I thought I'd start a separate thread for this episode discussion so we can chat without anyone having to worry about spoilers! So, if you haven't seen this episode yet, close up this thread!
My random thoughts on Episode 9:
Great things about this episode:
This is the first time we saw Ben lose! And I felt badly for him, up until the very moment he tricked Sayid into playing his war and walked away smiling. Darn, even I fell for that one, I really thought Ben was being sincere. Stupid on my part!
I loved that Sawyer is now a big-hearted mama bear looking after all his little cubbies!
I love that Ben, Hurley and Locke are going after Jacob together!
I love that Bernard knows morse code! Now, what the heck, the doctor's dead in this time and space but not on the boat's time and space?
The opening scene with Locke, Sawyer and Hurley with Aaron on his knee! Sawyer: "Don't worry Chicken Little, the sky's not falling just yet."
Annoying thing about this episode:
That Miles was in it. I just can not stand him. And I'm convinced that all this talk of "3.2 million dollars" is a code for something else.
Things this episode answered for us:
Ben controls the buzzing black thingee.
Why/how Ben got Sayid to work for him.
A small (very small!) glimpse into the Ben/Whidmore connection.
More questions this episode added to the lot:
What the heck is up with Jack looking like death's come for a long visit?
Is Rousseau really dead without us getting any history on her?
Ok, now your turn!...