oOOh being sexist now. Yes waterlilybarb you can babysit. They are called Tom, Parker and Seb, they are really intelligent babies. I mean dancing and playing football at the same time? Even i could not do that lol. So yes good luck! Oh and they don't eat spinach be warned! You don't want to see their reactions when they are angry.
Going back to YOU magicfool! Do you know that there is a free room in barbados so why don'y you go there? Waterlily .... and me will take very good care of your space won't we?
We will at the best only put your kitchen on fire, your bed on the roof and other sweet gestures
So yes don't get me angry or you will be hit by the thunderstorm muahahahah! (on my sig)
Oh and you can't kick me out i am sorry to inform you that my studies will oblige to stay at you house another millenium or two? Is that ok?
Btw i've been teaching my kids to aim the football ball on you so be ready to be kicked at!!!