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The girly`s ......giggle box


Now I know what they were talking about in the mod forum!  haha  I am on page 58.  I bet the reason why some people are seeing different pages is because they have it set to view a different amount of posts per page.  Like I thinkI can see 15.  But some people have it set to 10, or other 20 or 30.  so they would be on page 43 or something, while I am on page 58. thoughts?


Reply #861 themegababe's post

I don't think that's it because I didn't change any of my settings and, while I was on page 55 the other day, I'm on page 44 right now.  I think it's a glitch in the system.  I even went over the old posts to see if some had been deleted...but they haven't, and I should know...I've been posting in this thread since the first day Gary created it.  Also, I have all of my settings set to default, which is 15 posts per page.  Someone's just trying to make us think we're losing our minds.

p.s. Thanks for sending in the troops Tina.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #862 waterlilybarb's post

man, and i thought i was brilliant!  oh well!

i am just now finding out about all of these fun threads!


Reply #863 themegababe's post

Glad you found us here, in the girl's giggle box.

Why don't you sit down and stay a while.  Muahahahaha!

Really, it only seems like a nightmare as they slowly drive me mad.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #864 waterlilybarb's post

[ Last edited by  gypsiegirl66 at 10-21-2007 03:50 ]


Reply #865 gypsiegirl66's post

haha that's cute gypsie.  so do you just find cute/coffee and tea related stuff, oh and cookies and puppies, and post it?  haha

But I am kinda blue, so that makes me smile!


Reply #865 gypsiegirl66's post

Sweets!  Wish I could steal the ice pack from that puppy's head.

Sorry to hear you're blue Meg.  We like to keep it fairly light in here, most of the time, so we post things that make us smile.  Glad Gypsie's pic could do that for you.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #866 themegababe's post

Feeling Blue??

Has it bee a..........


Try to remember,
Where there's a little rain............

A will follow!!

Phew, that took a lot of work, hope it makes you smile!!

[ Last edited by  gypsiegirl66 at 10-22-2007 12:53 ]


Ok since everyone is down. Lets go Shopping lol. I have added a spare room to our little corner Thought we could put a bed in there for you sickies to rest. Now lets decorate.


Reply #869 gabsimom's post

Sounds good.  How about something like this...
... or this...
They're both quite lovely and I'm sure I could rest well in either of them.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #870 waterlilybarb's post

Those looks beautiful!!
Lets make sure

We're all comfy!!

With our favorite mattress or featherbed!!


Reply #871 gypsiegirl66's post

Have you been spying on me?   How did you know I have a featherbed topper on my mattress?    I got one when I had my old bed, to make it last a little longer and now I'm addicted...I LOVE my featherbed!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #872 waterlilybarb's post

Well now my secret is out, to how I know and do so much...................

One day when you're looking up in the sky and you just can't figure out what you see......

It won't be a bird, it won't be a plane.......................

It will be me.........

Super Pea!!

And flying isn't my only power!


Reply #873 gypsiegirl66's post

You better watch out, some people might find that...


Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #874 waterlilybarb's post

Hahahahahahah, Good one!!!

Who me, creepy?

I'm just you're everyday Clara Kent.........

[ Last edited by  gypsiegirl66 at 10-23-2007 04:46 ]


Reply #875 gypsiegirl66's post

Should we be looking for signs like this...

or is this

what you REALLY look like?

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #876 waterlilybarb's post

With me you'll never know, I have my powers all the time.
I must say though,
I have become quite comfy

Here in a pod, with my friend!!


haha just two peas in a pod!


Reply #877 gypsiegirl66's post

It is rather cozy in here, isn't it?

Anyhoo, it's for this to try and get some .

Good-night all.

[ Last edited by  waterlilybarb at 10-23-2007 01:44 ]
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #879 waterlilybarb's post

G'night...However, *measure's gypsie and Barb's temperature to make sure the insanity level hasn't increased*

Edit: While some of you will go and have a good night sleep, I have to go and study for my physics assessment tomorrow *goes all grumpy* Well Bye bye...

[ Last edited by  Christy1994 at 10-23-2007 17:19 ]

