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The girly`s ......giggle box

Reply #800 gypsiegirl66's post

Thank you my dear.  A friend of mine just called and said someone else we know is feeling pretty much like I am.  I'm glad...not that their sick...but that I'm not the only one, since I get sick very easily.  Next time you're at the Walmart pick me up a working immune system, will ya'.

I'm actually off to crawl back in bed right now.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #801 waterlilybarb's post

If I could get a working immune system, don'tcha think I'd have picked me up a couple. One for now and one just in, I'll keep an eye peeled though, ya never know........maybe amazon!!


Reply #802 gypsiegirl66's post

I'm not having the best day myself, so I will be on and off just checking my boards & messages (as I have been).....
Hope you feel better soon, Sweat Pea!


Haha this thread is hilarious!


Reply #804 SirAlain's post

Glad you think so.  Most newcomers do...and they wonder what the heck we're doing.  I keep it going 'cause I'm a sentimental softie...and we have fun in here.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #805 waterlilybarb's post

Sniff, Sniff

and I thought you were here,
cause you liked me.....sniff, sniff, sniff


Reply #806 gypsiegirl66's post

Of course I am!  When new folks read the posts through from the beginning though they often wonder why we still have this thread.  I'm delighted it's here and going strong.  It provides a little respite from the chaos of the rest of the forum.  The bonus is, I get to see YOU!
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #807 waterlilybarb's post

Now, I'm one happy pea!!........


Reply #808 gypsiegirl66's post

You do find the cutest things, don't you?

I'm just getting ready to crash for the night hoping tomorrow will bring relief from the bug that's having a party in my body.  I'll tell you what, whatever it is, it's wearing me out.  I feel like I run a marathon if I walk from the bedroom to the kitchen.  I definitely do not recommend it.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #809 waterlilybarb's post

well then I'll put up my

and wrap you in

That way we'll all be protected!!!

Feel better Sweat Pea!!!

[ Last edited by  gypsiegirl66 at 10-16-2007 03:47 ]


Reply #810 gypsiegirl66's post

Thanks.   I hate to sound like such a whinger when others have much more serious health problems to deal with.  I'm used to my normal level of unwellness, it just bums me out when I catch anything (which is all too often) that makes everyday chores seem monumentally huge.  I'll just try not to think about it.  Or, I'll think about it tomorrow.

Just call me Scarlett.   

Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #811 waterlilybarb's post

Now that's adorable!!!


Reply #812 gypsiegirl66's post

Why, thank you!   I rather like it myself.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #813 waterlilybarb's post

Why aren't you in bed??

Get you little fanny in there, missy!!
I want you up & feeling better tomorrow!
Peas are supposed to be green, not yellow!

[ Last edited by  gypsiegirl66 at 10-16-2007 05:05 ]


Is it just me or are there posts missing from this thread?


Reply #815 gabsimom's post

Not any that I've noticed...why would you say that?


nutty ppl


Reply #815 gabsimom's post

Which ones do you mean Tina?  I've not noticed any missing, but I've not gone through the old posts either.

p.s. Welcome smiley101!  Yes, we are a bunch of nuts...but we enjoy our nuttiness.
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #814 gypsiegirl66's post

By the time you posted that...a sick little me ...I was in bed.  Unfortunately I feel just as rotten today.  My friend has gone out to pick me up a few supplies...chicken soup, crackers, juice and bread so I can make some dry toast.  I still can't stomach much of anything.  If I feel really ambitious, I might make some jello.  Exciting, eh?
Remember to KISS......Keep It Simple Stupid!


Reply #818 waterlilybarb's post

Well I thought a member said we were funny and Barb said something about being a softy after the alice in wonderland montauge

