my life! haha yay! so ready for that!


Reply 1364#1364 themegababe's post

Well, look who stopped by to say hello, it's so good to see you my friend!! How are the wedding plans going?
I'm not so sure, those crunches, will go over too well, with you new roommate in the bed either.....hehehehehe!!


haha those meez's are too cute!


Reply 1364#1364 themegababe's post

Your wedding's in 2 weeks!? Congratulations, good luck and remember to breathe these next 2 weeks!


well, the wedding plans are going very very well!  My Mum was in town this past weekend, so we were able to get a lot of things done!  

Well I can think of something else to do in bed that will tire me out, once i'm married... if you know what i mean. haha

How are you feeling?  What's new with you?

Oh and to answer the question above. I said 2 motnhs, but it's closer to a month and a half.  about 6 weeks! yay!


Reply 1368#1368 themegababe's post

Oops, I read weeks instead of months. Well, remember to breathe over these next 2 MONTHS anyway! I got married last year and it was great fun, but tiring!!!!


Reply 1362#1362 shinny's post

Oh thanks shinny, I must try out those. They look fun.


Reply 1360#1360 shinny's post

I just couldn't sleep.  My father is in a Nursing home and they called me over the weekend and said that he isn't doing too good.  That he doesn't have much time left.  My mom just died 3 years ago and when she died, my dad just gave up. Mom was 90 years old when she died and my dad is 92.   I miss my mom so much.   Thank you Shinny and Studiojek for your concern.   
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1368#1368 themegababe's post

Meg, I want to congratulate you on your upcoming marriage.  I hope that you and your husband have many years of happiness.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1371#1371 penny3760's post

I'm so sorry to hear about your father, Penny.  We never get too old to need our parents, do we?  You're very fortunate to have had them for so long, not that that makes losing them any easier.  My father was only 35 when he died...I was 15, but hadn't seen him in a couple years, as he lived on the other side of the country.  I still miss him though.  Thankfully I have some great friends who have been very fatherly to me, because sometimes we all need a little fatherly advice.  I still have my Mum, who is my best friend.  You must miss yours.   My Gran died just over 2 years ago and my Mum misses her greatly (I do too).  She still has days when something happens, and she thinks, I can't wait to get home to tell Ma.
I'll be thinking of you.

p.s. And Meg, I think we all know what you'll be up to that will tire you out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1373#1373 waterlilybarb's post

Thank you Barb for the kind words.   I am going to go to the nursing home this afternoon and see how my dad is doing.  My son said that he would help me go and see him.  I have nerve damage in my back and it is hard for me to get around.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Reply 1372#1372 penny3760's post

Penny, it must be a difficult time for you, a loss of a parent is never easy at any age. I lost my dad when I was 21, he was 46 and I loved him very much. We are all here for you, just reach out if you need to lean on one of us. You can certainly PM me, anytime if you want to chat.
Please know you are in my thought's and prayers....

Oh Meg, that only tires men out, it actually makes us women wide awake. So, hubby will fast asleep and you'll want to be chatting up a storm!


And Meg, I think we all know what you'll be up to that will tire you out.
Yep, consantly cleaning up after a man, cooking for him and being forced to watch American Gladiators or some other idiotic thing is enough to wear out anyone.


Reply 1375#1375 gypsiegirl66's post

Thank You Gypsy.
Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.


Penny, sorry to hear about your Mum as Barb says we are never too old for our Mums

Meg, good luck with your wedding plans.


Reply 1378#1378 musicman's post

Welcome to the giggle box musicman.  Nice to see a new face, so to speak.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1371#1371 penny3760's post

Penny, sorry to hear that. Wow, your Mum was a great age. I know it must be hard for your Dad since she has gone.

My Nana died last April and she was just 92. It was hard to say goodbye to her, but she lived a good age. My cousin (same age as me) died two weeks before her. He got the shingles and it attacked his brain. Very very rare, but he was in that rare percentage. Was a very difficult time for our family. So when my sister got married last August, it was a welcome change from the family meeting at funerals.

I'll keep your Dad in my thoughts. You look after yourself too.

