well it was a given that alicia would get the job, and cary would be upset and end up working for the dark side - aka Childs. but i kinda wish they had been able to keep he at the firm. i liked that he was actually kinda learning from alicia and the way he would flirt with calinda.
now peter is out and hopefully we'll see him actually try to make right with his "good" wife cause so far it's been all about him - his getting out of jail, his getting out of house arrest, his getting back into politics, his finding religion - not much with making amends to his family especially his wife. I am so hoping alicia trys things with will but than her annoying children would get all *itchy at her. It's fine with them that their dad did it but hey if mom stays at work late she's a bad person, mother and wife.
PS i love eli's character and the peter's new lawyer makes me laugh!!
"Don't warn the tadpoles!"
"Don't warn the tadpoles?"
"I... I have frog fear." -- Willow