I've got a lot to say!!! OHMYGOSH is right! While this wasn't the BEST Lost episode of all time, it was pretty informative, though of course created a lot more questions too! Here's my commentary!:
So, as far as information we've discovered, we get a glimpse of how Kate gets Aaron and we see how Jack starts to take pills. We also found out that Jack apparently knows that Aaron is family - his "YOU'RE not even family to Kate" seemed to make that pretty clear. How he finds that out is yet to be seen, but maybe his father's 'ghost' tells him? We also seem to have found out how Sun/baby get off the island but not Jin. We also found out (and I am over the moon for this one!!!) that SAWYER'S ALIVE AND ON THE ISLAND!!! WOOHOOO!! =)
New questions that came up from this episode:
Where the heck is Claire? Is that it, we're never to see her again?
What is this favor that Kate has to do for Sawyer? I'm thinking it's probably going to check up on his daughter, Clementine.
Who the heck buried Rousseau (and is that really her?) and Karl? Seems a little unlikely that the bad guys would've taken the time, don't you think? Maybe the Others? Where are all the remaining Others, by the by?
Interesting things/questions I picked up on other Lost discussion forums:
Someone pointed out that it was interesting that Jack saw his father because he went to switch off the smoke detector. Could his father be or be linked to Smokey?? Hmm.
There was a good few minutes where Juliet was alone with Jack, sewing him back up, maybe before he woke up. We don't TRULY know if she's good or bad yet...any chance she did something to him?
Oh, and I have to just give an award for excellence in this episode to...drumroll please....Rose! Rose rocked, as did Bernard! She is soooo right - the island is hurting Jack because he's so close to leaving it, right?
Finally, a great quote from thelostdiary.com episode commentary: "Is anyone NOT crazy this week?"
[ Last edited by studiojek at 5-3-2008 07:48 ]