There are only 3 hours left (2 or 3 episodes, depending on how it's aired) of BSG! Tonight's episode "Islanded In a Stream of Stars" was good, but there are still so many questions I want answers to. I know the writers respect the fanbase and the story, so I'm sure the last episodes will bring closure, but I'm still left wondering - how are they going to tie all the loose ends up?
The ship is dying - and now Adama plans to "abandon ship". I read somewhere, that maybe the ship was the "dying leader" that "will lead the remnants of humanity to the promised land of Earth." I'm curious to see if that's true. Roslin and the ship are dying, so it's hard to tell.
I wonder what Cavil is going to do with Hera? And, WHAT is Kara? Like I said, there is still so much I want to know that it's frustrating to know there's so little of this story left.