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The girly`s ......giggle box

barb, I feel your pain. I have been  battling the stomach fl since Wednesday and thought I was better. But in the words of Amy Winehouse.. "no, no no" haha  I kept waking up all night because it felt like my stomach was a lava lamp.  not fun!


Reply 1156#1156 waterlilybarb's post

Thanks Barb.
I'm glad this was a 72 hour leg, otherwise I wouldn't have made it!

Gabsimom - I never say no to tea, and how could I resist the bunnies either?!

Meg - hope you're feeling better
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1161#1161 themegababe's post

I hope tonight proves uneventful for you Meg.  Tummy bugs are NO fun!  I'm still "wishin', and hopin', and...prayin'"....for sleep.  I've turned the ringer off on the phone so if I do get some zzz's, I won't be disturbed.  At least I did laundry today and have clean sheets on my bed and clean pj's on me.   I'm doing everything I can think of to make things more conducive to sleep...but sometimes insomnia just has to run it's course.  I just wish it would hurry up and finish already.  My bed is at the finish line.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1161#1161 themegababe' and waterlilybarb's

Here's some ginger ale for ya Meg.......

It's the only other thing I can drink (besides tea), when I'm sick!


This is for you Barb.......

Just one good swing and you should be out...

I hope you both get to feeling better, we need up and running!!


Reply 1164#1164 gypsiegirl66's post

I was seriously considering asking my roommate to use something like that on me last night.   I got a little bit of sleep, but not the restful kind.   I'm ever hopeful of a nap sometime today.  If nothing works...I may well use a mallet to knock myself out.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply 1165#1165 waterlilybarb's post

I know just how you feel!  I've spent the last two nights on an army base up in the north here.  I don't know how the soldiers do it, but I just could not sleep on those mattresses, plus the hall lights are always left on so it doesn't get completely dark.  I just layed in my sleeping bag tossing and turning until I got so tangled I couldn't move while trying to keep warm!  I feel like a zombie walking around because I have not slept in days.  Hopefully I have not thrown my internal clock  off too much and will be able to get some decent night's sleep tonight.  If not I don't know how I will be able to handle a class full of 30 three to five year old girls all bombarding me with questions in a language I do not speak all that well at the kindergarden I am volunteeing at without it.

I applogize if I was rambling or not making sense as I said I haven't really slept lately.


Reply 1166#1166 imarielle626's post

Rambling is always allowed in here.  I hope you're able to get some sleep tonight too, almost as much as I hope I'm able to get some sleep.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


well nighty night, I'm off to bed soon, it's getting late here.


Reply 1168#1168 imarielle626's post


Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Hope you manage to get some sleep Barb

I know when you have insomnia it's not a laughing matter but this did make me smile.

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 12-11-2007 23:38 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1170#1170 meljones_83's post

Unfortunately, sleep is still eluding me.  I just wish I could DO something with the time I'm awake.  I love to read, but I'm so tired that I can't concentrate on anything long enough to actually grasp what it says.  The cartoon is cute though.

I tell ya', I'm beginning to think that sleep is an elaborate hoax.  Sure, people talk about it, but I will soon completely doubt that it is possible.   
See what I mean about rambling being allowed here.  Everyone else would think I'd lost my mind!  If I don't sleep soon, I just might...but I'll never lose my sense of humour.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Have you tried taking something to help you sleep?  I know Tylenol PM or Benedryl work for me, but I don't really like taking drugs to help me sleep because even though they are over the counter "safe" medicines, they can get you addicted, but maybe if you get the one night of sleep after that your insomnia will slowly go away.


Reply 1172#1172 imarielle626's post

I have some prescription sleeping pills for times like this, but they're not working this time.  I occasionally go through bouts of insomnia, so my doc gives me a prescription for when I need it.  I don't take them often, so I know I haven't built up a tolerance...this bout is just worse than usual.  I got a few hours of not very restful sleep in the early hours this morning, and am going to try and take a nap in a few minutes.  I know it will pass, it's just frustrating because the lack of sleep affects everything.  I can see why they use it as a form of torture.

Anyway, I'm off to attempt a nap.  Have a great day everyone, and I'll catch you later.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Good luck with your nap.



hahahaha. all of you guys are crazy


Reply 1174#1174 imarielle626's post

Thanks Arielle, I got a kick out of that one.  I did get a bit of a nap, and am hopeful for a proper sleep tonight.

And Rebecca...welcome to the giggle box!  We are a bit mad, but we entertain ourselves.    Your welcome to come by anytime.  The kettle's always on and we've always got something to snack on for any visitors that drop by.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Yes, Barb is right, I love baking cookies today. If I could send them to you girls I would, but you'll have to make do with these ones that I found online. They do look a bit like mine and there's plenty for everyone.

Welcome to Rebecca

[ Last edited by meljones_83 at 12-13-2007 22:58 ]
"You're on the ride, you might as well open your eyes!"


Reply 1174#1174 imarielle626's post

LoL Dont know whether to giggle or be grossed out by that cartoon
I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass ..and I'm all out of bubblegum


Reply 1178#1178 philryk's post

I'd go with giggling, as this is the girly's giggle box.

p.s. Those cookies DO look rather scrumptious, Mel.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


YAY Tina!

I just had to say

Tremendous job with The Amazing Race!

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!

