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The Good Wife Season 1-6 General Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Reply 3#3 bala's post

I liked the way Will got his continuance in army court by getting the judge to hold him in contempt and Cary got it wrong when he got it taken up by army court


Breaking Fast

Well another great episode it great to see Alicia brother making joke that her husband doesn't like gay people . Eli got so worked up about it . The sniper case was a bit confusing but the kid got the money in the end.


Reply 5#5 bala's post

That was a nice result for the kid trying to clear his father in the sniper case and that was a lucky find with the limo video, Owen's visits after his questionable remarks was amusing


Cleaning House

Wow so 3rd party cause so damage but i love surprise ending is to who 3th candidate was for election and Eli get blind sided and Clalina damage other guy car was cool


Reply 1#1 bala's post

So I'm not the only one who was happy he deleted the message. I don't know why but I don't like Will. As a woman you would think that I would want Alicia with Will and to dump her husband but the writers on this show actually got me to like her husband.
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


Reply 7#7 bala's post

Calinda and that guy were so freaking sexy, my goodness did she just feel him up!!  And Eli is like my second favorite character I am so happy they got him on the show, he is a great addition.
Lucky Spencer = Hotness


Reply 7#7 bala's post

I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Calinda but nice work with the baseball bat, Nancy and Alicia were great in court


VIP Treatment

Well this was really boring episode but you just don't know whether i believe her or not but did they take the case or not ?- she seem walked out at the end so look like we will see next week.


Reply 11#11 bala's post

The VIP massage therapist did seem very calm but Wilk Hobson wanting to back Peter in return for Alicia dropping the case does seem there is more to this than meets the eye and there is nothing worse than a man who thinks he's above the law


Poisoned Pill

Well Micheal J fox is still excellent as an actor and he did a great job despite suffering from parkinson disease . He really deserve some sort of award.


Reply 13#13 bala's post

I didn't realise it was Micheal J fox but using his illness to try and sway the jurors was a bit unorthodoks but the look on Alicia's face when Louis Canning told her what was on the table was amusing


Bad Girls

Well that popster wasn't a bad girl it was all an act but i liked that her sister finally taking the responsibility and mother trying steal her daughter out didn't go out well. Eli better watch out look his backing with church is going fall through.


Reply 15#15 bala's post

What a situation with the mother trying to protect one guilty daughter and allowing the innocent one to take the blame but the guilty daughter finally taking the responsibility was the right thing to do


On Tap

Wow what a revelation episode for Alicia listen to those wire-tap on Eli phone and i was wondering if she will ever find out about Will's second message and it look like she has but has no idea that Eli delete it but it's clear Will has moved on.

Clandia finding out other guy framed her with her baseball bat made her angry it will be interesting see how she will pay him back for that.

I had feeling fake Chiles page would backfire and it did


Reply 17#17 bala's post

In my opinion that court case was amusing (in my opinion) and Alicia trying to get off the phone quickly from Eli after listening to all the tapes was quick thinking


Nine Hours

Well that one hell of episode glad it all worked but to think if that clerk hadn't called none of this would of happened


Reply 19#19 bala's post

That was a close call but the clerk's call made them all work on the weekend for a good cause


2x10 Breaking Up

Getting the kids to take the murder weapon that was linked to their client backfired when he told the police instead but the love between the couple was great and him taking the blame to protect her and their unborn child was nice


Reply 21#21 codebreaker's post

Yes Kerry manipulated the whole situation for his own benefit.


Two Courts

Another good episode with clenda getting a huge salary bump which she deserves but i knew as soon guy who predicted not guilty i knew it would be a guilty verdict.

